
Questions that you can ask a guy on the first date

Very often, when two finally arrive at the first long-awaited date, it can be a nightmare for them, because people do not know what you can talk to each other about. It should be understood that at this stage people are not yet ready to answer many questions. But here you can get some information about the man on the first date, if you show restraint and delicacy.

Questions that you can ask a guy about dreams, friends and plans

Ask him about friends. This will help you learn it better and make up a psychological portrait. Ask about dreams, plans for the future. It goes without saying that not everyone will immediately lay out their thoughts before you, but if this does happen, it means that he trusts you.

Questions that you can ask a guy about hobbies and hobbies

You can ask the guy about his favorite sport. So you can better understand the nature. If he treats sports with indifference, then we can assume that he is romantic or a philosopher. Also worth learning about how he likes to spend leisure, what are his hobbies and hobbies. It will be easier for you to choose a topic for conversation if you find common interests.

Questions that you can ask a guy about bad habits

It is necessary to find out what habits a young person has. This will help prevent misunderstandings and misunderstandings in the future. If you find out that a guy really likes gambling, then you should be alert. If bad habits are there, then you can ask if he will refuse them. It is also better to know in advance about what drink with the content of alcohol he prefers, and how often he uses them.

Questions that you can ask a guy, and what to say is not worth it

It is not necessary to ask trivial things, for example, "How is the weather?" Or "How are you?". From such questions he may become bored and uninteresting with you. During the conversation, you need to show that you really like the topic that you are talking to. For this, questions that can be asked must be clarifying. A young man will really like it and he will respect you more.

Talk about childhood

Try to learn a few details about his childhood. Find out how he behaved, was quiet or, on the contrary, very active. Remember the pleasant moments from childhood. It would not hurt to learn about his parents, so that in the future there would be no problems when you will establish communication with them.

Ask questions to the guy when getting acquainted with his activities

Particular attention requires the kind of activity of your potential lover. It is worth to ask him if he likes his profession, maybe he will soon find a better-paid place for himself. You can safely ask him about what he has already achieved in this area and other places of work, as men are very fond of telling about their successes. When talking about serious topics, you can eventually translate the conversation into other, easier to perceive. For example, talk about the upcoming vacation.

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