
Solving the problem - how to raise the immunity

The human immune system is a complex set of organs and cells that provide a barrier against the effects of external damaging factors - bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins and allergens; As well as from internal, formed in the process of human life. So, for example, atypical cells are destroyed by special cells responsible for antitumor immunity. Until these processes are in balance, the disease is kept "under control." As soon as there is a deficit of this or that immunity factor, diseases develop. From trivial cold to tumors or autoimmune systemic lesions. Therefore, every person, especially one who often has a cold or suffers from allergic diseases, should think about how to raise immunity.

How to determine the state of immunity

The indicator of decreased immune activity is a number of factors, which should be noted. If you notice that you quickly get tired during normal activities, feel constantly tired and sleepy even after a long rest, feel insomnia, aching muscles and joints, and you have been "pursued" by colds, including frequent herpes on the lips , Then it's time to decide how to raise immunity. It is possible to determine the state of the immune system reliably by passing the immunogram and consulting the immunologist. However, before spending money on visiting a medical clinic, you can try to raise immunity on your own.

Methods of strengthening immunity

As it is banal, the main principle of solving the problem, how to raise the immunity, is quite simple. It is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle in all its aspects. It is enough to imagine how people lived 50 years ago. It is clear that we are not able to change the polluted air of a metropolis to clean - if only to move to a distant village. But we are able to make our daily routine and diet so that we feel healthy.

Many years ago people did not suffer from frequent colds. They ate healthy food, spent a lot of time on fresh (clean!) Air and actively moved. And also did not know the concept of "stress" and did not experience chronic fatigue, fell asleep and did not lie on the couch near the TV. Proceeding from this, a modern person should try to bring his lifestyle closer to the way of life of our ancestors.

Revise your diet. There are raw vegetables and fruits in it, is there a weekly portion of fish in it? Do you eat fresh juices or love sweet soda? And how are you with fast food and semi-finished products? Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a healthy full-fledged diet. And when the body chronically lacks important components, such as essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements, that is, there is simply no building material for building immune cells, it is only natural that immunity will weaken. Therefore, in the daily diet must contain proteins (1.5 g per 1 kg of weight), that is, 150 g of meat or fish, as well as eggs and milk. It is important to eat cereals (cereals), bread with bran, fresh fruits and vegetables. To maintain a normal balance of vitamins and trace elements, as well as for the normal functioning of the intestine (in which a huge number of immune cells are produced), the daily norm of fruits and vegetables for an adult should not be less than 400 g.

In addition to nutrition, to strengthen immunity it is important to lead an active lifestyle. Interesting data were obtained in the study of people who survived to 100 years. It turns out that they all had one common property: they were daily engaged in physical activity before the appearance of sweat - someone chopped firewood, someone mowed grass, etc. It does not matter what to do, most importantly - in full force. This activates the metabolism and protects the body from slagging, maintains a balance between the oxidative and reductive processes in the cells. As a result, there is no excess of free radicals in the body that "keep the immune system in suspense". Therefore, it is important to actively move, make daily hourly walks, visit the pool or gym.

In addition to nutrition and physical activity, to solve the problem - how to raise immunity, it is important to eliminate stress factors. This is not always possible. In this case, you need to learn to relax. Meditation, auto-training, relaxing massages and baths - there are many tools for this, you need to choose the ones that are most suitable for you.

To strengthen the fight against diseases, there are means for raising immunity. Tincture of echinacea, various immunomodulators, a lot of folk remedies based on aloe, onion and pine needles.

If with adult people everything is clear, then the question is - how to increase the immunity of a child is a little more difficult to solve. First of all, the tasks of acquiring immunity are solved by preventive vaccinations. Therefore, do not abandon them only if there are strict contraindications. Secondly, it is necessary to feed the child only with useful products and, as an additional factor in raising the immunity, give him vitamin and mineral complexes specially designed for children of his age. Thirdly, the child can also experience chronic stress, and first of all, with a dysfunctional psycho-emotional situation in the family, kindergarten or school. Therefore, for good immunity, the child, in addition to nutrition and vitamins, needs constant love, attention and affection.

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