Food and drinkDessert

Tasty and healthy jelly from berries

For sure, many tried jelly from berries. This dessert is not only very beautiful and tasty, but also incredibly useful. First, jelly from berries contains a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants. In view of the fact that the main ingredient for this dessert is not subjected to heat treatment, it retains all its useful substances, flowing directly into the human body.

Secondly, this delicacy is ideal for those who have problems with the osteochondral system. After all, it is not a secret for anybody that jelly from berries with gelatin includes substances that positively influence the joints of young and elderly people.

It should also be noted that, unlike other desserts, the nutritional value of such a treat can be independently changed in one direction or another. To do this, you should only replace the berries you habitually have with others (you can be exotic). Thus, you will make a completely different dish that will have a different appearance and taste.

Jelly with berries with gelatin: recipe

There are many ways to make such an unusual and delicious dessert. By the way, you can cook it at your own discretion, using only your favorite products.

So how to make jelly from fresh berries? For this we need:

  • Strawberries are fresh - about 500 g;
  • Gelatin food - 25 g;
  • Sugar beet - about 100 g;
  • Water at room temperature - 3 cups.

Preparation of ingredients

Before you make jelly from berries, they should be properly processed.

Freshly picked strawberries are sorted, get rid of the pedicels. Further, they are laid out in a colander and alternately washed under running water. Put the product on a dense kitchen or paper towel, wait until all the excess water drains from it.

While berries are dried, they start preparing gelatin. It is poured into a bowl and poured with one glass of water at room temperature. In this form, gelatin is aged for 60-70 minutes. In this case, it should swell noticeably and absorb all the water.

To gelatin dissolved, forming a liquid mass, after the time it is put on a small fire and very slowly warmed.

Remove the product from the plate immediately after it has warmed up properly. At the same time, it is highly recommended not to boil gelatin.

Cooking process

Jelly from berries with gelatin is prepared quite simply. The processed and dried strawberries are spread into a bowl, and then the most beautiful, dense and whole fruits are selected. They will serve us for decoration. As for the remaining berries, they are rubbed through a sieve. In this case, the formed gruel is filtered using a dense gauze, but the mashed potatoes are not thrown away. He put it in a saucepan and add two glasses of water.

Putting the dishes on the stove, its contents slowly bring to a boil. Then sugar is added to it and cooked until it completely dissolves. Periodically, the strawberry mass is stirred.

After the described actions, the product, subjected to heat treatment, is removed from the fire and cooled. Then it is filtered again and mixed together with fresh berry juice.

In the resulting berry broth slowly introduce a warm solution of gelatin. In this case, the products are constantly interfered with a spoon or a mixer. As a result, such actions are the basis for jelly from berries.

How correctly to form and submit to the table?

Homemade jelly from berries can be formed in any bowl. However, we decided to use small molds or kremanki. They moisten with cold water, and then lay out fresh whole berries, which were previously selected for decoration. After that, they are filled with a strawberry gelling base.

Putting the dishes in the refrigerator, waiting for the complete solidification of the dessert. So that he does not absorb the smells of other products, the croissants are covered with food film.

Ready and frozen jelly from berries are served to the table directly in the molds. Although some culinary experts recommend doing this on beautiful saucers. For this, the dessert is taken out of the crescents by overturning them abruptly. If the jelly does not come out, then the bottom of the dishes can be lowered for several seconds into hot water. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the jelly will melt.

We prepare milk jelly-assorted berries

If you are a big fan of fresh berries and can not decide on their choice for making home-made jelly, then we offer to make a dessert-assortment. To do this, you need to use several types of this product. As it can be purchased and strawberries, and raspberries, and blackberries, and blueberries and stuff.

Also it should be noted that jelly from different berries turns out very tasty, if for its preparation use such a dairy product as yogurt. With the use of this drink you will get a very tasty and healthy dessert, which will certainly be appreciated by both adults and young children.

So how to make jelly from berries? For this you need to purchase:

  • Blueberries - about 50 g;
  • Strawberries - 50 g;
  • Black currant - 50 g;
  • Raspberries - 50 g;
  • Blackberry - 50 g;
  • Yogurt drinking is not very high fat content - about 1.5 glasses;
  • Gelatin food - 25 g;
  • Water at room temperature - 2/3 cup;
  • Sugar beet - about 3-4 large spoons (add at discretion).

Preparing products

To prepare a tasty and healthy home-made jelly, you should only buy fresh and sweet berries. They are sorted and individually washed in a colander. If berries have peduncles and other leaves, they are removed.

As for food gelatin, it is prepared separately. To do this, put the product in a small bowl and pour water at room temperature. In this form it is maintained for 30-50 minutes. After that, the swollen gelatin is put on the stove and heated quite slowly.

Do not boil the product. It is removed from the fire immediately after it is completely dissolved.

Cooking method

Having prepared all the ingredients for the jelly, you should proceed to its immediate preparation. To do this, fresh berries are covered with fine sugar and left in this form for several hours.

As soon as the sugar melts and, when mixed with the juice, forms a syrup, it is poured into a separate bowl, where milk yoghurt is added later. As for the remaining berries, they are distributed on kremankam. In this case, in every form spread and blueberries, and strawberries, and black currant, and raspberries, and blackberries. After this, they begin to prepare the base.

Milk yogurt with juice of berries is properly interfered with by a mixer, gradually pouring into them a warm gelatin solution. Having tried the mixture for taste, sugar is added to it (vanillin can also be added).

Form and serve to the table

Prepare a sweet yoghurt mixture with gelatin, proceed to the formation of jelly. Berries, laid out in kremanki, poured milk base. In this form they are immediately sent to the refrigerator.

To jelly grasp well, it is kept in the cold for at least 5-7 hours. Over time, an incredibly beautiful and delicious dessert is spread on a saucer or served to the table directly in the form. If desired, such a bright and unusual delicacy is decorated with a sprig of mint or fresh berries.

We make multilayer berry jelly

Jelly from frozen berries is prepared in exactly the same way as from a fresh product. If you want to get a more original dessert, which will please both adults and children, we recommend making it multilayered. How to implement this process? For this we need to prepare the following components:

  • Frozen strawberries - about 200 g;
  • Gelatin food - 35 g;
  • Cherry frozen - about 200 g;
  • Blueberry frozen - about 200 g;
  • Ice cream plombir - about 3 large spoons;
  • Sugar beet - about 100 g;
  • Water at room temperature - about 3 glasses (at your discretion).

Processing of products

Berries for multi-layer jellies are processed quite simply. They are taken out of the freezer, distributed on separate plates and completely defrosted. In the process, a fairly large amount of juice should form in the dishes. It is poured into different bowls, and then the berries are crushed by a crush. Obtained gruel alternately put in a dense gauze and squeeze well.

After the described actions you should receive 3 different concentrated juices.

Also, the frost is also defrosted separately. Then proceed to prepare gelatin. He is laid in a deep bowl and poured with drinking water.

After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, they are left to swell for 30-50 minutes. As soon as gelatin increases in volume, it is put on a plate and gradually heated. Having received a uniform liquid, it is removed from the fire and slightly cooled.

Step-by-step preparation of multilayer jelly

In the preparation of such a delicacy there is nothing difficult. However, it should be noted that it has been done for a long time. This is due to the fact that each berry layer must be cooled before it completely solidifies. But first things first.

So, after the strawberry, blueberry and cherry juice are ready, they add sugar to their taste, and also an equal amount of dissolved gelatin is poured. By the way, it is also added to the completely thawed ice cream. Do this one by one, so that the layers are not frozen in different inconsistencies.

To form berry jelly, we recommend using one deep bowl or a few small ones. They rinse with cold running water, and then pour in a filling mixture. After this form is sent to the refrigerator and held for at least 2-3 hours.

After a while, blueberry juice with gelatin is added to the dishes and all the same actions are carried out. At the very end, alternately use cherry filling and strawberry, respectively.

How to present to the festive feast?

After all the layers of berry jelly have solidified, it is taken out of the crockery, having previously dipped the bottom of the pan into hot water. Next, the dessert is decorated with fresh berries or whipped cream from the bottle. In this form, he is presented to a festive table with a small spoon and a cup of tea.

The easiest way to prepare a tasty and useful goodies

Jelly from red currant berries is very useful for the body, especially the elderly. Such a treat contains a huge amount of vitamin C, as well as the elements necessary for the restoration of articular and cartilaginous tissues.

So what kind of products will we need to make a very tasty and useful dessert? For this you need to purchase:

  • Berries of fresh red currant - about 300 g;
  • Gelatin food - 25 g;
  • Sugar beet - about 100 g;
  • Water at room temperature - about 2 glasses (at the discretion).

Method of step-by-step preparation

To prepare this dessert, you need only use fresh red currants. It is separated from the twigs and spread into a sieve. After thoroughly washing the berries, they are placed on a towel and dried. After that, the product is spread in a bowl and covered with sugar.

Gently stir the currant (not to damage the integrity of the fruit), it is left at room temperature for several hours. Meanwhile, they begin to prepare gelatin.

It is poured with ordinary water at room temperature and very slowly heated on low heat. When the gelling agent completely melts, it is removed from the fire and slightly cooled.

After the described actions the gelatin mixture is poured into berries and they are hindered properly. Then the resulting mass is distributed over the kremankas and sent to a cold store. After 5-7 hours, a tasty and healthy redcurrant jelly is considered fully usable. It is served to the table with a dessert spoon, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

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