
Common lumbago - spring miracle

Orthosis is a perennial plant belonging to the family of buttercup. It has other names: sleep-grass, pulsatilla. In the wild, it grows in the Northern Hemisphere, more often in mountainous areas.

Root system is pivotal, occasionally with lignification. Leaves pinnately or palchatatorocasschennye, collected in a basal rosette. The height of the plant rarely exceeds 25 cm. Peduncles, vertically growing, have a goblet collar around the bud. Flowers single, bell-shaped, drooping. Breeders produced many hybrid forms with different colors: lilac, white, pink, yellow.

As soon as the snow comes down, they show up from the ground, often punching through the remains of last year's foliage and dried grass, shaggy flowers. The chamber grows so quickly, as if it shoots out of the soil. Blooms on solar patches earlier than in the shade.

Fading, the dream-grass does not lose its decorativeness, it is adorned with fluffy balls with seeds. Surprisingly, after the drying of the petals, the peduncles are strongly stretched. Seeds ripen by July and, if not collected, fly apart. After pruning the stems, the greens, similar to the carrot tops, remain until the winter. The seed germination rate decreases rapidly. If they need to be kept until the spring, then after drying it is better to put in the refrigerator.

Common lumbago does not require special care, but the soil prefers fertile soil with the addition of sand. The plant is drought-resistant, it does not require watering. You can feed 1 time per season with a complex fertilizer. When choosing a landing site, it should be borne in mind that flooding is disastrous for him. For the winter it is better to cover with lapnick, as they like to eat mice. They gnaw the middle of the rosette, and the plant dies.

The ordinary can not tolerate transplantation, as the carrot root goes deep into the soil, and it is not possible to dig it without damaging it. The lateral processes, taking into account the structure of the root system, do not give, i.e. You can not divide a bush.

Cultivate only from seeds. Sometimes on sale they meet under the name "anemone vulgaris". Seeds can be sown under winter in the boxes buried. They will rise in May. When the shoots grow a little, they will need to be transplanted to a permanent place, preferably well-prepared, since here it will grow for about 10 years. Flowering can occur in the second year, but more often in the third.

When spring sowing seeds, stratification is not required, moreover, they need a daytime temperature of 25-28 o C with a decrease at night and bright sunlight. Sow better in March in an impromptu hothouse, cleared of fluff and awn (bought seeds are already cleaned). Seeds should be placed on a moistened disinfected soil and sprinkled with sand. Seedlings will appear in 15-30 days. The most important thing in growing is not to pour young plants that are easily affected by fungal diseases and can die. When 2-3 present leaflets are formed, picking in individual containers is necessary. Later, when transplanting to a permanent location, the earth cat must be kept.

Lumbago attracts bees, being a poisonous plant containing ranunkulin. Nevertheless, it is used in homeopathy and folk medicine as a sedative and expectorant.

Lumbago is a spring flower. He looks harmoniously in rockeries and rock gardens. It goes well with decorative bows, geraniums, etc. Grow this wonderful plant in your garden. It will be one of the first to please after the winter.

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