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Ward of Makosh: meaning, features, schemes and recommendations

Obereg Makosh is dedicated to the goddess of Slavic mythology. This was the only female deity whose idol was installed on the temple in Kiev on the orders of Prince Vladimir. Its image is closely connected with weaving, spinning, crafts and destiny.

Goddess Makosh

Obereg Makosh firmly associated with the name of this Slavic goddess today. In folk legends and legends, its connection with weaving and spinning is clearly traced. In this she is somewhat reminiscent of Arachne.

For example, according to popular beliefs that were prevalent in Ukraine, it should not be spun on Friday. It was a day that is closely related to its image. Therefore, it was believed that wicked women, if they began to spin on Friday, went all spiked with needles and wounded with a spindle.

In Slavic myths, Makosh is described as a woman with long arms, which spins at night in the corner of the hut. She was made to sacrifice yarn. She was dumped in a well. All this information reached us allowed the researchers to consider Makos as the patroness of crafts. параллели между Макошью и скандинавскими норнами, греческими мойрами и славянскими рожаницами, которые прядут нити жизни у всех народов. Draw parallels between Mokoshya and the Scandinavian Norns, Greek Moira and Slavic woman-mongers who spin the threads of life from all peoples. That is why it is customary to give a gift to business girls and women who love needlework.

Perun's wife

According to one version, Makosh was the wife of the supreme Slavic god Perun. At the same time, she played one of the key roles in the myth of the creation of the world. On the other hand, it was often brought to the forefront as the central figure of the cult of pre-Christian Rus, opposed to the "combat" Perun.

It's no wonder that basically Makosh was popular with women. At the same time, she was considered not only the goddess of fate, but also fertility and welfare in general.

There is also a version that this deity came from Mordovia, since its name is similar to the name of one of the two main peoples that live there, moksha.

Obereg Makos

Makosh was one of the most revered Slavic goddesses. Her symbol is often embroidered on clothes, it is popular today. Many and modern women consider the guard to be a reliable and useful protector against all sorts of misfortunes.

It was believed that the guardian of the goddess Makosh can protect her possessor from any trouble, while granting family happiness. And also there will be peace in the house, harmonious relations with the spouse and relatives, well-being for the children.

It should be noted that in addition to women, it was revered by farmers. The goddess personified a fertile land, giving life to all living things and recovering every spring after the dead winter season.

Meaning of the amulet

The charms of Makoshi had different meanings, but most of them were more suited to women than to men.

In this case, it was the woman who was perceived as the keeper of the creative principle and the family hearth. In ancient times it was customary to embroider its image on the clothes of little girls. Unmarried girls also aspired, that its symbol appeared on their attire, after all it was believed that in this way it is possible to bring closer the visit of matchmakers and the subsequent family happiness.

Makosh is a Slavic goddess, whose charm was worn by married women. She could ease childbirth, settle differences in the house.

Despite this, many take off her symbol.

Best gift

Not for nothing many still believe today that an amulet in the form of the goddess Makosh is an excellent gift. A father can present his daughter to protect her from unkind people and other ills.

An unmarried girl will find a groom more quickly, and later will be an excellent mistress if she wears this amulet without removing it.

Among the Slavic peoples, the goddess was also considered the patroness of female sorcery. Therefore, if you are interested in the theme of occultism or if you are simply wanting to test your intuition, then such a guard will surely come in handy. In this case, it is necessary to study the cult more closely, then, for the sake of what the goddess worshiped. Perhaps in this way you will find your place in life.

How to embroider the symbol of the Slavic goddess?

Scheme of the amulet of Makosh is as simple as possible, any beginner skilled worker will cope with it even if she has just started embroidering.

It must be remembered that it is preferable if the decoration of such an amulet is made of silver. It is believed that this will achieve the maximum effect.

You need to know a few rules, if you still decided to embroider this amulet with your own hands. Embroider should be very Makosh. The symbol must either represent its head, or be on top of the image of the goddess.

Embroidery of the amulet Makosh is advised to start on a growing moon or on a full moon. Remember that the goddess does not tolerate people who are weak in spirit, those who are tired of life. Therefore, when you undertake work, you should be in an upbeat and joyful mood and forget about all your problems.

Special plot

A few more rules. The embroidery of Makoshi, the creation of the amulet, therefore, can not be accompanied by tying knots, it is also strongly advised not to cut the thread with scissors. It will be good if in the process of work you read a conspiracy, which is directly addressed to this Slavic goddess.

In it the girl should ask to protect her in this life, to save her from grief and suffering. At the same time, she should promise that the thread will be only level, and in the house - full of happiness.

To the effect of the amulet you feel constantly, at the time of its creation you do not need to be distracted by anything. Even if you like to embroider, listening to music or watching TV, this time you will have to forget about such habits. All attention should be directed to establishing contact with the ancient Slavic goddess.

You can not even get distracted by anything while embroidering. You should ignore all distracting conversations, do not answer for a while on phone calls.

If you took up the embroidery of the amulet, you can find the Makoshi schemes in this article. The main thing, remember that the background must be necessarily white or green. In the first case, it is advised to first embroider a green frame around the entire image. Preferably, there will be ears on the embroidery. The very symbol is best embroidered with red, green or yellow thread. If you use flowers, then green threads will work for them.

It is strictly forbidden to use white flowers for the amulet (if this is not a background). Older women can choose black threads.

Ready-made amulets are advised to sprinkle for consecration with ordinary spring water. Most often they are kept at home in a conspicuous place or sewed to clothes.

How to care for an amulet?

This unusual guardian requires special care. Like all the others, it must be cleaned from time to time. For this, it is best to take water from a conventional village well or spring. After all, Makosh was still considered the patroness of all water sources on Earth.

It is necessary to clean the amulet periodically. And there are no specific terms. This must be done as soon as the amulet accumulates a critical mass of negative energy. There is a belief that the owner of such an amulet will immediately understand when he needs purification.

In the process of purification, the amulet passes through three elements. It's air, fire and water. First, wash your hands with a cloth on which the amulet is embroidered. Best of all usual household or children's soap. Then dry clothes in the sun or near a fire. Remember that categorically the fabric with the amulet can not be washed in the typewriter. So it will only be cleansed mechanically from external mud, but not internally from accumulated negative energy.

If you have a pendant or other similar ornament, then hold it under running water, and then also put it in the sun so that it will dry out from all drops.

Remember that if the amulet has cracked, the embroidery on the dress has parted, then it means only one thing. His mission is fulfilled, he is no longer worth anything. After that, it must be burned and sent downstream. In case of emergency, bury it in the ground. But never leave in the house.

Also remember that it is extremely dangerous to lose or leave the guard so that someone else can take possession of it. In this case, the misfortunes will come to life as a new and old owner. It will not be easy to get rid of them. Only in some way please the ancient Slavic goddess. Then it will bring the result.

The most powerful amulets

Makosh, of course, is considered a strong amulet, but it is especially effective in conjunction with Lunnitsa.

This is a special symbol that is combined with other amulets to get a more powerful talisman. Lunnitsa is all phases of this satellite, without exception. Lunnitsa is also a female talisman.

Lunnitsa is able to bring its owner health, popularity among males and good luck. She will protect her children from hurts, as well as any problems. The ancient Slavs believed that two powerful talismans, if joined together, can enhance each other's properties.

So if you dream of family, offspring, or need protection, then it is exactly the guard of Makoshi that will suit you at the right time.

In combination with Lunnitz, the amulet is made many times stronger. For example, family happiness will provide not for a few days, but for many years, children will grow up healthy, without worrying about enemies and troubles.

If you believe in ancient Slavic mythology, then be sure to carry this amulet with you. He will bring you glory, luck and family well-being. It's guaranteed.

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