
Roller shutters instead of doors to the pantry - what's the advantage?

Very modern and ergonomic for small apartments is the decision to use roller blinds instead of doors to the pantry. They simultaneously allow you to save a lot of space and perform an aesthetic function.

What is Roller Shutters

This is a special design in the form of a web consisting of lamellas fastened together. It moves along the guides, located on the doorposts, and covers the doorway sufficiently tightly. Fixation of the canvas is carried out with a special latch and can be performed at any level from the floor. In the upper part of the doorway, a compact box is mounted, in which the shutters are hidden from the eyes when fully opened, wound on the octagonal shaft. Installed roller shutters instead of doors to the pantry can be controlled either manually or by electric drive. Automation lovers can equip the design with an intelligent system.

Advantages of roller shutters

Roller shutters are very advantageous from conventional doors. Not every modern apartment boasts a large space. Therefore, it can not do without a pantry, where you can place kitchen appliances and household appliances, which is becoming more and more. Roller shutters do not require additional space when opening, since they work in the same plane.

You can install them on any door. It does not require additional materials in the form of a box, all kinds of beams and accessories.

Quality roller shutters are resistant to corrosion, fungus and the effects of various detergents. They are very easy to care for - just wipe with a damp cloth.

Rollers protect the contents of the pantry from dust, dampness and sunlight. They look attractive enough, giving an aesthetic look to the whole apartment and perfectly fitting into the interior.

Production features

Today there is an opportunity to make shutters on special order, of any color and even with photo printing. The most common white roller blinds, in addition, the standard are considered and colors such as gray, beige, brown, and also metallic. Roller blinds are very popular, made of lamellas of different colors.

For the manufacture of profiles use steel, aluminum or plastic. It depends on what requirements are imposed on the design. Installing roller shutters instead of doors to the pantry, it is best to choose a lighter material - plastic or aluminum. To produce an aluminum profile by roller rolling from a metal strip, a certain thickness of the lamellae is obtained. Then they cover with a conversion layer, ground and only then proceed to staining.

The aluminum profile is filled inside with polyurethane foam. This excludes the penetration of smells into the kitchen, if odorous things are stored in the pantry and, conversely, does not allow foreign smells to enter. Thus, the roller shutters perform a protective function instead of the door to the pantry.

Installation of this design is possible at any stage of repair, including the final one. Installation is made without the slightest damage to the environment. The shutters are easily attached to the main wall, to the ceilings and even to the thin partition. Time it takes quite a bit - professionals only need one hour to install roller shutters. The price for them is quite affordable - on average, the installation for a pantry of such a cloth will cost 6-7 thousand rubles.

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