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Pribautki is ... Small genres of folklore

Children's folklore is a separate system of oral folk art with inherent only to it genre components - cradles, teas, jokes. The existence of the latter is known to everyone, even people who are absolutely far from studying texts or raising children. Probably, many will immediately remember the sayings about the magpie, a crow, a goat (although they should, apparently, be attributed to a different genre - poteshki). Confusion for a long time existed and in folklore. Anything was included in the jokes, including tongue twisters, teasers, and inverts. However, nowadays scientists-literary scholars try to avoid such mistakes, so the genre of jokes is rather definite. About his specifics will be discussed in the article.

Genre definition

Pribautki are small stories of a humorous nature, amusing the baby with its content or rhythmic organization. They have a rather simple plot, they can be performed both in prosaic and poetic form.

Place in children's folklore

Songs-jokes should be distinguished from pest-dolls and nursery rhymes, which are addressed to very young children and accompanied by a simple physical exercise, massage. Miniature texts consisting of one sentence, allowed to establish contact between an adult and a child, to cheer up even the most capricious baby. Pribautki - this is somewhat different. They are also aimed at achieving this result, but they are intended for a more adult audience, when a child can not only recognize the appeal to himself, but also somehow answer it. By the end of the "lullaby" period (age 2-5 years), the child has a sufficient lexical reserve to perceive the game with the word, puns at a semantic level.

Through such suggestions, the little man will know the world in which he will live. Necessary philosophical categories, social problems can fit in a simple, sometimes primitive form. Even the most banal jokes (for example, "Go Goat for Lychees") give an idea of the way of family life, the division of labor between husband and wife. And then the child becomes aware that the forest is full of dangers, the goat is trapped by a wolf, but the beast itself is afraid of archers - ambivalence, which is universal in nature!

Specificity of existence

Children's jokes are often improvised, so there are no special instructions, how should they be performed - in chorus or alone. And the age of the tellers does not matter. Children themselves can write texts with pleasure, and then they can be voiced.


Russian folk jokes go back to "buffoonish" songs, game verdicts, performed in a dialogical form:

- Goat, goat,

Where was it?

- Horses guarded ... and so on.

From the buffoons, various jokes about insects that chopped wood, drowned a bath, clever pigs, and many others were inherited.

To correlate this genre with children only by the end of the XVIII century. For the first time, jokes were published in Otechestvennye zapiski by folklorist Avdeeva. She did not separate them from lullabies, although she pointed out that such works were not always sung, and often were told by nannies.


So, jokes - this is another mechanism for the development of the child's intellect, manifested in the early stages of life in a rich imagination. That's why children's songs are abundantly saturated with a fantastic element. In the jokes the cat sews a fly, ducks play in the pipes, and the cockroach, despite its small size, is quite capable of raising an ax and chopping wood. The most striking example of such a strange content - a song "Dancing fish with cancer." In this joke, the general bacchanalia affects the inhabitants of rivers (the fish and cancer mentioned above), vegetables (onions, garlic, parsley) and even people. The only carrot left without a pair, which could not dance ... The picture is pretty surreal, is not it?

For jokes is characteristic of repetition, so that the child will better remember the information. So, the last line of the sentence "Water does not come on fire" is repeated nine times, the one before it - eight and so on downward. And, of course, jokes (this is the main condition of their content) should have aesthetic impact, bring joy to the child. This goal is achieved artistic merits of the texts themselves - vivid metaphors, sound recordings, rich rhymes.


The meaningful filling of jokes determined their artistic specificity. They have a very simple, even primitive story, which is rapidly developing and covering a limited number of actors. In addition, he is inclined to repeat himself in the jokes of various peoples. For example, quite well-known is an English song about an old woman who settled in a shoe. Grandmother was very strict: she had many children whom she fed soup without bread, beaten, and so that they were not too indignant, early sent them to sleep. Almost a similar joke was recorded from the lips of an illiterate peasant woman who lived in the Vologda province. True, in the Russian version of the old woman is already richer and more generous: she did not allow herself to handle her handiwork, and another porridge with butter was added to the first dish (shcham).

For jokes, the use of constant verbal formulas with "lived-were" and "in a certain kingdom" is characteristic. The language of these works is uncomplicated, the syntax is simple and clear. To the peculiarities of songs-jokes also refer to the already mentioned repetitions, sound recording (alliteration), the adjacent system of rhyme.


Russian jokes are very heterogeneous in nature. Among them there are playful hints, describing animals, insects, who are engaged in human affairs. An example of this is a joke about a cat in a basket that sews shirts while the cat "jerks on the stove".

From them it is necessary to distinguish songs that were performed by adults for children. They are also called cumulative, that is, built on the repetition of various motifs, images. An example of such songs is "I Lived With a Pan", "There were eight daughters with a widow" and many others.

"Ancestor" of joke-dialogues is called game conspiracies, which began to be considered a part of children's folklore only to the first half of the twentieth century. Their examples are songs of conversation about horses that went into the forest, bulls drinking water, etc. A separate group includes children's jokes, devoid of comic effect. The latter include treatment like "our daughter in the house, that pancakes in honey."

Pribautki and other small genres

Less common are parable-parables. Such a genre designation is generally debatable, and some researchers prefer to call them children's anecdotes. But this is not entirely correct. Unlike the anecdote, the parable-priests represent a kind of moral lesson, which is embodied in an entertaining form. A striking example is a quote about Titus, who did not want to thresh, but could not refuse the porridge and tried to find his big spoon. When a child tries to do something in a hurry, somehow, he is reminded: "I knocked down and knocked together a wheel! I sat down and went ... "Well, what happens after such a trip is known to all - an accident and a breakdown of the vehicle.

But the boast of the child is to respond with a witty dialogue with Vanya, who caught the bear, but can not get away from it, since the ugly animal does not "let it go." An anecdote of such a moralizing, instructive component is deprived. By its nature, he is a prosaic genre, verse organization of the text of jokes is alien to him. So the allocation of the last level is quite legitimate.

Russian folk remnants can contaminate (connect) with other small genres. This is a very common phenomenon for folklore. So, there are counting-scribes, preserved thanks to Dal. They are well suited for active games, when the process of choice in itself, who will drive, is able to give pleasure. Often, riddles, jokes, narrating about the Vorotynsky column, which no one is blowing, including the king and queen. By the way, the solution of this puzzle is extremely simple - a grave sign.

Pribautki and lullabies

Children's suggestions can also be correlated with lullabies, in which those borrowed a figurative system. That's why the main heroes of jowls are often cats, chickens, lambs and other animals. Especially often there are children's songs, in which two actors participate - a goat with bast eyes and a magpie. The latter is interested in where she was, and the answer is a phrase like "shepherd foals, who went to the forest / downhill", that is, lost.

Similar jokes can be heard even in our days. And this is their special charm. After all, what the people created for centuries, the destiny is destined to exist forever, not to lose relevance, some novelty for the next generations.

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