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Salary of the court apparatus. The bill on the salaries of employees of the court apparatus

What is the salary of the employees of the judicial apparatus? The question is quite interesting and multifaceted. At present, there is an opinion in the society that the employees of the court receive decent salaries. This confidence is formed on the basis of information on the salaries of judges. They really can reach half a million rubles. But in fact the situation is slightly different, so, for the most part of the staff of the court staff, the salary is insignificant. In some of them, it reaches an average level of 25 thousand rubles. But first things first.

The value of the judicial apparatus

The judicial apparatus in any state, undoubtedly, occupies an important place. After all, maintenance of order in the absence of bodies of the judicial apparatus and pre-trial instances is impossible. It remains only to hope that the interests of citizens will be protected at the court. In today's brutal world, one day, someone tries to get personal gain at the expense of another. It is in order to somehow equate the rights of all people, and the judicial apparatus was formed.

It is believed that the organs of justice must always be objective and fair, but in fact the situation is different. The reason for this is that the meaning of the word "justice" was distorted and changed its meaning for a person. After all, the scales bow to the side where there is more benefit. Sad to hear, but it's a fact. But why does this happen? This situation is mainly due to the fact that the salary level of the court apparatus does not quite correspond to the volume of the work performed. At first glance, it may seem that the payment should be appropriate, because this is a state-type institution, and responsible for the rule of law in the country. However, this is far from the truth. Naturally, to justify the emergence of corruption in this way is not worth it, but the state still needs to take certain measures.

Increase in salaries for employees of the judiciary

In one of the Russian newspapers, the news was published that the council of judges approved a project to raise the salaries of the court apparatus. The document assumes assignment of special social status to the court staff. In fact, this may mean that these employees will have various new social guarantees, as well as increase the amount of wages. The initiators of this bill believe that such a decision will be able to benefit individual court staff and normalize the activities of the judiciary as a whole.

It is worth noting that during the entire twelve months of 2014, the indexation of the salaries of employees of the judicial system was not carried out. Indexing within the Russian economy allows protecting the country and its population against growing inflation. Although in the absence of annual indexation of income loss, the state treasury has a lower level. The calculations of the Ministry of Finance show that if you do not index the salaries of bailiffs, next year you will be able to save up to 125 billion rubles in the economy. Based on this, we can only guess when the salary of the court apparatus will be increased.

Who are the employees of the court?

Courts in our world have appeared very long ago, even in the Ancient World, and immediately were able to find and occupy a certain niche. Without ships it is impossible to imagine a modern system of law enforcement. The staff of the ship's office are considered to be quite valuable, so they are trying not to lose their attention. This fact relates to the level of salary increase to the court apparatus. However, when talking about this instance, it is worth remembering workers who, as a rule, remain in the shadows. It is, for example, the helpers of judges and other employees of the judiciary. Undoubtedly, the whole volume of the main part of the work remains for them.

People who are involved as employees of the judiciary have a special responsibility on their shoulders. We will say that, contrary to the fact that they are behind the scenes called "siloviki", the salaries are received by the court employees from the budget. That is, they are universally distributed all the conditions that are provided specifically for this category of citizens. If we take into account the full range of duties of judicial officers, then it is very extensive. For example, their duties include:

  • Complete preparation of the entire package of documents for the implementation of the lawsuit.
  • Drawing up a different kind of documentation for the whole variety of cases.
  • Making answers to questions asked.
  • Carry out consulting work with relatives of all participants of a particular process and so on.

It is worth noting that the fulfillment of all the above duties - the work is complex, responsible and time-consuming. Work routine, as a rule, takes too much time, and also requires concentration of attention, perseverance. Therefore, only a small number of people are able to concentrate in order to daily perform their work, and qualitatively. This requires certain internal qualities and personal characteristics. Therefore, the question arises of increasing the salary of the court apparatus.

Note that the next indexation of wages during 2017 ripened quite a long time. This was due to the fact that the work of the staff of the judicial apparatus is not paid as well, no matter how it may seem, although such specialists have a huge amount of routine work.

The process of formation of the salaries of employees of the judiciary

The law of the Russian Federation stipulates that the salary part of employees of the judicial system should be formed taking into account several parameters. It:

  • Level of judicial qualification.
  • Bonus premium and other similar kind.
  • The official salary.
  • Extra payment for long service.

In order to understand the extent to which an increase in the salary of the court apparatus in 2017 is required, we will consider some of the incomes of this category of workers. However, it is necessary to understand that in the organization of this kind, the income of each employee will depend directly on the status of the employee himself, that is, all ranks of higher rank, of course, receive an order of magnitude higher than employees of rank lower. Actually, do not be surprised - a similar situation is observed in virtually all areas of work.

Revenues of the court apparatus in the Russian Federation

For example, consider the judges representing the Constitutional Court. The level of their salary fluctuates at the level of half a million rubles. Further in the ranking are the judges representing the Supreme Court. Their salary is about 300 thousand rubles. Then - the judge of the Arbitration Court with a salary of about 200 thousand rubles. The salary of the magistrate of the court is about 50 thousand rubles. But do not forget that ordinary employees of the judiciary receive much less. Their salary on average is about 25 thousand rubles, and this against the background of judges' salaries is a paltry amount. However, this is not the minimum limit. For example, employees of clerical departments receive even less. For example, the archivist receives about 10 thousand rubles, the salary of the clerk is about 12 thousand rubles, the secretaries - about 15 thousand rubles.

But we will understand why such a colossal difference arises. All because the service in state bodies, such as law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office, the judicial apparatus, is usually classified into federal and state categories. So, judges, prosecutors are a federal type of service. And employees of the escort service of federal employees, as well as secretaries, clerks and court assistants are actually classified as civilian civil servants. It is this peculiarity that determines the overhead part of the salaries of the staff of the court apparatus, on which regional or federal premiums are charged.

Which of the staff of the court staff is expected to raise wages?

Some of the Russian financiers believe that often the Russian government makes decisions that are not logical. It is a question of the bill on salary to the court apparatus. It could be assumed that the absence of indexation in the court apparatus for several years will improve the economic situation. At the same time, non-governmental organizations notice that the level of salaries for officials, including ministers and deputies, increases every year. To date, the salary level of deputies reaches a level of 650 thousand rubles. Obviously, this amount will continue to grow in the future. This figure is significantly different from the average salary in the country as a whole, but nevertheless, nobody cancels the indexation, as in the case of bailiffs.

Expert researches in this area show that the payment of the overwhelming number of officials today is one and a half times higher than the salary of the average budget employee. In some constituent entities of the federation, the salaries of bureaucrats and various kinds of deputies are twice as high as the averaged indicator. For example, such a situation takes place in the Yamalo-Nenets district. If we consider the lowest level of salaries of judicial officers, then, according to data for 2016, it is about 45 thousand rubles. This is the salary of the assistant judges of the Republic of Dagestan.

Wage indexation to the court apparatus

As well as throughout that year, and this year, indexation of wages should not be expected for those whose income is established by a decision of the government of the Russian Federation or the president. The main purpose of such an act is to save money in the budget and in the economy of the state. And, of course, first of all, this applies to judges, military, as well as prosecutors.

According to experts, these measures will have little impact on the overall standard of living of the above-mentioned individuals, for the state has shown concern for their wages earlier. And it is the increase in the income level of the vast majority of Russian civil servants that has become the last straw in the failure of indexation.

As for the incomes of the employees of the judicial apparatus, the employees of such a department as the Prosecutor's Office were most fortunate. Since in 2012, state-level decisions were adopted, which contribute to an increase in the salaries of the court apparatus annually.

Salary of judges in 2017

This year the prosecutors were more fortunate than the judges. In October last year, their income was increased by 5.5%, but this increase affected only the Justices of the Peace and the Federal Courts. These innovations, which at first glance seem insignificant and can not have a bad effect on the country's economy, ultimately cost the budget a billion rubles.

An important fact is that the salary of the court apparatus is calculated a little differently from other representatives of the bailiff's office. At the moment, the salary of judges is calculated based on the qualification level. Also, those who have a great length of service, receive an increase in wages. Plus, for the judges there is a quarterly bonus.

To date, there are 36,472 judges in Russia. Taking into account the fact that the salary fund for each of them fluctuates at the level of a couple of millions of rubles per year, then each of them receives a salary of about 160,000 rubles a month. As we said earlier, the salaries of Russian judges, depending on the jurisdiction of their court, range from 200,000 rubles to 500,000 rubles each month.

Of course, these amounts can only be called small with a stretch, especially when compared with the minimum level of salaries throughout Russia. State servicemen and the military of our state have already fully appreciated the consequences of such a phenomenon as the retention of indexation of their incomes. If we take into account the fact that the pension is directly related to the salary, then, accordingly, the increase in the first one also should not be expected. So when will raise the salary of the court apparatus? After all, if before the end of 2017 there is no indexation of salaries of the judicial apparatus, it is unlikely that bailiffs will expect an increase in pensions.

Motivation for bailiffs

Some experts argue that government agencies are trying to reduce the level of corruption in the country, increasing the salaries of court officials to court officials, but in reality this does not happen, and the country's population has not felt any effectiveness in resolving its problems through the court. If such an opinion is taken as a basis, then the decree of the Ministry of Finance and the government on the abolition of the indexation procedure can be explained. Important is the fact that saving on salaries allows the state budget to compensate for other current expenses and solve other problems by several billion rubles.

However, do not forget that there may be another important problem - the psychological one. If the bailiffs do not have indexation, and judges' salaries will remain at the same level, it can cause protests. Most likely, strikes due to lack of indexation of the judge will not suit, however it can significantly cool their zeal and desire to work.

Is it possible to suspend the introduction of articles on increasing the salaries of a judicial apparatus?

Governmental authorities note that a number of articles in the legislation can still be suspended in their actions for a period of up to three years due to the refusal of the indexing procedure. In this regard, it becomes clear that in the near future, wage increases for the staff of the court should not wait. And this will happen, most likely, when a new wave of wage increases begins. However, it is planned to support bailiffs through the payment of one-time premiums.


It turns out that indexation is not expected for bailiffs, but premiums are anticipated. And this shows that additional expenses will still affect the country's budget. It is quite clear that in this case such schemes will affect the entire judicial apparatus, including judges and their assistants. All representatives of these positions are civil servants, which means that the salaries of court employees are paid from the state budget.

The good news is that this year, most likely, will make a binding of the rates of judicial assistants, as well as secretaries to those rates that are put directly to the judges. The binding will be made in a certain percentage. This indicates that the staff of the court apparatus will receive a proportional salary. That is, the salary of the assistant referee will directly depend on the judge with whom he works. The judicial system does not tolerate unprofessionalism and the approach from the point of view of bureaucracy, accordingly, the updated laws that the government has adopted are likely to benefit.

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