HealthDiseases and Conditions

Stool stones. In our body, there is no place for them!

Not everyone knows that the length of his intestines is more than ten times his height. On its entire length it forms folds and that is why it fits so easily in our stomach. Experts argue that even a completely healthy person with a daily chair, can not boast that in his body there are no toxins and wastes. Over the years, given the fact that our way of life and nutrition is not always ideal, "garbage" accumulates more and more. He wanders, rotts, thickens and forms stool stones.

Their symptoms are manifested in various disorders of the functioning of the stomach and intestines, disturbances in the work of the endocrine system and metabolism. Toxins are absorbed into the blood and spread throughout the body, contributing to the development of various diseases. If on the face there are fine wrinkles, pigmented spots, pimples, the skin becomes rough and its color becomes unhealthy, it means that in the intestine formed stool stones. Symptoms are expressed in irritability, constipation, weight gain, bad breath, swelling and aching pain in the abdomen. Women after thirty years this threatens with violations of the cycle of menstruation.

The most common stool stones are formed in elderly people. Their body contains little moisture, and sometimes they just forget to monitor the regular emptying of the intestine. This is highly unacceptable, since it is at this age that the stool stones are the most dangerous. They throw into the body more than twenty kinds of toxins and contribute to the development of senile dementia, atherosclerosis, various heart diseases and hypertension.

Doctors do not recommend patients with this problem to take any laxative or put enemas. If the stool stones are fully formed, their density is high, and the laxative can only aggravate the situation. With an enema, there is a danger of injury to the intestinal walls, since the patient, in most cases, with her help, tries to break the stone by herself. If large enough fecal stones are formed, treatment should begin with a visit to the proctologist. The doctor, wearing a glove and lubricating his fingers with a special ointment, will proceed to a precise crushing of the stone. The patient at this time should lie on his side, bending his knees and lifting them to his chest. The procedure itself is almost painless. But it takes a long time and brings a lot of discomfort to the patient and not only physical but also moral inconveniences.

Therefore, if fecal stones were formed, it would be more expedient to start treatment with the use of folk remedies. Take the leaves of the linden, motherwort, birdwort, chamomile, table vinegar and beet juice. All components are one spoonful. Pour the resulting mixture with two liters of boiling water and hold in the smallest fire for another fifteen to twenty minutes. Cool to a pleasant body temperature and make an enema. Independently it can be made as follows. Take an ordinary hot water bottle and fill it with this decoction. To the hole, attach a long thin tube so that there is no leakage. Attach the heating pad with a hole down at a height of one and a half meters above the floor. The second tip of the tube is inserted into the anus and relaxes the abdominal muscles. The liquid will flow very smoothly into the intestines, while you will experience a minimum of discomfort. Thanks to this enema, stool stones are well softened and already after the first procedure they are easily removed from the intestine.

Known to many castor oil (castor oil) very quickly helps to solve the problem. There will not need any enemas. Just take a castor oil in the amount of one tablespoon right before going to bed. In six to seven hours you will feel the effect. Remember that the regularity of the chair completely depends on the state of your body. Carefully follow this process, and if there are failures, begin immediate prevention.

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