Spiritual developmentMystic

Spinel, stone: properties, sign of the zodiac, meaning. Stone for Pisces

It is difficult in nature to find a more beautiful crystal of red color than spinel. This bright mineral with overflow of light gives charm and warmth. His master spinel (stone, properties, the sign of the zodiac which we will consider in this article) will certainly bring a happy life and love. But you need to know that this mineral has a changeable character, and to yourself requires careful attitude and care.


Spinel is a stone (properties, the sign of the zodiac to which it fits, we will consider in this article) a precious jeweler. It is classified as a rare and unusual crystal due to its rich color, physical properties and luster. Minerals in size are generally small. But sometimes specimens longer than a foot and weighing about a pood can come across.

Depending on the terrain, color and transparency, the stones bear excellent names: lal, spinel noble, kisses, rubicel, picotite. The crystals have a bright glassy luster. Clear stones are colorless and transparent, but they are very rare in nature. The red color of the stones determines the presence of chromium ions. With the presence of manganese, a lilac-red hue is associated, and with an admixture of iron - yellowish. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of the spinel is 8. This is 2 units smaller than that of a diamond.


As a valuable jeweler's stone about this mineral, the first mention was in the XIII century. In the Kukhilale deposit, at that time, these crystals were extracted.

Only in the XIX century, due to the development of science, it turned out that the spinel (stone, properties, zodiac sign which had been interesting to people for a long time) has only its inherent physical properties, and also belongs to a separate group of minerals. Many of the jewelry was then examined, and it turned out that the stones that were taken for rubies were in fact spinels. The Ruby of the Black Prince is one of the most famous in the history of such stones. He was donated to the Prince of Wales and Aquitaine for military valor in 1376 by the king of Castile.

Heinrich V, who always carried it with him, became a well-known mineral from 1415 onwards. During the Hundred Years' War, the sword of the monarch was split in one battle, with the king himself alive. Therefore, there is an opinion that the stone saved his life.

The Ruby of the Black Prince disappeared under the bourgeois revolution and returned to the royal family in 1660 during the restoration of the monarchy. From this moment he decorates the crowns of the monarchs of Great Britain.

Crystal "Ruby Timur", once belonged to the conqueror Tamerlane, weighs 361 carats. In the Louvre lies spinel, adorned with the crown of the monarchs of France. The weight of this stone is 105 carats.

In the Diamond Fund of our capital and today is stored a crystal of dark red color, the former crown jewel of Catherine the Great. All these gems were until recently considered natural rubies, and only with the help of progressive methods of diagnosis did scientists get to establish their true origin.

Spinel deposits

In the Pamir, in the mines of Badakhshan, we extract the spinel (stone, properties, the sign of the zodiac and other details concerning it, we consider in this article). This system of mountains passes through the territories of Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Double ruby is also actively mined in Thailand. In the Chantabu area there are deposits. There, the mineral is found together with garnets and sapphires. The place was mentioned by Marco Polo under the name "Pomegranate". Burma and Ceylon are also famous for mineral deposits. Russia is not rich in spinel. Jewelry samples are found only near the riverbed. Slyudyanka.

Near Lake Baikal is also the Malobystrinsky deposit. But here the spinel is colorless - the rarest kind of mineral. Valued much less red, and for geologists is of great interest. Samovtsvetami also famous for the Urals. Although here only one color is found - spinel - a green stone. The mineral is found in the Kochkarsky district in the south of the ridge. Due to the color, it is often mistaken for an emerald.

There are also stones of a purple hue. They are also mined in the Kochkarsky District (Kamenka River). The largest crystals of spinel found in Yakutia in Russia. In this place, at the Emeljak field in the Republic of Sakha, there are samples of black color. The Emeljak spinel (stone) reaches a size of 8-12 cm. Its properties are similar to other types of mineral, with a special name - hercinite.


The stone has a large number of varieties, which differ in color and transparency.

Noble spinel is a transparent crystal of different beautiful shades. The main deposits of these stones are Ceylon, Borneo and India:

  • Violet - eastern amethyst;
  • Ruby stone - rich red spinel;
  • Orange-red - rubicellum;
  • Pink - ruby-ball;
  • Gently blue or blue hue - sapphire spinel.

Spinel ordinary, pleonast or ceylonite differs in iron content. Has a dark brown or dark green color. In our country, many deposits of pleonast are located in the Shishim and Naziam mountains, in the Urals.

Pikotite or chrome spinel is black. In this stone, a part of aluminum is replaced by chromium.

Zinc spinel or ganit has a blue hue, periodically with a purple tint. Here, magnesium is replaced by zinc and iron.

Healing properties

Red mineral can support the human body in various viral diseases, stimulate the immune system and improve blood circulation. Powder of a mineral in ancient times was used to improve the complexion and treatment of the stomach. There is an opinion that he can get rid of terrible dreams and cure lumbar pain.

Green mineral stabilizes metabolism and arterial pressure, it helps with pains in the joints and eye diseases. Pink crystal is used for skin diseases. He heals nerves and normalizes sleep. Lithotherapists recommend wearing black gemstones to hypotonic patients. In addition, it can relieve pain and reduce bleeding. In diseases of the kidneys, lungs and liver, violations of the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system will help blue spinel - a stone, the properties of which we consider in detail in this article.

Use in antiquity for treatment

The stone is very fragile, therefore, it can easily be pulverized. The healers in ancient times used this property of the gem, and the received powder was treated with wounds and burns.

Magical properties

Another side of the stone is spinel. Its magical properties can radically change the human destiny for the better. But gemstone helps only good, sincere people who have good intentions. The crystal of its owner will rejuvenate spiritually and physically, energize, bring happiness and help find friends. In the East gems of red color are considered to be excellent sexual stimulants. Therefore, they are recommended to young people to attract women's attention and increase sexual activity.

Rings or earrings with a mineral can attract love and family happiness. The amulet with crystal in Europe was worn for quick rejuvenation. There was an opinion that he was able to extend the years. Overcoat is considered a talisman for people whose work requires quick decisions, as well as for travelers. You can not wear a talisman constantly. The stone can deflate energy, but it can also deprive the forces of its master.

A Little Astrology

It is recommended to wear various ornaments with a mineral as an amulet to Libra, Pisces and Taurus. In their lives it will attract the favor of the opposite sex and good luck. A special support will be a stone for Pisces women. The crystal is most suitable for people born under the sign of Leo. Thanks to him, they will be able to improve volitional as well as intellectual abilities, gain additional energy and strength. Cancers are best not to wear jewelry from these gems. People who were born under this sign of the zodiac, the gem can make it too lazy.

Amulets and Talismans

As mentioned above, the stone for Pisces, Lions, Taurus and Libra is perfectly suited as a talisman. Gemstone does not fit Cancers and Scorpions at all. His spinel can make lazy and "blind in life." It is interesting that representatives of these signs cease to notice flattery, lies, dangers. For all other people, information space channels can be opened if they carry a spinel stone with them.

Who is the mineral in terms of professional activity? It is ideal for people who need to quickly make different decisions, often on business trips. These people choose spinel with their charm. This mineral especially protects and becomes an excellent assistant to drivers, air traffic controllers, doctors, journalists. Apparently, the stone helped Paracelsus in the treatment of people, as well as learn new things, make the right decisions.

Another application

Gemstone spinel - jewelry. What of it do? Red spinel mostly goes for necklaces and rings. The main number of large known rubies in crowns, royal dresses, treasuries were not without reason unreal. Large grenades are practically not found. Much more often find impressive spinel stones. High-ranking people wanted to take over large crystals that would emphasize their status and wealth. As a result, the seekers turned out to be the owners of the stone spinel. At the same time, the price paid like a grenade.

A mineral-double in ornaments replaces not only rubies. Spinel of blue color goes for sapphires, for emeralds - green. Black samples sometimes give out for diamonds. Therefore, when buying earrings or a brooch, you should check the quality certificate that is attached to the stone. Jewelers are transparent samples of bright tone called noble spinel. In this case, the term "ordinary spinel" is indicated - it is a slightly cloudy brown, black or green spinel (stone whose properties are given in the article above).

Masters of jewelry business use natural synthetic stone more often. Differences from the present mineral are practically not visible live. Such crystals have the 2nd refraction of light. Therefore, it is practically impossible to visually distinguish artificial inserts from sapphire, garnet, topaz. These manufacturers and use. If the natural mineral connoisseurs can reveal, then the common man can only carry a stone for examination.


When buying such ornaments, it is necessary to understand that the gem is very fragile and can eventually erase on the faces. Because of this, it should be treated with care. Jewelry with a mineral is best stored in a special box with an inner soft coating. Be sure to remove before performing any physical work. Wearing jewelry with such a crystal is not recommended daily.

Stone should be protected from shocks, falls, contacts with the chemical environment. Gem should be cleaned once in 3-5 months with soapy water with a soft toothbrush.

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