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Symptoms and signs of uterine fibroids: how to recognize the disease

The physiological feature of the female body causes high susceptibility to various gynecological pathologies. According to medical information, the first position is occupied by the uterine myoma.

According to WHO, more than 25% of girls of reproductive age in this country are diagnosed with this tumor. And every year the figure is steadily increasing. Disease is observed in young individuals and patients in the climacteric period. Even a doctor on gynecological examination can not always differentiate the signs of uterine fibroids. How to recognize education at an early stage and avoid surgery? Answers to all questions of interest you will find in the material presented.

What kind of a disease is this?

This benign neoplasm of different sizes. Myomatous nodes are located in myometrium - the muscle layer. The tumor is a round-shaped smooth muscle, densely wound with blood vessels. Its weight, diameter and volume can be gigantic. A knot weighing 63 kg was fixed in medical practice. But more common is the small size of the uterine myoma. Signs and symptoms directly depend on the course, stage, anatomical location, growth rate, number of nodes and the patient's age. This hormone-dependent disease, so its development is characterized by a high content of estrogen (female sex hormones).

Types of localization formations

In clinical medicine, multiple and single myomal formations are isolated depending on their location:

  • The submucous, or intracavitary, form develops within the endometrium, it can fall into the vagina and cervix.
  • Suberosaic, or subperitoneal, occurs under the outer layer of the organ.
  • Interstitial (intermuscular) is the most common nodal uterine myoma. Symptoms and symptoms are characterized by painful menstrual bleeding. The nodes are centered in the thickness of the layer, in the region of the body or bottom.
  • Neck.
  • The inter-connective is localized in the subperitoneal space and often does not designate itself.

Some types of formations can grow up to 2-3 kg. Only with regular (every six months) clinical examination it is possible to correctly diagnose and undergo medical therapy.

Who is at risk?

The appearance of this illness during the period of sexual formation is not ruled out. But such cases are extremely rare. In general, the pathology appears after 30 years. The first signs of uterine fibroids are invisible, that is, the patient lives a normal life without feeling uncomfortable and pain.

The main provoking factor, according to experts, is hormonal imbalance (excess of estrogen level and progesterone deficiency, dysfunction of appendages). Usually, in such disorders, the girl comes late at month, and sometimes completely absent.

An important role in the emergence of myomatous nodes is played by irregular sexual life (rare sexual acts, dissatisfaction). In such a situation, blood flow is disturbed and stagnant phenomena are observed. It is scientifically grounded that the disease has a genetic character. To her are exposed those at whom in a sort on a female line met a myoma.

Provoking factors are also inflammatory processes (adnexitis, endometritis, endometriosis), late delivery, endocrine pathology, numerous abortions, trauma and gynecological operations. All this leads to hormonal fluctuations.

The main signs of uterine fibroids: how to recognize a tumor?

So, let's talk about the symptoms. At the initial stage of the disease, there are rarely signs of uterine myoma. How to recognize the ailment? Only with the help of a number of diagnostic techniques. As the tumor grows, the patient begins to worry about uncomfortable sensations that signal a malfunction in the body. These include:

  • Prolonged and profuse menstrual bleeding. Subsequently, it can lead to anemia (dizziness, pallor of the covers, migraines, weakness). Such a phenomenon should be highly alarmed. Sometimes urgent hospitalization is required.
  • Painful sensations indicate that the tumor is progressing and growing. Symptoms of uterine fibroids of small size, as a rule, are barely noticeable, sometimes accompanied by pain syndrome in the lower abdomen and lower back.
  • Failure in the work of nearby organs - the bladder and rectum. There is compression, severity, dysuria and constipation. You should visit a urologist, gynecologist and gastroenterologist.
  • An increase in the tumor is characterized by pain in the heart. There is also an increase in pressure, dyspnea, allergic rashes and metabolic disorders.

Young women sharply reduced reproductive function (obstruction of the fallopian tubes). Very often this causes infertility. To prevent pathology, timely follow-up and conservative therapy should be conducted. There is evidence that education can self-resorb or decrease in size with the arrival of menopause. But do not rely on it, it is better to eliminate the knot before it increases and causes irreparable harm to health.

Clinical manifestations by type of tumor

Different forms are characteristic for each form. The first signs of small uterine fibroids in submucous nodes are due to menstrual irregularities. Cramping pain is noted only if the tumor descends into the cavity of the organ.

Subtseroznoe anatomical location is asymptomatic. With the proliferation of knots, patients complain of persistent pain in the abdomen. Manifestations are often confused with the clinic of an acute abdomen and place the patient in the surgical department.

Mixed myomatous formations at an early stage do not betray themselves. Discomfort, compression of adjacent organs and violations of defecation are noted with significant tumor size.

Pregnancy and myoma

If the nodes are located far from the placenta, do not affect it, then the period of bearing often passes without pathologies. Difficulties arise when the myomatous formations are localized near the embryonic organ. The fact is that the tumor produces substances that cause uterine contractions. The risk of premature birth or miscarriage increases. To pregnancy passed calmly, doctors try to stop the growth of nodes. Indeed, as they increase in the fetus, various deformations of the cranium, hypoxia and other pathologies can develop. Generic activities are often very weak and protracted, so doctors perform cesarean section.

Methods of diagnosis

On the basis of one anamnesis and gynecological examination, the uterine myoma can not be detected . Ultrasound (the signs in which a test is prescribed - bleeding, pain, infertility) will help to identify the deformation of the uterine cavity. A unique informative method determines all pathological changes: magnitude, localization, structure.

With a large tumor size, an MRI is assigned. It clearly reveals the number of nodules, determines their shape and location. Echographic features of uterine myoma in the subperitoneal formation are characterized by increased sound absorption. To accurately diagnose the disease should go through several studies: computed tomography, laparoscopy, hysterosalpingography.


Relatively recently, the only way to exterminate the disease was surgery. Today, doctors have managed to achieve tremendous results in treatment. Slowly growing small nodules located in the thickness of the endometrium do not cause inconvenience, but to prevent development, prescribe conservative therapy. The doctor prescribes hormonal medications: produced androgens, gestagens, combined contraceptives and analogues of aHNRH.

Modern types of surgical treatment

Conservative therapy does not always happen, it is effective and effective, especially with large formations. If the nodes are not removed in a timely manner, then signs of growth of uterine fibroids may adversely affect a woman's health. Abundant blood loss can lead to death or permanently deprive the happiness of motherhood.

There are several options for surgical intervention (individually selected one or another method of removal, while necessarily taking into account the patient's age, tumor growth rate, flow, localization, magnitude and other factors):

  • Laparoscopic myomectomy - using a special device, a laparoscope, a small incision is made and a cavity with nodes is formed.
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy with removal of internal tumor.
  • FUS-ablation - is carried out with the help of ultrasonic waves, is assigned only with single formations.
  • Embolization of the arteries - prevents the supply of nutrients to the nodes.
  • Hysterectomy - an extreme method, is carried out in cases where tumors reach a huge size. Amputation of the uterus is performed.

What is impossible with myoma?

There are certain restrictions that must be observed for women with a similar diagnosis, so as not to aggravate the situation. Contraindicated any physical stress on the peritoneum and pelvis. Protect yourself from riding on horses and biking. You can do yoga, walk on a treadmill and be sure to take daily walks - this will improve blood flow. Doctors do not recommend vibromassage baths and mud cure. It is necessary to pay attention to your diet: exclude hard and fatty foods that promote tumor growth.

A food rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids is useful. Increase the consumption of fish, vegetable dishes, nuts and wheat sprouts. Do not forget to take vitamin therapy 3-4 times a year. Combine traditional treatment with folk remedies. Monitor your health and be examined yearly, even when there are no signs of uterine fibroids. How to recognize the disease and prevent its development, the gynecologist will tell in detail.

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