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Ringworm in cats: a clinical picture of pathology

As you know, not only people are ill, but also animals, and sometimes certain diseases can affect not only pets, but also be passed on to their breeders. One of such pathologies is ringworm in cats, which every owner of these elegant animals knows about. Just note that this is an infectious fungal disease that affects the skin and hair.

In general, ringworm in cats is, rather, a collective concept, since it includes two characteristic diseases: microsporia and trichophytosis, which are similar in their clinical manifestation. However, there are also significant differences: thus, in the first case, we are talking about the lesion of skin and hair by the fungus microsporium, and in the case of Trichophytosis, Trichophyton. It is important to clarify that ringworm in cats is extremely dangerous for people, because in the human body this disease occurs in a more severe form.

So, what is the clinical picture of this disease? Let's try to understand in more detail. The incubation period can last from several days to three months. The first anxiety symptoms is a skin rash on the animal's skin, and the cat first exhibits small spots, but in the absence of timely treatment, they are rapidly progressing. On the outbreaks of pathology, there is no hair covering, and they are covered with scaly crusts predominantly gray in color and oily to the touch. If we talk about the area of their localization, it should be clarified that, first of all, the muzzle, limbs, tail and ears are affected.

Ringworm in cats has a different degree of intensity, so you should distinguish between the superficial, deep and atypical course of a characteristic disease. Deep form is considered the most dangerous and is most common in animals with weakened immunity, the surface form can not always be distinguished, especially in long-haired cats, and atypical is manifested on the skin with hairless areas.

So, before treating ringworm, it is necessary to contact the veterinarian in time, which, in turn, will determine the nature of pathology by means of luminescence diagnostics. However, this method of examination is not always accurate, therefore it is recommended to take samples of wool and scrapings from the skin of the animal for a more detailed clinical study.

When the final diagnosis is made, intensive care should be started immediately. The question arises, than to treat ringworm in an animal? I note at once that this is a fairly long and complex process that begins with quarantine, so to speak. The sick animal is isolated because, as is known, the disease is transmitted on contact, and the room should be constantly disinfected.

Further complex treatment includes the introduction of special vaccines, as well as strong antibiotics in the form of injections ("Griseofulfin"). In addition, systematic hygiene of the foci of pathology is recommended in the form of daily washing of crusts with antiseptic solutions (10% alcohol solution of iodine, or 10% salicylic alcohol), treatment with antifungal agents (Miconazole, Tiabendazole) is necessary. Also, regular collection and burning of torn off crusts and hair is provided. Some long-haired cats even "shear nalyso" so that the disease does not spread through the wool.

Ringworm in cats can be timely prevented, because today there are special vaccines that prevent a characteristic disease, for example, "Vakderm-F". It is also recommended to limit the contact of your pet with stray animals and closely monitor his "interlocutors" at exhibitions, and if any signs are found, contact the veterinarian immediately.

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