
Prestochnochny onion rokambol: planting and care

The bow of the rockabilly became known to truck farmers not so long ago. This hybrid has many names. Among them are often found: elephant garlic, garlic with a hard neck, onion, garlic, Spanish onions, Egyptian garlic and so on. The main feature of the plant is its size. The number of denticles in this bow is small - no more than six. But the weight of one head can reach 400 grams. Photo of onion-garlic (rockambol) can be seen in the article.

Short description

How does garlic onion look like? Photo rocambole allows you to more accurately represent the appearance of the plant. Until now, there are disputes about which vegetable in this "duet" prevails. Visually, the plant is very similar to the leek. During the first year after planting, an integral head grows, to which smaller children are attached. After another season the plant becomes more like a large onion, which consists of several denticles. That they appeared, it is necessary to plant in the ground not the baby, but the head itself. Only in this case the vegetable will become more like garlic. An exception to the rules is planting the plant in the fall.

And yet the rockabil - onion. Confirm this can flower stems of the plant. They have a round shape. The inflorescences themselves consist of small flowers resembling tulips. Seeds, of course, appear. However, they can not be used to grow seedlings, since they are "dummies".

What are the varieties

At the moment, only a few varieties of bowambaul are known: Janissar, Pearl, White Elephant. Each of them has its own characteristics. For example, the White Elephant variety was bred in Belarus. Its main features include the following:

  • The bulb is large and white, and in the cut - beige.
  • The shooter does not throw away.
  • The number of teeth can reach 7 pieces.
  • The average weight of the bulb is approximately 150 grams.
  • Frost-resistant.
  • It is not susceptible to clay fungal disease - fusariosis.

Variety Pearls are also frost-resistant. However, it throws out arrow-peduncles. Bulbs in size and weight are slightly smaller than those of the White Elephant. A variety is introduced in Russia. The weight of one bulb can reach 50 grams. Has a high yield. From one square meter you can collect 1.8 kilograms of onions.

As for the Yanychar variety, this is the youngest variety. It was also bred in Russia and registered in 2016. This variety is distinguished by its high yield. The weight of the bulbs can be from 50 to 150 grams.

Preparation of planting material before spring planting

Onions rocambol (photo is in the article), like any other culture, must be prepared for planting. The teeth are selected in the autumn. Store them in a room with an average moisture and in the dark. The air temperature should be no more than + 25 ° C. Of course, before planting it is necessary to properly prepare the planting material. For this, the denticles should be placed for about 30 days in a room where the air temperature is 0 degrees. After three weeks, the planting material must be exposed to the sun's rays. As a result, denticles and bulbs should acquire a greenish shade.

Also, the planting material is recommended to be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will avoid contamination of bulbs and denticles with various diseases. Lushe all pour the solution of planting material and leave for the night, and in the morning drop everything into the ground.

Planting of plants in spring

When is it best to land onion-garlic (rockambol)? Planting can be carried out in the spring, immediately after the snow melts and the earth warms up a little. It is worth noting that culture is not afraid of cold weather. Sprouts may appear even at temperatures below +5 ° C. However, the soil must be sufficiently loose and moist after winter. The soil should be prepared in autumn, mixing it with fertilizers. The distance between the bulbs should be 17-18 centimeters.

If there is not enough moisture in the soil, it is worthwhile to water the beds after planting the denticles. Due to the necessary amount of moisture, the bow of rocambol will begin to grow rapidly. As a result, you can get a good harvest.

Requirements for soil and landing site

To prichesnonchesny bow of rocambol brought a good harvest, it is necessary to choose the right place for its planting. To the plant developed well, it is worth adhering to the recommendations of specialists. Otherwise, you will not get a good harvest.

Primer is recommended to enrich it with useful substances in advance, mixing it with humus, ash ash or compost mass. It is also important to observe crop rotation. Garlic onion rocambol grows well there, where before it was grown cucumbers, peas, zucchini and cabbage. No less useful are the plants-siderates. They allow us to saturate the earth with nitrogen, and also suppress the growth of weed grass. It is not necessary to plant the culture in those places where it was grown onions, garlic or potatoes.

We make beds

Many summer residents dream of growing and harvesting a good harvest of a prancing bow. Photos of the rockambol, published on the appropriate resources and demonstrating the size of the bulbs, are another incentive to comply with all the recommendations of experienced truck farmers.

  • The first question: when to plant?
  • Second: how to arrange the beds?
  • Third: how to care?

We will dwell on all three in more detail.

So, landing. Plant the planting material, as already mentioned, in the spring, but you can do it in the fall, and even under winter (we will return to this later). The main thing is to properly prepare the beds. They should be even. It is important that plants in the future receive a sufficient amount of fresh air and sunlight. It should be noted that this kind of onions requires abundant watering.

Before planting, it is recommended to loosen the beds well throughout the depth, as well as the width of the furrows. This will allow young bulbs to take root quickly and qualitatively. It is also important to keep the distance between rows. It should be at least 10-15 centimeters. It is not necessary to plant the inoculum closely to each other. The teeth need a place to develop normally and grow. You also need to keep distance between the heads.

Onion landing in autumn

As you know, many plant greens and onions in the spring, but in the case of the culture we are considering, everything is somewhat different. According to the experienced truck farmers, it is autumn - the ideal time for planting onions of rockabilly. The best time is the beginning of October, as the soil is still warm. The next year from the planting material will grow large bulbs, consisting of separate denticles.

Before planting, you must clean everything from the husk. This is necessary in order for the roots to break through to the soil. Carry out such manipulations carefully, as there is a risk of damaging the planting material. It should be noted that the denticles of husks are soft, and it is not necessary to clean it.

When preparing beds, it makes no sense to make very deep furrows. It will be enough 9 centimeters. Do not forget about the distance between the rows. It should be at least 10 centimeters.

How to plant onions for the winter

Cultivation of onion-garlic (rockambol) requires a special approach. It is worth noting that this culture is not afraid of cold weather. Therefore, it can be planted during the winter. According to experts, this method allows you to obtain large bulbs. The soil should be prepared in advance: loosen and fertilize.

The site for planting should be selected in August and not planted with other plants. Planting of planting material costs approximately 4 weeks before the start of frost. Plants must have time to release roots and strengthen in the ground.

Features of planting for the winter

To protect planting from various diseases, experts advise treating bulbs and denticles with special fungicides. Digging beds is recommended to a depth of 30 to 35 centimeters. In this case, the tab needs to be executed in several layers:

  • A layer of compost or humus with a thickness of at least 8 centimeters;
  • Denticles located from each other at a certain distance: small - closer, larger - further;
  • A layer of compost or humus;
  • Fallen leaves or hay.

This multi-layered protection allows you to protect the planting material from frosts, as well as to completely preserve the snow cover, which provides moisture and heat.

How to water

So, we have smoothly moved to discuss the third of the issues mentioned above. How to care for onions? Rokambol must be watered regularly. Otherwise, the harvest will be small. Abundant irrigation is required during sprouting, as well as in the formation of bulbs. Do not dry the soil. Do not use cold water. Truck farmers recommend to pour liquid into the barrel or into the tank and warm in the sun.

If you use water directly from the well, the risk of contracting plantings with fungal diseases increases.

Weeding and loosening

Weeding is recommended to combine with loosening. Carry out such manipulations after each irrigation or after the rain. Otherwise, the soil will be taken with a continuous crust, which adversely affects the growth of the bulbs. Spacing is worth loosening after emergence, and between plants - when the heads start to grow.

Loosening will improve the air permeability of the soil. Weeding is also necessary to obtain a large crop of culture, known as the onion of the rocambol. After all, most of the weeds are able to pull out of the soil all the useful components that are necessary for the growth of vegetables. In addition, the grass creates an additional shadow. And this is undesirable.

What to do with the arrows

This plant reproduces only by children-bulbs or denticles. Seeds do not make sense. Therefore, the flower spike in the process of cultivation of a special role does not play. He only pulls out of the plant the substances necessary for his growth. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend immediately removing arrows with peduncles. Of course, the harvest will not increase, but the bulbs will not grow larger.

How to determine the lack of fertilizers

Growing onions of rockabilly has many nuances. They should be taken into account in advance. For example, the leaves may begin to turn pale with time. This may indicate a lack of nutrients. Therefore, the soil must be fertilized. The choice of fertilizing depends on the stage of development of culture. If the sprouts only sprouted, then in the soil you need to make fertilizers, which contain more nitrogen. If the process of bulb formation has begun, the feeding should contain more potassium and phosphorus.


Rokambol - a bow that is afraid of any putrefactive processes. Most often affects the head of the head. Such a disease is called fusariosis. With the defeat of culture with this disease, the bulbs become soft, and the roots begin to rot.

Usually, the disease arises from the violation of crop rotation and the rules of agricultural technology. The condition of bulbs can be affected by a lack of moisture or nutrients. Also, putrefactive processes begin as a result of damage to the heads of pests, for example, onion fly. Often, the disease occurs after harvest - due to improper storage.

For the prevention of disease, it is recommended to treat the planting material with special fungicides before planting. If the disease still affects the vegetables, then it is not recommended to plant garlic or other varieties of onions in the place where the bow of the rockambol was sitting for 4 years.


Most often the onion we are considering - rocambol - affects such pests:

  • Root mite. This insect harms the harvest already harvested. Penetrating through the bottom of the bulbs, the parasite leads to a rapid drying of the vegetables. Therefore, after harvesting it is recommended to dry the heads well, removing all rotten and damaged ones.
  • Onion fly. Penetrates the parasite into the bulbs through the bottom and eats them from the inside. To avoid infection, it is worthwhile to plant the crop in rows, alternating them with rows of carrots. The smell of her leaves destroys the pest. Also on the beds you can sprinkle a mixture of ground pepper, wood ash and tobacco dust. Such procedures should be held weekly throughout May, and then two more times in July.


The time for harvesting the rhombambol onion depends on the time of planting:

  • Onions planted under the winter can be harvested at the end of July;
  • If planted in the spring - collected around the end of June;
  • Planted in autumn - in the middle of September.

According to experienced truck farmers, there is no difficulty in determining the ripeness of onions. Rockambol is time to collect, when the leaves of plants in the uppermost part will turn yellow, and in the lower part they will dry up. Do not postpone the harvesting process for later, as the bulbs in the soil continue to dry. In this case, the denticles begin to separate from the husks and leave in the soil. The same happens with bulb-babies. In addition, the harvest can damage diseases that cause putrefactive processes. First of all they hit the bottom of the bulb.

How to store

After harvesting the onion must be cleaned of the adhered soil. Manipulate it manually. Cut the tops and roots only after drying the heads.

What to do with the onion? Rokambol should be tied in pigtails or in bundles. After this, it should be left in a well-ventilated area. To extend the shelf life of vegetables, you should place them on the sunny side in an open space.

When the onion is completely dry, it is necessary to sort it out. You can only keep healthy heads. As for the temperature indexes, they should be from 20 to 25 ° C. You can store vegetables in boxes or in tissue bags.

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