
Replacement of the CVD-VAZ-2109. Replacement of external and internal SHRUSAa VAZ-2109

The replacement of the VAZ-2109 CV joint is made if it has any damage. Excessive wear is noticeable due to the appearance of an extraneous crunch when making turns. If the hinges are completely worn out, even with straight motion, the sound will remain. To prevent damage, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the anthers. They are made of rubber, but they are constantly exposed to dirt, water, dust, so they can collapse in a couple of years. Cracks appear on them, through which dust particles penetrate the inner surface of the hinges.

How to remove the drive

The drive of the front wheels is carried out by means of two semi-axles, at the ends of which the hinges are located. They provide an equal angular velocity, therefore they are abbreviated as SHRUS (hinge of equal angular velocities). There are internal and external CV joints. The latter are installed in the hubs of the front wheels. They enter them on the splines, from the outside they are fixed with a nut. But the replacement of the CV joints of the VAZ-2109 should be carried out correctly, and this should be discussed.

To conduct work best in turn - first on one side, then on the second. The fact is that both drives can not be simultaneously extracted from the gearbox. First, with a 30-key, you need to unscrew the hub nut, first uncluting it. For ease of operation, remove the tip of the steering rod, unscrew the ball joint and release the brake hose. Pulling the hub on itself, remove the external SHRUS from the splines. Internal pull out of the box, after draining the oil.

How to remove the outer hinge

If you plan to replace the internal CV joint VAZ-2109, then you need to leave only the semiaxis. But if it is necessary to change only the external, then it is enough to remove only it. To do this, you need to get rid of the anther. Since the installation of a new hinge involves replacing the anthers and grease, then you can simply cut it with scissors. He will not be worse, especially if he has cracks and damage.

Now, clutching the half-axle of the drive in the vice, and lowering the outer hinge, it is necessary to apply hammer blows on it. If you plan only cleaning, and the CV joints will be put back, then it is necessary to use a piece of board, so as not to damage the surface of the hinge. The fact is that the semiaxis is attached to the SHRUS by means of a ring that expands inside and holds in that position. Only a sharp and powerful blow is capable of knocking the hinge.

How to remove the internal CV joint

In fact, you do exactly the same as in the previous case. Apply a few sharp hammer blows, only now on the inner SHRUS. Mounting the shaft to the hinge is exactly the same, but observe the basic requirement - try not to damage it if you plan to put it back. Quite rarely this element breaks down, therefore replacement of the inner CV joint of the VAZ-2109 is infrequent. Much more often is the installation of new anthers, but this will be discussed below.

It is worth noting that when installing a new hinge or when washing and cleaning the old one, you must always put a good anther and clog it with a special grease based on graphite. As for washing, it should be performed in kerosene. It will be even better if you give the SHRUS a few days to lie in it, then dry it with compressed air. This will get rid of all, even the smallest particles of dust and metal that could remain inside. Only after this procedure is the replacement of the CVZA VAZ-2109, namely - its installation on the semiaxis.

How to replace anthers

In this there is nothing complicated, but it is worth noting that in the event that you went by car with a torn anther, then under it got dirt. It mixed with grease, resulting in a very strong abrasive that can wipe the metal. The result is an increase in gaps and the appearance of a terrible crunch. On the car VAZ-2109, the replacement of the dust joint SHRUS is made much more often than the hinges themselves. But, in view of the specific design, it is necessary to completely remove and disassemble the drive.

Fortunately, it's enough just to remove the outer CV joint to change both anthers. But only fresh rubber is very tough, putting it on the half-axle will be problematic. Before replacing the anthers, be sure to flush the hinges and press a new lubricant in them - this will increase the service life. Incidentally, the repair kit for the drive includes a CV joint, grease, anther and clamps. The latter need to be said separately - it is not always possible to use a worm-type, since the adjusting bolt can cling to the gearbox or the hub.

Checking the state of the CV joint

Several methods should be used for the diagnosis. After all, you need to determine whether replacement of the VAZ-2109 SHRUS is necessary. The very first is the appearance of a crunch when cornering. As a rule, this is a sign that the outer hinge has worn heavily, it requires replacement. In addition, when reversing, a similar crunch may appear. It's not deadly, but it's not very pleasant either, because you have to forget about a comfortable ride.

The main thing in the diagnosis is not to confuse the symptoms with those that occur when some of the suspension elements fail. For example, with rectilinear motion only badly worn hinges will crunch. The most frequent cause of such sounds is the ball support. A more detailed picture can be obtained if the car is installed on a lift and hang out the entire suspension. In this position, you can determine which backlash is at the hinge, whether there is a knock in the ball joint. In addition, this position is most convenient when replacing the outer CV joint VAZ-2109.


You can talk endlessly about how to properly change the hinges, what kind of lubricant to use, which manufacturer should be trusted. In fact, the most suitable nodes are those whose manufacturers are delivering to the AvtoVAZ plant. When the external CV joint VAZ-2109 is replaced, the manufacturer should be given preference, which delivers them to the plant. As practice shows, the resource of these elements is higher than the foreign counterparts. No matter how our automotive industry cursed, the reliability of domestic units is an order of magnitude higher than that of German or Italian ones.

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