Sports and Fitness, Martial arts
Sambo sections in Moscow for adults and children
Sambo is an abbreviation of "self-defense without weapons". The name speaks for itself. This kind of struggle will teach every healthy person to defend themselves in the absence of weapons. There is a sport and combat options. Designed as a set of systems to confront one and several opponents in the 30s of the last century in the USSR, such a struggle combined the martial arts of different species and peoples.
In today's illusory, safe world, it may seem an optional condition to include in your life physical and moral training to improve your defense skills. This opinion is wrong! Sambo, in addition to the ability to masterfully repulse an attack, will bring to life a positive attitude and a good mood.
Sambo sections in Moscow
Moscow is a huge metropolis with a lot of sports clubs, halls and fitness centers, many of them have a ramified network. In these sports centers, the residents of the capital are engaged in sports, in particular sambo. There are several hundred places where everyone can visit the Sambo sections in Moscow and the suburbs.
In addition to physical development, this kind of martial arts temperes the spirit, giving the pupil moral stability in stressful situations, teaches to stand up for oneself and loved ones, cultivating positive qualities of character, helping to make the right decisions in life, educating worthy members of society.
It remains only to choose from a huge number of rooms the most suitable for the cost, location and professional qualities of the coaching staff.
Sports school "Sambo-70"
Each practitioner follows a set of rules established in the school, and gives a solemn oath before starting classes. In addition to self-defense skills, pupils are brought up with patriotism, respect for the older generation. For the years of its existence the school has produced many worthy citizens of our country, continuing their sports career, earning gold medals, cups, championship titles and belts in international competitions and tournaments.
In this school, along with sports classes, general education subjects are taught. In-school tournaments, festive concerts and other events are held. Children go on hikes and rest in summer sports camps organized by the school.
The school is located at the address of Academician Vinogradov 4 (b), surrounded by the metro stations "Troparevo", "Teply Stan", "Konkovo", "YUZAO". In addition to the subway to the school, you can get by bus number 144, 144k, 227, 227k, 281, 388, 553; Minibuses (Troparevo-Auchan) and No. 58, from different parts of the city.
Combat center "White Lotus"
In addition to sports schools, there are enough clubs in Moscow with sambo sections for children. One of them is the club "White Lotus". In the center there are group and individual training sessions, training camps, competitions. There is an opportunity to borrow sports equipment for temporary use and rent rooms. The club occupies an area of 860 square meters. M., Has a variety of well-equipped rooms with spacious dressing rooms and showers.
In the center, the acceptable cost of an annual subscription, it varies from 30 to 60 thousand rubles, discounts for students and benefits apply. Lowered prices for classes in the morning and there is a system of discounts on prepayment for more than a month. There is a center in the street 26 Baku Commissars, 5, near the metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" (in the building of the business center "MGTS" entrance from the end of the building, 4th floor).
Palace of Sports of CSKA
The Central Sports Club of the Army accommodates sections of various sports. Here in the neighborhood with martial arts, in particular, sports sections of sambo in Moscow, there are water, play, power and gymnastic sections. However, the main on this sport facility are the halls of martial arts.
Sambo becomes a national sport, so in addition to children's groups in Moscow, sambo sections for adults are becoming more relevant, there are more who want to engage in this kind of struggle. In this regard, quite a lot of coaches work with adults, conducting group and individual classes. Judging by the opinions of visitors, there are strong and competent coaches in their business, excellent physical and technical training.
There is the Palace of Sports of CSKA Moscow at Leningradsky Prospect., 39, p. 27, SAO, Khoroshevsky district, not far from the street. Aircraft designer Mikoyan, near the metro stations "Airport", "Dynamo", "Sokol".
Combat Sambo
The system itself was originally created for special purpose units, and a significant contribution to the development of this sport was made by Spiridonov, who based his technique on ju-jutsu, English and French boxing (savat).
Little is said about the history of the development of the Sambo section, which existed from the 1940s to the early 1990s. Under the signature "Secret" and was known only to the initiated. Judging by the successful indicators of the Soviet special forces and fights according to the MMA version, the technique of hand-to-hand combat was on top.
With the collapse of the USSR, they declassified and made combat sambo available to the population. Many sections of combat sambo were opened in Moscow, since 1994 competitions have been held. Having become a separate species, this sport acquired its own specific conditions for the competitions, with equipment, helmets, shock-gripping gloves, lining on the shins.
Combat Sambo sections
The network of sports clubs SELFMADE recruits people of different ages and sex, is an association of clubs of martial arts, in which the desire to become more perfect in deeds and life as a whole prevails. Highly qualified and well-deserved trainers work with people.
Now the world is changing intensely, becomes unpredictable, under such circumstances it is difficult to live with dignity, without changing its principles. Only a healthy lifestyle and exercise can give strength for a dignified and effective life. Working in SELFMADE clubs, everyone gets the opportunity to learn self-defense skills to protect themselves and their loved ones if necessary, to acquire moral stability in difficult circumstances and stressful situations.
In each season, intranet tournaments are held, to which the best fighters come. Winners are given a cup and a cash reward.
More than 20 clubs scattered throughout the city, in different regions, which allows you to train everyone attending combat sambo sections in Moscow, any day of the week, they work mostly in the evening. Subscription for a month is cost depending on the age of the student and the number of classes per week from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles, individual training - 2,000 more. There is an opportunity to engage with the trainer one-on-one, the cost of such training for people under 18 years - 12 000, over - 15 000 rubles. The first training is trial and therefore not paid.
Sambo sections near the metro station "Bratislava"
In the area of the metro station "Bratislava" in Moscow, fighting sambo sections took their place in the nearby fitness centers and clubs. Among them, the sports club Alfa-Budo, founded by veterans of anti-terror units Alfa. This is a club with spacious halls, locker rooms and showers. Classes are conducted by masters who sharpen the art of combat in action in the war, when the question of life and death is real.
Parents have the opportunity to observe the training of the child on the monitor. Children from 7 years are accepted. The center cultivates the best qualities of character and self-discipline by the most skillful methods.
Club address: st. Lublinskaya, 159, building. 1, near the metro station "Marino" or "Bratislava".
All Sambo sections in Moscow, even in one of the districts, with a description of all the advantages and disadvantages in one article, will not be listed. People tend to choose clubs located next to housing or work. But it is necessary to pay attention to other facts, so that the choice of the place of employment and the coach is optimal and the lessons bring a good result.
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