Health, Medicine
Regional Hospital № 2, Tyumen: address, photo and reviews
No one is immune from health problems. Quickly to recover well-being and to return to a habitual way of life it is possible if nearby there is a good medical institution. The State Regional Hospital No. 2 (Tyumen) has a lot of positive feedback. Get help here, both adults and children.
Basic information
Provides general medical care to the regional clinical hospital № 2. Tyumen is a city with a large population. There are many private clinics with high-quality modern equipment. Despite this, most of the region's residents prefer to contact the state institution. All because the help here is at a high level. If the patient has a policy of compulsory medical insurance, you will not have to pay for the treatment.
The medical institution does not lag behind private clinics. The specialists use the latest technologies in their work. If possible, modern equipment is purchased. Relatively recently, it became possible to conduct microsurgical operations. Experts improve their skills. Thanks to this, many patients manage to save life and health.
Contact Information
Round-the-clock work 2 regional hospital (Tyumen). Adult admission office address is Melnikayte street, 75. You can address this address if you need help with a child. Another children's hospital is located along Lenin Street (house 69). You can receive information about the admission of specialists by phone number +7 (3452) 28-70-14.
Therapeutic departments
The leading medical institution of the oblast, dealing with the issue of reducing the incidence, is the Regional Hospital No. 2 (Tyumen). Today in the structure of the health resort there are three therapeutic departments. The head is Azisova Oksana Kamyl'evna - an expert with many years of experience. The fact that therapists and nurses work in close contact with specialists from other areas is positive. Thanks to this, it is possible to provide correct and timely assistance to patients.
The regional hospital № 2 (Tyumen) renders medical and social assistance to lonely elderly patients, as well as to disabled people. Sometimes, to maintain the well-being of the old man, careful attention is needed. Elderly patients are offered a free medical examination. When identifying these or other pathologies, specialists propose to undergo treatment in a hospital.
Surgery department
Many pathological processes in the body in the absence of quality therapeutic treatment become chronic. To improve the patient's condition, specialists sometimes have to resort to surgery. Regional hospital number 2 (Tyumen) can boast of its surgical department. Real professionals are working here, who managed to save more than one life.
Department of Medical Prevention
In many cities of Russia, more than 50% of the population suffers from one or other chronic diseases. Tyumen is no exception. The 2 regional hospital (Melnikayte, 75) is a medical institution that really helps prolong life. Patients with complex pathologies, undergoing annual medical examination, get the opportunity to fully go to work, communicate with friends, enjoy trifles.
In the framework of compulsory medical insurance, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to undergo a complete examination of the body. When detecting the disease, specialists will be offered to undergo treatment in a hospital.
Dental department
A lot of positive feedback can be heard about Langer Irina Eduardovna, head of the dental department. The specialist works in the institution almost from the moment of its foundation. Today there are four therapeutic rooms and one surgical room in the department. Irina Eduardovna had to perform complicated surgical interventions, thanks to which patients were able to save the beauty and functionality of the dentition.
Gynecological department
Women's health is the health of the nation. This policy is also followed by the administration of the medical institution. The regional hospital № 2 in Tyumen is famous for its gynecological department. Zoroastrova Natalia Nikolaevna (head of the department) is not just an obstetrician-gynecologist with many years of experience, but a candidate of medical sciences. Many future mothers of Tyumen seek to register for pregnancy with this specialist.
Children's department
The medical facility helps the smallest patients. Great attention is paid to immunoprophylaxis. Parents have the opportunity to vaccinate their children according to the schedule set in the clinic. The first inoculation is performed in the maternity ward. In the future, the procedures are carried out on an outpatient basis.
Children's regional hospital № 2 (Tyumen) accepts patients under 18 years old. In the future, patients are served in the adult department.
Reviews about the hospital
For the most part, about the medical institution you can hear positive feedback. Many patients are pleased with the fact that the hospital provides services in various directions. In one institution, you can and cure gastritis, and undergo examination at the dentist. Parents speak well of the children's department. Doctors know how to calm a small patient.
Patients note that in a hospital, quality care is felt. The rooms are clean and comfortable. If there is a health insurance policy, the cost of treatment will be minimal.
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