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Recreational activity: kinds, essence and features

The modern rhythm of life requires a person of unthinkable physical and moral bestowal. But not all work! If the average employee at least once a year does not give leave, not to allow a good rest, then the result of his work will be deplorable. In satisfying such needs, not alien to each of us, the essence of the concept of "recreational activity" is.

What it is?

To the concept we are considering, we can choose many interpretations. So, under a recreation usually mean:

  • The process of recreating human forces (both physical and psychological) that people expend in the course of their work;
  • Improvement of health and work ability;
  • Pastime in the period of the allotted annual leave;
  • Rest after workdays or training sessions and between them, and so on.

In other words, this is the complex of actions that helps a person to stay in active working condition throughout the year. Hence it becomes clear that recreational activities directly depend on the availability of time free from the performance of their workers (or other) duties of a person.

A short excursion into the history

The concept of recreation, in fact, was born even in the days of antiquity (V-І century BC), when the first resort towns began to appear on the shores of Greece and Rome. At this time, people associated with rest with health procedures that helped restore health to their bodies, and, accordingly, their healthy mind. To do this, most often used therapeutic mud, thermal springs, springs of medicinal waters, etc. But in the XVIII century, the holiday acquired features of activity. Recreational activities of the peoples of those times are, first of all, hunting, and then physical activities, in particular: hiking, riding, dancing, physical education and all kinds of sports.

But the twentieth century, together with a technological breakthrough, brought to the inhabitants of our planet not only a mass of unprocessed garbage, but also unthinkable atmospheric pollution, noise and psychological loads. All this contributed to rapid fatigue and a decrease in the overall motor activity of a person. In such a tense environment, the recreational use of their time has become for people almost one of the most important areas of their life. And this is not only the task of each individual person, but of the state as a whole.


The systematization of recreational types, in view of its complexity, complexity and diversity, is rather diversified. But all varieties of this concept can be divided into four main groups:

  • Medical and resort;
  • Sports and recreational;
  • Entertaining;
  • Information-cognitive.

But you can not just take and clearly draw a line of honey between these groups - all kinds of recreational activities are interrelated, which, in principle, is dictated to us by the modern living conditions. A person who, for one reason or another preferring one of these types of recreation, tries in every possible way to spend his free time with maximum benefit, and therefore addresses himself to other ways of spending time available to him. In the continuation of the article, we will try to understand the fundamental difference between all these types of recreation.

Medical and resort activity

At the heart of this rest is the use of any kind of mother nature resources: climatic conditions, healing springs, mud, ozocerites, salts and other natural sources of health. Since this rest is directly related to medicine, it is considered the most regulated way of spending free time. And all because the conditions of such recreational activities must meet all medical and biological standards. A person who has chosen such a useful leisure for himself should follow the prescriptions of doctors.

State regulation

This issue can not be fully disclosed without mentioning such a concept as recreational land. According to the legislation, they include territories, the purpose of which is:

  • Mass tourism;
  • recreation;
  • Holding certain sports events;
  • Protection and performance of sanitary and hygienic functions (suburban "green zones", etc.).

First of all, recreational land There is nothing else than territories under holiday houses, boarding houses, sanatoriums, campsites, camp sites, children's camps; Suburban lands of territories under green plantations; Park and forest park zones, etc. These lands are subject to special protection by the authorities, since they occupy a relatively small area of our state, they are the richest source of rehabilitation opportunities for people.

Sports and recreational activities

This kind of tourism is very diverse, but the lion's share in it (up to 80%) still takes rest at the water. Most modern tourists prefer passive rest, that is, sunbathing on the beaches and bathing.
In addition, there are more active types of it: cycling, motor and caravanning, water, pedestrian, mountain ski, equestrian, complex, etc. At the same time, the purpose of such recreation can be anything: from sports to research.

The most profitable in terms of material terms is amateur tourism, which does not require a person to buy any expensive equipment, nor to pay for services of luxury hotels and hotels. All that needs to be done is to join any tourist-recreational club or organize it yourself. It is worth noting that this method of leisure is considered the most affordable - it can afford even socially unprotected segments of the population, whether children, the elderly or the poor. In view of this, this kind of tourism becomes not just a hobby, but a worldwide movement supported by people from all corners of the world.

Recreational and entertainment system

This concept is quite stretchable, but basically all sorts of festivities, games, celebrations, buffoons, folklore theatrical performances, round dances, etc., refer to this type of recreational activity. In other words, these are all forms of entertainment that, having been formed in the distant past, Still occupy a special place in the life of every person. Although this interpretation fades into the background when we recall all the charms of modern life: computers and other neo-equipment, the Internet, huge cultural and entertainment centers, etc. The entertainment field has become so popular that professional activity in this area can be reliably attributed to A separate sector of the economy.

What is the recreational activity of the cognitive type?

This type of recreation can be both a separate and "built-in" element of the above recreation methods. Think for yourself. This type includes tours to places of world cultural heritage, for example, a review of monuments of architecture, ancient buildings, places of excavation of ancient civilizations, etc. Agree that such information tourism can be combined with a spa or wellness. The development of this sphere directly depends on the level of education and cultural nation, the degree of development of the information space and the transport system in the country.

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