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Syrup "Bioaron C": reviews (for children). A good antiviral for children

When a child is born, its immune system is in its infancy. In the process of growth and development of the baby, it is just beginning to form, so children are prone to various diseases more often. The human immune system is capable of maximum protection of the body only after it finally ripens, and this happens when the child turns 12 years old. At this age, children's immunity can already distinguish different bacteria and viruses and respond to them correctly.

Helping the immune system

It is better to prevent any disease beforehand than to treat it later. To reduce the risk of a baby's illness, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The nutrition of the child should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, iron, vitamins.
  2. It is necessary to walk more often in the fresh air.
  3. Observe the sleep and rest.
  4. Protect your baby from stress, etc.

How to make it so that children are less sick, than you can help their immune system? There is a wonderful antiviral drug for children up to the year - the drug "Bioaron C", which will help solve many problems of immunity in the child. It reliably protects against cold and flu, accelerates the healing process, reduces the risk of various complications.

The most common diseases in a child

Patients with various infections of the upper respiratory tract often turn to pediatricians. More than 60% of children under the age of 12 suffer from infectious diseases caused by various viruses. In some, these diseases become chronic and can worsen from 7 to 12 times a year, or even more.

Before going to a kindergarten, to a school or a circle, a child gets sick from time to time, but as soon as he begins to visit these places of a large crowd, these diseases become permanent. As a preventive agent, you can use the drug "Bioaron C". Reviews for children are especially important in this case, their analysis suggests that the incidence is decreasing at times. Accordingly, we can conclude that this drug has a beneficial effect on the immunity of the child, in every way strengthening it.

When are children most vulnerable to various viruses leading to an upper respiratory infection?

When a child has just been ill, and he needs to return to the familiar environment where his peers surround him, he may be exposed to another infection, because not all children from his environment are healthy. Since the child's body is not yet strong after the disease, he is more susceptible to infection and viruses. Analyzing numerous opinions, it can be concluded that most choose syrups "Bioaron C". Reviews (for children attending schools and kindergartens, it is very important) confirm the information that this medical product increases the resistance of the body to various infections and greatly reduces the risk of recurrence. It is important to understand that retsedivy can subsequently develop into chronic or infectious complications.

Application of the syrup "Bioaron C"

This drug is a kind of shield, protecting the immune system of the child from infectious diseases. In addition, the positive about the drug "Bioaron C" reviews, for children this medicine - just a godsend. In what cases is this tool used?

  1. The drug is part of the comprehensive treatment of acute respiratory diseases.
  2. For the prevention of repeated relapse in children who suffer from viral and bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. In the period of recovery of the human body after the disease and treatment with antibiotics.
  4. To increase the body's resistance to various viruses and harmful bacteria.
  5. When there is no appetite.

Composition of the drug "Bioaron C"

The antiviral and immunostimulating drug is based on natural components of plant origin. This aronia, or chokeberry, and the juice of the leaves are scarlet tree, in addition, ascorbic acid also enters the composition. There is a preparation "Bioaron C" for children (instructions for use are necessarily attached to the medicine) and adults. This drug is a syrup Red-brown color. It has a pleasant sweet-sour taste and a herbal smell. In pharmacies, it is presented in bottles of dark glass, the kit includes a very convenient measuring spoon. The drug "Bioaron C" for children, the price of which is quite low, is affordable for everyone, even for people with low earnings.

The effect of the drug on the human body

The active substances, which are contained in the aloe vera extract and are included in the drug "Bioaron C" (syrup), influence the positive side of the level of resistance of the child's organism to various infectious influences. The drug affects the response of cells, causes an increase in the number of antibodies and lymphocytes B and T, which circulate in the blood, ultimately restoring the correct immune response. Since the resistance of the body increases, respectively, and to resist various viruses and infections it will be easier.

In addition to the above, the juice of the black chokeberry, which is part of the preparation "Bioaron C", is the source of most minerals and vitamins. They also have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Numerous clinical studies have shown that the use of the drug "Bioaron C" for children (the instruction must be present in each medicine package) leads to an increase in muscle mass and weight.

Dosing and Administration

When there are no special instructions from the attending physician, you can use the Bioaron syrup yourself. Instructions for use should be studied in advance.

  1. For children from 3-6 years - twice a day for 5 ml of syrup for 2 weeks. Syrup should be diluted in warm boiled water (20 ml).
  2. For children from 6 years - three times a day for 5 ml before meals for 2 weeks.
  3. In the absence of appetite, the medication is taken 1 time in 15 minutes. Before meals. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.

Special problems in the dosage of the medicine will not arise, as in its kit includes a measuring spoon.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any medical product, this tool acts differently for each person. After taking the medicine, there may be side effects, which can be and the drug "Bioaron C". Reviews for children can be very useful. Analyzing the impressions of drugs, you can draw conclusions about the pros and cons of drugs even before it is used.

When the individual intolerance of the components of the drug on the face, allergic reactions may occur in the form of urticaria and rash. In addition, in rare cases, there are heartburn, diarrhea, vomiting. It is obligatory at such symptoms it is necessary to address to the attending physician for appointment of other medicinal preparation.

Also, contraindications to the use of this drug include the inflammatory processes of the digestive tract in children under 3 years old. When the medication "Bioaron" is additionally used with the means containing sugar (the instruction for use says this in great detail), there may be side effects in patients with diabetes mellitus. Also, the use of the drug is not recommended for those who have poor absorption of glucose and galactose, and also have fructose intolerance and other diseases.

Based on many opinions and feedback on the Bioaron C preparation, it can be confidently said that your child may not stop getting sick at all by taking this medicine, but infectious diseases will appear much less often, and they will be easier to bear.

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