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The Amazing Middle Ages

Life in the Middle Ages in Europe was full of amazing customs and customs. For example, washing and washing the body was considered a great sin and very harmful for health, that the infection would penetrate the body through the clean pores of the body, and this could lead to death. The kings and queens washed themselves Two or three times in his life, at birth, a coronation or a wedding. Many rulers perished from such a way of life in the prime of life, from such diseases as scabies, lice, dysentery, purulent diseases. In France, to kill a violent stench emanating from Not washed for years t Ate, spirits with a persistent smell were invented. In the Middle Ages, in the cities, in general, everything was bad with cleanliness and hygiene. There were no even the palaces in the palaces, they were asked where necessary. Fecal matter and waste were thrown out of the windows directly to the street, which later turned into large stinking puddles, stench and bacteria from which Spread to the whole city. The average life expectancy of the townspeople was about 30 years. There, the dirt and epidemics that carry away thousands of lives - this is the true image of a medieval city.

Another surprising rule was in the Middle Ages - healthy, clean, white teeth - were considered a sign of low origin, teeth as bad, susceptible to caries, talked about high origin. The owners of healthy teeth tried to smile less in order not to give their origin.

The life of a woman in the Middle Ages, even if she was of high origin, can not be called easy. In the 14th century, France becomes a fashionress. In the heyday of the Baroque period, women wear dresses with a narrow waist, a wide skirt with a corset, a deep neckline. Dresses weighed up to 30 kilograms. The fashionable hairstyle of that time called "Fontage" was in vogue for about 30 years. It represented a high tower with a wire carcass. That the hair would not spoil, the ladies slept in a sitting position. In this regard, even There were special short beds. Another surprising attribute of the ladies' toilet was the "bloch" - a small piece of valuable fur, suspended on a gold chain. It served as a bait for fleas and lice.

Life in the castles, too, was not a "sugar." The large halls were poorly lit, they were always cold, because no one could fire them. The warmth spread from the fireplace only a few meters. The large beds were covered with canopies that kept the heat on the bed , And served at least some sort of protection against insects. Toilets were arranged in residential towers in the form of a separate annex built at the height behind the castle walls. The contents of the toilets were arbitrarily placed at the castle walls.

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