
"Primolut Nor": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

A woman's body is full of mysteries and surprises. The nature is conceived, that during one cycle in it there were enormous changes. The hormonal background is established in the fairer sex with the arrival of the first menstruation: menarche. But it happens that the operation of this debugged function fails. There are a lot of reasons for this: from malnutrition and lifestyle to stressful situations and physical exertion. Medicine provides for such cases. Various drugs can be used to correct hormonal disorders, including Primolut Nor. Instruction, reviews and analogues of this medication will be presented to your attention today.

What does the preparation consist of and how does it work?

Tablets "Primoljut Nor" instruction positions the hormonal agent belonging to the group of gestagens. In its composition there is 5 or 10 mg of active substance (per pill), which is norethisterone acetate. Additional components of the drug are: lactose, starch, polyvidone, magnesium stearate, talc. If you carefully consider the tablet, you can see on one side of the letter AP, and on the other - the risks that separate the drug into 4 parts (in the form +).

About the preparation "Primolut Nor" the instruction tells that it promotes the transition of the mucous membrane of the uterus from the polyfertia to the secretory phase. Observing a certain scheme of admission, it is possible to achieve inhibition of ovulation, reduce the production of hormones, gonadotropins. The drug is able to stop dysfunctional bleeding. A few days after stopping the medication, bleeding occurs, similar to menstruation. The action of the medication occurs within a few minutes after administration. The maximum concentration of the substance is noted after 2 hours.

Indications for the use of "Primolut Nor"

The instruction recommends the use of medication for various gynecological diseases, which are provoked by a lack of progesterone. Among them:

  • Dysfunctional and breakthrough uterine bleeding;
  • Primary or secondary amenorrhea, algodismenorea;
  • Mastopathy and premenstrual syndrome;
  • Adenomyosis, endometriosis;
  • Uterine myoma or other neoplasms;
  • Unpleasant manifestations of menopause.

The manufacturer says that using pills "Primolut Nor" can suppress lactation. Also sometimes this medication is used for contraception. The hormonal remedy is able to correct the timing of the onset of another menstruation.


As with any medicine, there are contraindications to the pill "Primolut Nor". The instruction does not recommend the use of them for hypersensitivity to the active substance and additional components. Do not use the medicine if you have tumors that have hormonal dependence. Contraindicated to use the source of progesterone to future mothers. If they need this hormone, then you should replace "Primolut Nor" with similar medications. The drug is contraindicated in case of liver failure and concomitant diseases. It is not recommended to use tablets for thromboembolism and propensity to thrombosis.

Primolut Nor: instructions for use

Tablets are consumed orally 1-2 times, depending on the initial dosage of the drug. It is preferable to take them after meals. Take the medication with sufficient water. You should not combine this medicine with steroid drugs, some types of antibiotics, sugar-reducing drugs. Depending on the type of pathology and the patient's condition, a specific admission scheme is prescribed.

  • When bleeding a breakthrough, take 10 mg of the drug in two sets. Treatment continues until the problem is completely eliminated.
  • Insufficiency of the second phase or premenstrual syndrome obliges to use the medication from 15 to 26 day of the cycle, twice a day for 5 mg. The therapy is repeated three consecutive cycles.
  • To move the menstruation, the drug takes one tablet (5 mg) per day for no more than 14 days. To begin correction it is necessary not later, than for 3 days prior to prospective bleeding.
  • Treatment of endometriosis involves the use of progestogen from the 5th day of the cycle for several months. The daily dose is 10-20 mg, divided into 2 doses.
  • For the contraceptive effect, the medication is taken in an individual dosage throughout the entire cycle.

Reaction of the body to the drug

Tablets "Primoljut Nor" instruction positions effective and safe. It is important that you can not use such tools yourself. Preliminary it is necessary to receive consultation of the doctor and to hand over some analyzes. Assigned by the doctor, hormonal means usually do not cause censures, they are well tolerated by consumers.

If you engage in self-medication, you can get a not very pleasant effect. If any adverse reactions are found, seek medical attention. It is inadmissible to continue therapy with a deterioration of well-being. The drug is capable of provoking dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In some women, its use causes breast engorgement or bleeding. If you use your weight began to increase, then this is not the norm.

How can I replace a drug?

If you can not buy Primolut Nor, then you can replace it with a structural analogue - the drug Norkolut. It is produced with the same active substance in a dosage of 5 mg per tablet. Indications and contraindications are the same. Progesterone-based drugs have a similar effect. Among such: "Dyufaston", "Iprozhin", "Utrozhestan" and others. Some medicines can be used during pregnancy. This makes the substitutes for "Primolut Nor" tablets more popular and expensive.

What kind of feedback does the medication have?

You already know what information the user tells about the pill "Primolut Nor" instruction. Feedback will also be useful to study. Many women are satisfied with the pill. Patients report that gestagen significantly improved their well-being: frequent bleeding has disappeared. To those of the weaker sex who are prone to hyperplasia of the endometrium, the drug has especially helped.

About the medicine also has reviews and future moms. Despite the fact that the drug is prohibited for use during pregnancy, he helped some women to conceive a child. Of course, after this, the tablets were replaced with more tested and safe analogues. But the fact remains.


Today you got acquainted with the drug "Primolut Nor". Instruction, description, testimonials and some substitutes are presented for your reference. Despite all the good reviews and the praise of patients addressed to the hormone, you should not use it yourself. Even if you need to shift the beginning of another menstruation, consult a doctor beforehand. This will save you from unforeseen unpleasant reactions. Take care of your female health from the youth. Remember that thoughtless reception of hormonal drugs can provoke a malfunction in the work of many body systems. Good health to you!

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