
Preparation "Proxium": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

How is the Proxium used? Instructions for using this medication are described in the materials of the article. In it you can find information about the form in which the medicament is made, whether it has analogues, for what purposes it is prescribed, and so on.

Form, packaging, composition of the medicine

In what form is a drug such as Proxyium produced? Instructions for use indicate that this medication is available as white tablets in cardboard packs, as well as in a lyophilizate with a solvent vial (10 ml).

The first form of the drug contains pantoprazole (40 mg), as well as additional elements. As for the bottle of lyophilizate, it also contains 40 mg of the active ingredient + sodium hydroxide.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

What are the features of the "Proxyum" medication? Instructions for use indicate that this antiulcer and antisecretory agent.

After taking the drug inside, it blocks the production of hydrochloric acid. This is due to the inhibition of the action of the proton sediment, which is in the parenteral cells of the stomach.

The active substance of the drug is able to reduce the basal, as well as stimulated by the enzyme pentagastrin, food and insulin, gastric secretion. In addition, the drug depresses the life of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. As is known, it is with its active reproduction that the formation of ulcers and erosions on the mucous walls of the stomach is associated.

In addition to the above, the drug in question increases the effectiveness of other antimicrobial agents.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

What pharmacokinetic properties does the "Proxyum" medication have? Instructions for use inform patients that after the first dose the effect of the drug develops very quickly and lasts throughout the day.

The greatest content of the drug in the blood plasma is observed four hours after taking a standard dosage of 40 mg. The degree of communication with proteins is 98%. The half-life of the drug reaches two hours.

Drug is withdrawn through the kidneys and intestines.

Pantoprazole is absorbed in the small intestine. The biological availability of this substance is approximately 75%.

Metabolism of the active component of the drug is carried out in the liver. Conjugation, oxidation and dealkylation reactions with the direct participation of such an enzyme as cytochrome P450 occur.

It should also be noted that the drug under consideration easily overcomes the blood-brain barrier. In addition, it is excreted together with the mother's milk.

In elderly people, plasma concentration and bioavailability of the drug is significantly higher than in young patients.

In the presence of cirrhosis of the liver, the drug can be excreted up to 9 hours.

When appoint?

Now you know how the "Proxyum" drug works. Instructions for use, reviews of this medicine indicate that his indications for use are the following diseases:

  • Stomach ulcers, as well as 12 duodenal ulcers (including during periods of exacerbation);
  • Treatment from the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (taken only as part of complex therapy);
  • Reflux-esophagitis and Zollinger-Alison syndrome;
  • Increased production of gastric juice;
  • An easy form of reflux esophagitis.

You can not use

Does this drug, such as Proxyum (tablets), have contraindications? Instruction for use informs patients that this form of medication can not be prescribed in any case:

  • Hepatic insufficiency of a serious degree;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Malignant tumors in the organs of the digestive tract;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Allergies to drug components;
  • Children under 14 years.

As for the solution in ampoules, it is not recommended for patients with an allergic reaction to Pantoprazole. In addition, this form of the drug should never be combined with Atazanavir.

Tablets "Proxium": instructions for use

Analogs of this antiulcer medication will be presented at the very end of the article. In the same section, we will tell you about how such a drug should be taken with certain diseases.

With the appointment of the drug "Proxium", most doctors give their preference to the tablet form. If the patient has problems with swallowing, then he is prescribed a solution.

Dosage of this medication, as well as the regimen should be determined only by the attending physician.

So how should you take Proxium 40? Instructions (tablets of this drug are sold in all pharmacies) states that the recommended dosage of this medication is 40 mg per day. Medication is taken during or after a meal, with plenty of water.

When diagnosing an ulcer or erosion of the stomach, the daily dose is increased to 80 mg.

For the treatment of ulcers of the duodenum, medication is taken for 15-30 days. As for reflux esophagitis and stomach ulcers, the course of treatment for such diseases should be no more than 2 months.

To eliminate the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the patient is prescribed 1 tablet twice a day. The duration of such therapy is 2 weeks.

Patients suffering from kidney failure, as well as elderly people do not prescribe a daily dosage of more than 40 mg.

With hepatic failure of severe degree and cirrhosis of the liver, the drug is allowed to take 1 tablet every other day.

Solution Proxium: instructions for use

In ampoules, this drug is prescribed if oral administration is not possible.

10 ml of a physical solution is poured into a vial of lyophilizate. Some experts recommend additionally to mix such a preparation with 100 ml of 5% glucose solution.

Intravenous infusion should last at least two minutes (preferably about ¼ hours).

The medicinal solution should be used immediately after the connection of all components. If this is not required, then the drug should be placed in a refrigerator and applied no later than 12 hours.

The duration of therapy with such a medication is similar to the tablet form. The maximum treatment time is 2 months.

With this diagnosis, like reflux esophagitis, the drug is prescribed in the amount of one bottle once a day.

To treat bleeding that occurred in the ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, as well as for the prevention of recurrence, the drug is used in 80 ml intravenously (bolus).

The administration of this drug is indicated with the help of an infusomat at 8 mg per hour.

With Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and hypersecretion, medication is prescribed at 80 mg. If necessary, the doctor can increase the dosage to 160 mg. In this case, it needs to be divided into 2 receptions.

To quickly reduce the acidity of the gastric juice, usually 80 mg of the drug is used twice a day.

Cases of overdose

What are the symptoms when taking higher doses of Proxium (40 mg)? The instruction says that there are currently no reports of such cases.

When the drug is administered intravenously (no more than 240 mg), it is tolerated fairly well by the patients. If you used more of the drug, then you need to use supportive and detoxification therapy.

Experts suggest that an overdose of "Proxy" tablets can lead to an increase in the strength and frequency of side effects. In this case, the taking of the tablets is stopped.

Adverse Reactions

What are the undesirable effects that can occur when taking Proxium 40? The instruction says that the use of this tool often leads to:

  • Constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea and flatulence;
  • Cephalgia.

Sometimes patients develop:

  • Itching and rashes on the skin;
  • Vomiting;
  • arthralgia;
  • Dryness of mucous membranes;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Eructation;
  • Angioedema;
  • Weakness and drowsiness;
  • dizziness.

The cases of development of the following deviations were also recorded:

  • Depression, myalgia, Lyell's syndrome, urticaria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • Increased activity of liver enzymes, jaundice, damage to hepatocytes, fever, nephritis;
  • Sensitivity to light, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
  • Thrombophlebitis (refers to the solution, occurs at the injection site);
  • Tremor, nervousness, hearing loss and vision;
  • Acne, alopecia, hyperglycemia.

Drug Interactions

What properties of the drug do you need to know the patient before taking Proxyum? The instruction for this tool indicates the following features:

  • The medication in question can be combined with Diclofenac, caffeine, Glibenclamide, ethanol, Phenytoin, Metoprolol, Diazepam, Nifedipine, Carbamazepine, Theophylline, Digoxin, and contraceptive hormonal agents , "Naproxen" and "Digoxin".
  • It is highly undesirable to take this drug with "Atazanavir".
  • Such coumarinic anticoagulants as Fenprokumon and Warfarin, when combined with Proxyum, can lead to a decrease in PTI.
  • Clinically significant drug interactions with "Metronidazole", "Amoxicillin" and "Clarithromycin" were not identified.
  • Pantoprazole reduces absorption of drugs, the bioavailability of which is directly influenced by the hydrogen index of gastric juice (for example, "Posaconazole", "Ketoconazole", "Itraconazole", "Atazanavir", "Erlotinib").
  • The combination of the drug in question with "Methotrexate" often leads to an increase in toxicity of the latter.

Special Recommendations

What features of the drug should the doctor inform about before prescribing to his patient such a medicine as Proxyum (tablets)? The instruction, attached to this medicine, is obligatory for reading. It states that this drug is prohibited for people with nervous dyspepsia.

When taking the drug for more than three months, the patient may develop hypomagnesemia. Signs of this disease are: convulsions, fatigue, tetany, delirium, ventricular arrhythmia and dizziness. In case of such symptoms, the medication should be withdrawn and immediately consult a doctor.

Before and after therapy, gastroendoscopy is mandatory to determine the condition of the digestive tract. It should be borne in mind that pantoprazole can easily mask the signs of malignant neoplasms.

The maximum dose of the drug per day for the elderly, as well as for patients with impaired renal function is 40 mg. For patients with cirrhosis of the liver, the daily amount of this drug should be reduced by half.

Therapy treated by the agent in rare cases leads to the development of campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis.

Proton pump inhibitors increase the risk of bone fractures in the elderly by about 30% (with prolonged treatment).

Analogs and synonyms of the medicinal product

Now you know what is and how to take the drug "Proxium". Instructions for using this tool have been described in detail above.

If for any reason this medication is not suitable for you, it can be replaced by such common analogs as "Barol", "Emanera", "Geerdine", "Esomeprazole", "Diaprazole", "Ortanol", "Nexium", " Rabeprazole, Veloz, Sunpras, Lansoprazole, Ezolong, Gassek, Ultop, Deksilant, Pariet, Zulbex, Omeprazol, Omelik, Ozol Losek, Omez, Epicurus, Omelox.

Also, the drug "Proxyum" has synonyms: "Controller", "Pantaz", "Panzol", "Panum", "Nolpaz", "Penta", "Pantex", "Pulcet", "Ultera".

Reviews about the drug

Virtually all reviews about the drug in question are positive. Patients claim that the "Proxyum" medication promotes the rapid healing of erosions and ulcers, and also prevents the development of relapses.

With regard to side effects, the most commonly manifested patients include nausea and stool problems.

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