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Russian press: rules, program, records and recommendations

Relatively recently, in force sports a new direction has appeared - the Russian press, and now more and more people become sportsmen and spectators of this discipline. Let's take a closer look at what kind of sport it is and what its features are.

What it is?

Power sports are very popular all over the world. There are many of its varieties: weightlifting, kettlebell lifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, etc. Also there is a little-known, but at the same time not less spectacular version of power sports is the Russian press .

This kind consists of one exercise - bench press from the chest, lying on the horizontal bench. The meaning of the competition is to raise the bar of a certain weight more times.

The appearance of Russian press

Russian press is a pretty young sport. For the first time, competitions for the Russian press were held in Russia in 2000. They were timed to coincide with the 55th anniversary of the Victory in World War II and were more symbolic and entertaining. But to date, this form has become a full-fledged discipline of powerlifting. The Russian press has an approved regulation and its own federation. Now this is one of the most popular kinds of bench, as well as an athletic press.

Russian press: rules

To determine the winner from the ratio of the weight of the athlete to the total weight lifted, the coefficient of athleticism is derived. Based on this indicator, the winner is chosen. In the Russian wrestling competition, the participants who win the biggest coefficient for one or several attempts, depending on the rules of the competition, win. Considering the coefficient of athleticism, athletes are awarded different ranks.

Due to the fact that the minimum weight of the bar in the competition for Russian press is 55 kg, even beginners can take part. In the Russian press, you can perform in six weight categories of the bar: 55 kg, 75 kg, 100 kg, 125 kg, 150 kg and 200 kg.

The athlete is given five minutes to complete one approach. During the exercise, you can relax by holding the bar on your chest.

Athletes are forbidden to use special equipment and all kinds of jerseys, which allow you to raise more weight. Athletes perform in ordinary tights and with a bare torso or in an ordinary T-shirt or T-shirt.

Although the weight category of the competitor has a certain role in the Russian press, there are no weight restrictions for participation in the competition. Due to the lack of a large number of restrictions, the Russian press is accessible to everyone, so it is becoming increasingly popular.

The Russian press is very democratic, veterans and disabled invalids participate in it.

How are the competitions going?

Competitions on the Russian press are regularly held in all cities of the country, often mass competitions are held, to which everyone is allowed. The mass character of this sport makes it very promising in terms of further development. In addition, professional competitions are held in which many well-known athletes participate, including athletes engaged in other forms of power sports, since bench press is a part of many sports exercises.

Depending on the choice of the organizers, the competitions can take place according to one of several versions: "classic press", "bench marathon" and "fucking dozen". In the version of the "bloody dozen" participants must perform three approaches, the working weight at that the athlete chooses independently. The result is counted from eight to thirteen repetitions.

"Classic press" is characterized by the fact that the participant is given one approach, for which he must perform the maximum number of repetitions. The weight of the bar is chosen by each athlete independently. You must do at least eight repetitions, otherwise the result will not be credited.

In the "Stamping marathon" variant, the athlete performs three approaches. An approach is adopted in which the participant has performed at least eight repetitions, but there is no maximum limit.

Russian press: training program

Although the system of training on Russian press, in many respects similar to training in powerlifting, yet there are its specific features. The main difference between powerlifting and the Russian press is that in the first case, the main thing is the amount of effort, and in the second case the greatest amount of work for a certain time.

Naturally, the main exercise in training is the bench press from the chest. There is a huge number of methods of training the bench, which the individual trainer will select individually for the athlete. We will consider only the main points concerning the preparation of a Russian press in the discipline.

With regard to the ratio of weight and number of approaches, it is most optimal to choose a system called the "fucking dozen". For her, you need to pick up weight so that in one approach the athlete squeezed the bar at least eight times and a maximum of thirteen.

In order to qualitatively train in the bench press, it is not enough to perform only this exercise. The human body is a single system, therefore, to increase the effectiveness it is necessary to develop the remaining muscle groups. For these reasons, it is necessary to perform additional exercises. Of these, in the first place, it is worth paying attention to the development of the triceps, for this purpose the press is perfectly suited with a narrow grip. It is also necessary to do an exercise to increase the strength of the biceps. Another effective exercise is a back press, it perfectly develops the widest muscle of the back, and its strength is important, because at the beginning of the movement, when bench presses, it takes a considerable part of the load.

As to how many days a week to conduct training, there are different opinions. The most gentle option is to train twice a week. To increase the intensity, you can train 2x2, that is, two days of training and two days of rest.

Nutrition and muscle mass in the Russian occupation

Proper nutrition during the period of training on the Russian press is very important, and the muscular mass gained is of no small importance. And although in theory the load of the Russian press training process must "dry" the muscles, practice shows the opposite. Athletes engaged in this discipline, gaining a lot of muscle mass. As an example, Eduard Vasilenko - one of the record holders in this sport, weighs more than 140 kilograms. A special increase in muscle mass is characteristic when going to work with heavier weights.

Nutrition during employment by the Russian press should be more caloric, than at employment by powerlifting. Because more work is done for training, therefore more calories are burned. Of food supplements, vitamins and amino acids are the best.

Russian press stars

In conclusion of our article I would like to tell about the record holders in the Russian press. First of all, I would like to highlight Andrei Galtsov, chairman of the committee of the Federation of the Russian Press. He was awarded the title of "Elite of Russia" in the discipline of the Russian press. The records he established are in various categories, and some of them have not been beaten to this day. Andrey Galtsov is one of the best coaches in Russia, as well as a developer of training techniques.

Also in the press bench is very famous Vladimir Kravtsov, who is the champion in the category to 125 kg.

In 2012, a sportsman from Ivanovo set a world record for bench press, in two categories at once: he squeezed the barbell weighing 75 kg 63 times and 108 times the weight of 55 kg.

Comparison of the Russian press with other sports

The main advantage of the Russian press lying down in comparison with other sports is its simple rules and accessibility for everyone. Since there is no need to buy expensive equipment for classes, anyone can do it at any time. It's enough just to come into the hall and you can start to practice. Therefore, every day more and more people choose the Russian bench press, preferring it to many other sports.

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