
Rooster from the chocolates own: step by step instruction and recommendations

We are on the eve of the new year 2017. People believe that the new year will be all in a new way, and it will necessarily be better than the previous one. It is not for nothing that a favorite wish for the New Year is: "Let all good go with us in the new year, and all bad things will remain in the old."

Symbol 2017

Each coming year meets its own symbol. In 2017, he is the Red Fire Rooster. The coming year refers to the fire element, and therefore it will be bright, cheerful and with a lot of memorable moments.

Since ancient times, people have decorated their home with figures, depending on what year it came from. At the meeting of the new 2017, take care that you have in your house necessarily a statuette of a cock, acquired or created by yourself. According to the belief, the image of this sonorous bird will bring good luck for the following year.

Symbol options for the year

What is it possible to create a cockerel? Yes from all! So, an excellent option for decorating the window is an image painted with gouache. Also stencils with the symbol of the year look great. To do this, you need to find a suitable picture on the Internet, print it and carefully cut it with scissors.

Very original look cockerels, which play the role of a smart fabric warmer for a teapot. Sew this fun and useful decoration can be from a suitable color scheme of matter, folded into several layers.

As an idea, cockerels cut from felt are also perfect. They can be strung on skewers and decorate flowerpots with house colors. Beautifully look garlands of males, threaded on a string.

Rooster of sweets: a master class

We'll tell you how to make a rooster of chocolates. Such a symbol of 2017 will be colorful and bright, but also delicious. He can act as an excellent gift for the holiday colleagues, relatives, friends and, of course, children. The latter, by the way, should be drawn as assistants. They will happily wrap up candy in corrugated paper and perform other simple tasks.


To create a cockerel from sweets you will need certain materials:

  1. Polyfoam is of rectangular or square shape (it is better to choose those types of it that are less crumbled and disintegrate).
  2. Glue. It is best to use glue "Dragon" or a thermo gun with glue. If there are none, then conventional PVA glue can be used.
  3. Candies. The rooster from sweets will turn out bright and colorful, if we use confectionery products in original and shiny wrappers.
  4. Corrugated paper. It can be purchased at any stationery stores. It can be white, yellow or red.
  5. Marker (in case we suddenly need to draw eyes or some additional elements).

Sequence of crafting

The rooster of sweets with their own hands is done like this:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to create an elongated body of a bird from a piece of foam plastic. To do this, take a sharp clerical knife. Gradually cutting off small pieces of material, to form the most similar figure of the trunk of the cock.
  2. After that, also cut out his head and use a wire or other connecting element to attach it to the trunk.

As soon as these manipulations are done, you can go to the decor of the composition "rooster from the sweets":

  1. To decorate the head and neck, it is necessary to cut several circles of different diameters from large to smaller. Each subsequent circle should be smaller than the previous one by half a centimeter.
  2. Then take the largest circle, connect it with the top of the head and press it along the entire length. So do with all the following circles. In the end, you get a neck like a real rooster in feathers. As a pen, we have corrugated paper.
  3. Cut circles of corrugated paper that are the same in diameter. They will need very much. Fold the 2 circles together, use the scissors to make the fringe along the edge, without cutting to the center. In the middle place the candy in a bright wrap and fix it with a wire. Such blanks will require 10 or more, depending on the size of the trunk.

After everything is ready, you can proceed to the assembly.

  1. Candy with a wire to attach to the body, across the entire area.
  2. Then draw your eyes, glue the beak and comb, as well as earrings made of paper.

That's all, our cock is ready! You can sit him either in a basket or on a dish. It all depends on your imagination.

Bouquet of chocolates: rooster

Beautiful and original looks a bouquet of chocolates with the presence of the symbol of the year, namely the cock. To create it, you need the following materials:

  • Candy on sticks - candy in the form of a cockerel.
  • Ordinary candy.
  • Food film.
  • Swords.
  • Live or artificial flowers, ribbons, tulle and so on.

Sequence of the bouquet

Conventional sweets must be wrapped (each separately) in a food film. Then attach to skewers. At the bottom of the basket or a decorative pot, put a piece of foam. Also, a special material that florists use for compositions. In it, evenly insert the males, alternating them with sweets, and fasten well.

Lastly, decorate the composition with fresh flowers. The void is filled with fat. To do this, it must be folded into several layers and cut into squares or circles. At the center, pierce the hairpin with a wire and attach it to the foam. You can additionally wrap the basket with a ribbon and tie a beautiful bow.

If desired, you can decorate the bouquet with spruce branches and add small Christmas decorations. Very beautiful and mysterious will look candles as a complement to the bouquet.

The most important thing in creating a composition with your own hands is a great desire and a rich imagination. You can create a panel with a picture of a cock from sweets. To do this, you need a frame without glass and small chocolates. It is desirable to have a round shape. But you can combine different forms of sweets.

Picking up a suitable color scheme, put the candy shape of the cock, and the original New Year panel is ready. It will be an excellent decoration of the house, and after the New Year holidays it can be eaten by the whole family.

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