Education, Colleges and Universities
Second higher free education. Second degree
Higher education has long been an inseparable attribute of our society. If a decade ago people could be met who had not received it, and especially not seeking this, today the availability of only secondary vocational education is not enough not only for employers, but for graduates themselves. The desire for development pushes people and on a different step - getting a second higher. But what if there is not enough money for this?
The reasons for the importance of the second higher education
The second higher education is becoming more and more in demand. Why is this happening? First, people are striving for more. And if at one time they had a choice between two completely different specialties, and they made it in favor of one, now the loss can be filled in this way. This will not only realize their ambitions, but also find additional work-outs. Secondly, many people want to translate their dreams into reality. So, if in his youth a person could not afford to get a creative profession, since he knew that in order to earn, one must go to the sphere of trade and economy, then years later he can fill this gap. Third, not everyone immediately finds a profession to their liking. Moreover, statistics show that more than 70% of Russians work in a sphere that is not close to them, but they can not leave it because they are afraid of instability. To change the sphere of activity, it is necessary to take a step forward - to the second highest. Fourth, often the second higher education contributes to the career growth of a person on the existing and satisfactory work. Suppose he wants to increase, but he lacks managerial skills and, most importantly, a diploma about this education. Again, there is a need for another "crust".
Education options
First of all, a newly enrolled entrant needs to decide on the form in which he will be educated. Indeed, given the fact that most likely this person is working, he needs to combine work with raising his level of knowledge. The receipt of a second higher education in such cases, as a rule, is a nonlinear process. When entering the full-time department, you will have to make a choice, torn between work and training. Most often it ends like a two-rabbit saying, it's impossible to get a quality education, constantly skipping lectures and seminars because of work, and vice versa, one can not maintain good relations with the authorities when the employee constantly asks for time off. The way out is found by those who choose the second higher education in absentia. This form of training allows you to minimize the number of outings from work to the period of the session, but it assumes a greater degree of self-education. If you accustom yourself to self-discipline, you can easily refute the rumors that distance learning does not provide knowledge. In addition, in correspondence courses, the student receives a state diploma, in which - according to the new system - there is not even a mark on the form of training.
Paid education
Speaking about the reasons for the minimality of cases of obtaining a second higher one, it is worth noting the fact that the second education in Russia is always paid. The second highest free education is available only in a few cases. Therefore, it is very difficult to allocate funds from the budget to cover expenses not only for everyday life needs, but also for training. In addition, the Russian education is famous not only for its intellectual level, but also for the level of prices. It does not just really palpably hit your pocket, often the prices for a year of study in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and also in a number of other cities are comparable with European and American universities. This problem affects all sectors of society. But still there are ways out of it, as the second highest can still be obtained free of charge.
Second higher education is free of charge
One of the options for obtaining free education is distance education. What does it mean? Distance learning is also called mobile for the fact that the process takes place directly at home, or in any other student-friendly place where there is access to the Internet. Free of charge you can get an opportunity to engage in winning a contest or even on a lottery basis. Thus, the student can quietly attend work, and in his spare time to engage in educational programs through a computer, laptop, tablet or phone. Multimedia learning tools help him improve his knowledge in the chosen field, and a large electronic library helps to broaden his horizons and is a means for preparing for exams.
Examination in distance learning
The final exam is usually conducted as a test of the passed discipline. Of course, distance learning is not the second highest free education. The process is paid. More often it's just training at a discount. What is important, a graduate gets a state diploma, and sometimes with a European certification.
Other types of free education
The second highest can be obtained free of charge on a competitive basis. If the applicant is really talented and smart, then he has every chance to win a free education. Another option may be training at the expense of the firm. After all, if the employer sees that the employee is very hopeful, he will spare no money to improve his qualifications.
In addition, there are also various grants for training. This is the most prestigious option, because such a grant is paid by European countries wishing to receive a talented employee. They are willing to pay not only for tuition, but for student living.
In the near future, a new draft law, recently drafted by several Moscow region deputies, can help get a second higher education free of charge, provided that it is adopted. According to him, it will be possible to get a free second higher education in the field of culture and art. This restriction is imposed because a number of art professions - conductor, director - require a lot of life experience, young people are not always able to seriously approach the process.
As you can see from all of the above, the second highest free education can be obtained, but only in a few cases.
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