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Siberian lynx: description, photo, habitat, breeding

Among the many species of felines, only lynx is found in the northern regions. Human activity served as a partial, and in some places, complete disappearance of this representative of the animal kingdom in Europe. Today, lynx can be found only in some countries, this wild animal in many of them is protected by law. In the territory of Russia, a species of Siberian lynx is widespread, a description of which we will discuss in this article.

Appearance of the animal

Lynx belongs to the family of felines and belongs to the order of predators. It looks like a sweet animal, but in fact it is a dangerous forest cat. Mostly this species lives in dark coniferous forests. What does the Siberian lynx look like? Let's try to make out more:

  • The size of the lynx is about the same as in adult large dogs.
  • Its body length reaches a maximum of 135 cm, and the tail - about 45 cm.
  • The head is small, round in shape.
  • The cat has a short muzzle on which wide eyes with rounded pupils shine.
  • Lynx ears are decorated with soft brushes.
  • Torso is short and dense in structure.
  • On the muzzle of the trot (at the sides), long hair hangs. In appearance, they resemble sideburns.
  • Siberian lynx has very powerful paws with sharp claws, which is used as a weapon during hunting.
  • The length of the claws can reach 10 cm. They have the appearance of a curved hook.
  • Black pads on the feet of a lynx in the cold period overgrown with a thick short pile.
  • The shape of the sole has a unique structure, which allows the predator to easily move around the snow-covered expanses.
  • Color varies and depends on where the lynx lives. Reds with a brown shade and dark-smoky colors are found in individuals living in the forests of Siberia.

Wool of this kind of feline is very valuable, because of what the animal often became an object of hunting. Many people are interested in: how much does the Siberian lynx weigh? In nature there were individuals whose weight reached 30 kg. On average, the weight of males is 18-25 kg, in females this figure does not exceed 18 kg.

Where is the species widespread?

Lynx is the only kind of cats that live in the northern regions of our planet. In the Scandinavian countries, the predator was met behind the polar circle. The habitat of the lynx until the middle of the XX century was very wide. These cats could be seen on the territory of Western and Central Europe. Their numbers fell sharply due to mass shooting. Poachers destroyed animals because of their valuable fur.

Today you can meet lynx in such countries of Europe:

  • Hungary.
  • Spain.
  • Macedonia.
  • Poland.
  • Romania.
  • Serbia.
  • Slovenia.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Sweden.

In the Russian territory Siberian lynx is found in the Sakhalin and Kamchatka regions, and it appeared in these places not so long ago. The main habitat of a wild cat is the Siberian taiga.

On the territory of Ukraine you can see such an animal very rarely and only in the mountainous region of the Carpathians.


Lynx (photo) is a predatory animal, and unlike other animals, it has a number of advantages that allow it to survive in the forest. The cat skillfully climbs trees, can swim, makes long jumps and runs fast. Lives predominantly in the dark coniferous forests, but sometimes the animal wandered into the forest-tundra or to the forest-steppe. There were times when the beast was seen outside the Arctic Circle.

If a large number of animals are found in the area where the Siberian lynx has settled, the animal can lead a settled life. But as soon as there is a problem with the production of food, the cat migrates in search of a lousy place.

How does the Siberian lynx hunt?

A predatory cat goes hunting only at night. She is most carefully selected for prey, trying to stay unnoticed. Lynx is able to hide in bushes or near a fallen tree, waiting for the animal to approach the predator itself. Having waited the most acceptable moment (the distance is 10-15 m), the cat rushes to the prey. The attacked beast dies in a few minutes in the paws of a trot, as it digs its sharp fangs into his neck, tearing muscle tissue and arteries. The prey has no chance at all to survive. Densely eating, the cat hides in the snow or branches what is left of the prey. Very often a trotter walks through the trot who can not boast such skills in hunting, but likes to have a bite at someone else's expense.

If we talk about large-scale mining, attacks are not always successful. When attacking roe deer or reindeer, the trot can be nothing, since the victim is capable of dragging a predator for some time, and sometimes even completely escaping from it. But in most cases, trot hunting ends with a victory for the cat.

What does the lynx eat?

In the diet of a predatory cat include such animals:

  • a Fox;
  • Hare-hare;
  • partridge;
  • Roe deer and spotted deer ;
  • grouse;
  • Raccoon dog ;
  • beaver;
  • Pig of a wild boar.

Severe in winter with a lack of production in the forest, the Siberian lynx can leave its habitual environment and go to the human habitat. Here she attacks pets: cats and dogs.

Predator can not be called gluttonous, one dead rabbit suffices for half a week, except for nursing females who are able to eat such a volume of food at a time. If the cat caught a large animal, enough meat for 7-10 days.

Reproduction of lynxes

Lynx (photo you can see in the article) is an animal loner. Only for the breeding season do cats form a pair. The mating period falls at the beginning of March. At this time, the lynx behaves very quietly. Several males can accompany a female, periodically arranging disassemblies among themselves.

The resulting pair goes to the "greeting" stage, sniffing each other. Then they begin to rub their heads, and their actions resemble the bodgings of cattle. A little later they lick their wool from their partner.

Sexual maturity in female lynx occurs at 2 years, whereas the male reaches this age in 35 months.

The duration of pregnancy is 65-70 days. The female leads from 2 to 5 kittens in one litter. The future mother is prepared thoroughly for delivery. Most often, she chooses pits, caves in the rocks and other safe places.

At birth, kittens are blind, and their weight is not more than 350 g. The eyes of small lynxes open on day 12. Within a month the female feeds them with breast milk, as soon as the kids have grown stronger and can eat independently, it accustoms them to a natural diet for the lynx.

Lynx at home

It is very difficult to answer unequivocally how dangerous the Siberian lynx is at home. Breeding wild animals is a serious step, and a person who decides to do so should approach this issue with all responsibility and understanding.

Lynx content is a troublesome and expensive business. A wild cat can not eat like a normal pet. In her diet must be a fish and meat. It is important to give the predator bone, gnawing them, the cat will develop the jaw muscles.

Since the claws of a wild animal are very sharp, it is necessary to prune them regularly. Like domestic cats, lynx often swallows lumps of wool, so you need to constantly care and comb it.

No matter how sweet an animal may seem, it is not recommended to start a pet in a family where young children live. Predator always remains a predator. The owner does not have any guarantees that in the wild favorite will not wake up the forgotten instincts.

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