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The abyss is what? Examples of the most famous water abysses

In many works of art one can find such an expression as "abyss". This may sound strange, but only a few know the true meaning of the word. It is regrettable, because because of this misunderstanding, people can not fully realize what is said in the text. Therefore, let's dispel the veil of secrets and talk about what the abyss really is.

The abyss is ...

To begin with, this word has several interpretations. And although they are all connected with similar natural phenomena, there will always be an inseparable border between them. So, according to the first meaning, the abyss is a large whirlpool in a swamp or a lake. For example, this word can be used in the following sentence: "The leaf fallen to the surface of the swamp, quickly disappeared in a cloudy abyss."

The second interpretation is inseparably linked with great depth. I mean the abyss is a huge abyss in the sea or the ocean. In this case, the closest in meaning phrase will be the underwater abyss. For example, you can make such a proposal: "Through the sea abyss could not break through any ray of light."

The abyss in the swamps and lakes

As stated earlier, the abyss is a whirlpool, which draws in itself everything that approaches it. In most cases, it arises from the fact that water currents of different strength and temperature collide with each other. Accordingly, the deeper the reservoir, the more powerful and large-scale eddies can arise on it.

For example, the most dangerous lacustrine abyss is the Saltstraumen. According to the scientists, this Norwegian whirlpool has existed for the last 2-3 thousand years, and the speed of its rotation varies within 40 km / h. And if on the surface of the water the calm sometimes happens, then the underwater dance of the currents here never ceases.

The largest sea depths

A third of our planet is covered by oceans and seas. Thinking about this, you can understand how much water surrounds us. But the most frightening thing is that in the world there are truly bottomless water depths. And only recently people have found the right way with which you can measure these sea abysses. And therefore, let's talk about the biggest of them.

So, the most famous sea bottom is the Mariana Trench. It is in the west of the Pacific Ocean, and its dimensions are amazing. So, its deepest place is the depth of Challenger. According to the data for 2011, the maximum depth in this place is 11 thousand meters. However, despite the terrible pressure and pitch darkness, even in this sea abyss live organisms.

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