Travels, Hotels
"Start" (hotel, Sochi): description and reviews
Sochi in recent years has become a national holidaymakers increasingly popular resort. гостиницы не менее удобны. Infrastructure in this city is not worse developed than in the same India or Vietnam, and the hotels are no less convenient. неплохим отелем , по мнению многих туристов, является «Старт». For example, a very good hotel , according to many tourists, is the "Start". — во обще город относительно недорогой) эта предлагает туристам комфортные комнаты по не слишком высокой стоимости. Hotel (Sochi - in the city is relatively inexpensive), this offers tourists comfortable rooms at a not too high cost.
Location Features
There is a two-star hotel "Start" in the Central District of Sochi. The hotel is located, unfortunately, not on the first coastline. However, getting to the sea from him is not too far. 8 00 метров, и займет это не более 10-15 минут. On foot it is necessary to pass only about 8 00 meters, and it will take no more than 10-15 minutes.
Very good reviews about the location of the hotel was received due to the fact that it is next to the famous Sochi Dendrarium. The most beautiful exotic park in Russia is located just a couple of minutes walk from it.
Центральный (Sochi Central). Just a well-developed infrastructure is what Sochi Central is so different from . таким образом, расположенная в районе с огромным количеством действующих кафе, ресторанов, ТЦ и т. д. Безусловно, это очень удобно. "Start" is a hotel, thus located in an area with a huge number of operating cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, etc. Of course, this is very convenient. рым минусом туристы считают лишь то, что находится эта гостиница на очень высокой горе. Some tourists consider the minus only that this hotel is located on a very high mountain. не слишком сложно . Going down from its territory to the beach is not too difficult . на самом деле достаточно тяжело. But it's really hard to climb up . Young people daily walk up the mountain, maybe, and it will seem complete nonsense. But elderly guests, of course, will experience discomfort at the same time.
6 км. The distance from the railway station to the hotel is about 6 km. 3 км. To the Adler airport from the hotel - 2 3 km. To get to the hotel "Start" arriving in Sochi by train or by plane, tourists can easily either by minibus or by taxi. Some vacationers book a transfer at the hotel. From the airport to the hotel you need to go by shuttle bus number 105 to the stop "Fabricius". From the railway station to the hotel there is a bus number 125. You can also go by minibus № 41, 3, 83 or 95. You should leave at the stop "Start".
What is a hotel
гостиница «Старт» (Сочи) ничем особенным не отличается. Purely externally, the hotel "Start" (Sochi) is nothing special. It represents a standard, but rather neat and attractive five-story modern building. шенно несложно. Find it if necessary will be quite easy. On its facade is attached a huge advertisement with the name. This hotel is quite old. For a long time it stood abandoned and was a haven of homeless people. However, in 2015 there was a large-scale reconstruction.
The territory of this hotel has its own, closed. The courtyard of the hotel is covered with beautiful neat tiles and well landscaped. In addition to fir and palm trees, many other spectacular exotic ornamental crops are growing on the site.
Number of rooms
In total, the hotel "Start" offers its guests 103 rooms for 296 seats. If you wish, you can book one of the following:
- Five single rooms;
- 34 double rooms;
- 33 triple rooms;
- 31 four-bed rooms.
Equipped rooms in the hotel "Start" for a two-star hotel is very good. In addition to beds and bedside tables, the rooms are equipped with:
- cabinets;
- tables and chairs;
- TV.
очень неплохая «Старт» гостиница . According to many tourists, in terms of accommodation is a very good "Start" hotel . конечно, не Турция и не Египет. Sochi, of course, not Turkey and not Egypt. But in local hotels you can relax quite tolerably. , особой роскоши в сдаваемых в отеле « Старт» комнатах нет. Of course , there is no special luxury in the rooms rented in the hotel . However, the rooms here are quite cozy and, most importantly, clean. Maid in the apartment maids regularly.
Each room has an individual bathroom, which for a two-star hotel, of course, not bad. Also in all rooms there are balconies. Here, among other things, you can dry up beach accessories or laundered things. Television in the hotel is cable. There are no air-conditioners in the rooms of the "Start" hotel, unfortunately.
On the territory of the hotel "Start" tourists can use:
- Luggage storage;
- An ATM;
- Services of the hairdresser;
- Free parking;
- Laundry.
Of course, there is a "Start" hotel and a payment terminal. If desired, tourists can visit the sauna complex or massage room. Also in the hotel there is a beauty salon. Railroad and air ticket offices operate on the territory of the "Yug-Sport" complex.
Free services
«Старт» (гостиница 2*, Сочи) входят питание и пользование спортплощадками. The cost of a trip to Sochi with accommodation at the hotel "Start" (hotel 2 *, Sochi) includes meals and use of sports grounds. Also guests can freely visit the gym. Of course, the hotel guests are provided with free emergency medical assistance if necessary.
Additional paid services
«Старт» (гостиница). The walks on the yacht offered to the guests are also something for which the "Start" (hotel) deserved good reviews . находится в зоне субтропиков, и морские прогулки здесь — не только приятное времяпрепровождение, но и возможность подышать целебным, насыщенным йодом воздухом и подправить здоровье. Sochi is in the subtropical zone, and sea walks here are not only a pleasant pastime, but also an opportunity to breathe the healing, iodine-rich air and improve health. придется заплатить отдельно. Of course, the yacht will have to pay separately. и медико-восстановительного центров. There is also an additional service in the hotel, such as a visit to the spa and medical and rehabilitation centers.
The opinion of tourists about the infrastructure
The rooms in this hotel on the web are mostly reserved reviews. Infrastructure, its many tourists consider developed very well. In the hotel "Start" the guests have the opportunity not only to enjoy a large number of amenities, but also to have a good time. Animation events are held periodically at the hotel.
On the territory of the hotel "Start", among other things, you can use free Wi-Fi. This, of course, also makes it attractive in the eyes of tourists.
Hotel "Start" (Sochi): food reviews
The cost of accommodation in this hotel includes including three meals a day. You can also save and order half board or just breakfast. Feedback on food in the hotel "Start" on the web is only good. Cook cooks the local dining room is not bad. Some censures on the Internet are available only with respect to the monotony of the menu. Served breakfast in the hotel on a "buffet".
Hotel beach
«Старт» (гостиница). Quite a significant distance from the sea - this is something for which I received not too good reviews "Start" (hotel). , однако, город, лучше всего подходящий именно для пляжного отдыха. Sochi , however, is the city best suited for beach holidays. Therefore, the hotel guests, of course, go to the sea daily. Go to the beach you need in the park area of a nearby hotel. On the part of the coastline belonging to the hotel, tourists can use sunbeds and umbrellas for free. They are issued on the guest card.
Accommodation and accommodation conditions
гостиница «Старт». Thus, a huge number of various amenities - this is what the hotel "Start" offers to tourists in Sochi . этого отеля, представленные в статье, комфортность его номеров, коридоров и холла демонстрируют наглядно. Photos of this hotel, presented in the article, the comfort of its rooms, corridors and halls demonstrate clearly. в этой гостинице комнаты , туристы должны предъявить на регистрации паспорт, полис ОМС, ваучер и санаторно-курортную карту. In order to be accommodated in the rooms booked in this hotel , tourists must present on the passport a passport, a MHI policy, a voucher and a sanatorium card.
A lot of vacationers come to the hotel "Start" families. Children under 5 years without extra bed can stay in this hotel for free. They must be presented with a birth certificate (or passport), a compulsory medical insurance policy, certificates of epidemics and vaccinations, and a sanatorium card.
The estimated time of arrival and departure in this hotel is 12 hours. Smoking in the hotel rooms is prohibited. Here you can not live here with pets.
Attractions available
нравится туристам «Старт», гостиница 2* (Сочи, Центральный район). Having your own tour desk is also something for which, among other things, "Start", hotel 2 * (Sochi, Central District) is popular with tourists . In addition to the standard set of services, this hotel offers its guests also assistance in organizing leisure activities. Worthy visits to places in Sochi and its environs, of course, a lot. Of course, hotel guests should go to the park "Arboretum". Also, many residents of the hotel purchase excursions to such interesting places as
- Sochi Oceanarium;
- Matsesta;
- Mount Akhun, etc.
океанариум — это двухэтажное здание, в котором за небольшую плату можно посмотреть как на морских, так и на речных водных обитателей. Sochi Oceanarium is a two-story building, in which, for a small fee, you can see both marine and river water inhabitants. Also, many people attend diving lessons here.
Matsesta is a real pearl of Sochi. It is located in the valley of the river of the same name in the Khosta district. Come here vacationers mainly to take therapeutic sulphide baths.
Mount Ahun lies between Mazsta and Sochi. в енном транспорте доехать до нее не удастся. On public transport, you will not be able to reach it. Buses do not go here. To visit Akhun is possible only with excursion or by taxi. по приказу Сталина когда-то была выстроена смотровая башня. At the very top of this mountain, on Stalin's orders, an observation tower was once built. Also on Mount Akhun, you can walk through the shopping malls working here and buy souvenirs in memory of Sochi.
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