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A lawyer is a vocation, not a profession
If you are interested in jurisprudence, fighters for truth and right, then you have certainly looked closely at the profession of a lawyer, which is much deeper than it seems.
"It's hard and not fair ..."
I want to start the article with this famous phrase describing the life of a Russian lawyer. And do not say that the representatives of this profession do not live well, but it contains a lot of work, ingratitude and little conscience. But in general, who is a lawyer? This concept came to us even from ancient Rome, where for the first time skilled speakers were used, speaking at the first trials, in order to achieve a certain result from them. However, since then much has changed and now this profession is almost the most common, at least in our state.
Let's return to the most important thing. So, a lawyer ... What is it? First of all, this is a specialist in legal sciences. And although it is always said about it in the masculine (along with the word doctor), it is worth noting that at the present time, the concept of a lawyer can be fully used. This is the same legal specialist, only a female representative.
Lawyer - who is this?
To begin with, it is worth noting that jurisprudence is a professional activity, and therefore, it will be necessary to wean (4 or 5 years) in the right direction to practice it. So do not be in a hurry to rejoice if a pretty lawyer meets you in a specialized firm. It does not mean anything at all, it's better to ask about the qualifications of your future trustee. Suppose a person can be a real professional in criminal proceedings, but only know about civilians, so it's not always worth talking to well-known lawyers, perhaps they are not that professional in your question. It should be remembered that the goal of a lawyer is not only to help you resolve legal issues, but also to earn money, so in the legal market one should be as cautious as possible.
At the end of the last century, an acute need arose in our country for lawyers, and therefore their number, since the late 90s of the 20th century, increased dramatically. The dynamics of growth has significantly decreased, but the profession is still very popular. And what to say - its need is also incredibly high: these are state bodies, government bodies, courts, and even specialized supervisory bodies. But such an abundance of specialists in this profession leads to serious competition, which in fact is good. Due to competition, we have, first, to choose from whom, and, secondly, it is an incentive for organizations to develop, improve the quality of services. So if you want to become a lawyer, be prepared for a tough fight for customers. True, the fair sex has small pluses - if you are a lawyer, it means that you also have a natural charm that attracts most of the clients (and most of them are men).
Face to the law
Everyone knows that the law can not be ideal, and if some lawyers try to close as much as possible all its gaps, others just are happy to use them. Needless to say, for this reason, jurisprudence is a dangerous profession? Often the boundary of the law is so thin that it is practically impossible to determine the legal field, which leads to violation of existing norms and, as a consequence, to certain types of punishments. In fact, a lawyer is not a frequent guest on the bench (except for an administrative fine for, say, a violation of the speed limit), but even the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains a number of articles that are applicable only to lawyers (regarding the falsification of evidence, for example). If you have chosen this profession, always be on your guard, because the law is like fire - you can play with it for many years, but if you are not careful enough, it will definitely burn you.
The main danger
Strangely enough, but most dangerous are their own customers. Some of them promise you big problems related to negotiations, meetings and litigation. Someone will forget to present the necessary documents, someone is deceiving you. Of course, this is not punishable, but a positive result, in this case, it will be very difficult to achieve, and, of course, you will be blamed.
A certain amount of attention must be given to the opponent, or more precisely, to his representative. And it's good when you can quickly find a common legal language with him, but this is not always the case, because each of you defends almost the opposite interests, and you can not choose that your truster is better. In addition, this can also be fraught with, because seemingly seemingly positive conditions can turn into serious difficulties for the person whose interests you represent. Once again, it is worth paying tribute to the female representatives: a lawyer is a real source of increased danger in business negotiations. If you have such luck, then it's better to think three times before trying to find a common language.
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