Automobiles, Cars
Lubrication of sails and its application
The hinge of equal angular speeds performs the transmission of torque to the wheels. In short, it is called a CV joint. This device is quite simple in itself. It is a ball bearing that rotates not along its axis, as it does in most similar devices, but across. Its appearance looks like an anti-tank grenade, and therefore received a similar nickname "grenade" among the people.
Thanks to the SHRUS, front-wheel drive cars were born again in due time, as before the creation of this device engineers could not come up with a practical technology that would transmit the torque with sufficient force during the rotation on the front wheels. But the SHRUS made it real.
When the "grenade" breaks down, it emits corresponding sounds that can not be confused with sounds issued by another part. This is a knock or a crash, which is heard when moving from a place or when performing a turn. If you hear such sounds - no doubt, you need to change this detail. The reason is that there is no lubrication. The CV joint must constantly be lubricated. Also, this can still happen due to the fact that the driver jerks out of place with the wheels turned out or turns at high speed.
SHRUS is not subject to repair. When it fails, it must be replaced. If you have a question "how to replace the lubricant?", Immediately drop it. In the "grenades" should be only the lubricant that is provided for it. Categorically not suitable for this case graphite lubricant. Its application is provided entirely for other purposes. But some "clever" stuff her with the SHRUS. I repeat, in the "grenades" should be only the lubrication of the joints. If you do not consider these points, you can go to the maintenance station on the tow truck.
Lubrication SHRUS is in the "grenade", as a rule, the entire service life. But it happens that she leaves from there. The reason is the spoiled dust guard of the joints. Its task is to delay this lubrication. If this is discovered in time, then it is possible to save the mechanisms, for which the dust guard changes and the new lubricant of the joints is stuffed. But in the beginning it is necessary to remove as much as possible the old, because it already contains dust with sand, which contribute to the rapid destruction of parts.
When you choose the lubricant for the CV joints, pay attention to water resistance, mechanical and antioxidant stability, extreme pressure properties, and evaporation. The better they are, the greater the guarantee that your "grenades" will serve you faithfully for a long time.
How to change the anther of a CV joint? At first glance it may seem that the procedure is fairly easy, but it is only at first glance. After all, you need to drain the oil, unscrew the wheel, unscrew all bolts, etc. If you have experience in this matter, then you will manage, and if not - it is better to turn to special workshops. After all, if you make a mistake, the anther will not provide a tightness, and this is fraught with the ingress of sand and dust into the lubricant, which very quickly leads to the failure of the entire SHRUS. Then you have to pay for the repair much more than the master when replacing anther.
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