Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Prediction or a bad dream? What does he dream about dying? What do you dream about the death of a husband or loved ones?

In order to answer the main question, which is covered in this article, namely "that dreams to death", it is necessary to determine what is dream and dreaming.

Sleep is an important process inherent in every person

The basic scientific definition existing in the modern world: sleep is a special natural physiological process of being in a state with minimal brain activity and low response to the surrounding world. It is inherent not only to man. There are two main phases of sleep: fast sleep, slow sleep. Deeper into this is not worth it, we leave it to the scientist.

Each person, in order to rest, goes to bed, during a dream, almost everyone sees dreams. This applies to both humans and animals. Dreams can carry both positive emotions (after such a dream a person wakes up rested, full of strength, joyful), and negative (after awakening a person feels excitement, nervousness and even fear).

In a dream, a person spends one third of his life, so many people think that sleep is just another reality where normal life is taking place.

The Origin of Dreams

Why do we dream something, where do dreams come from, can dreams come true - these and other questions have not been answered. The origin of dreams is a curious phenomenon, a mystery for scientists, which they can not yet solve. Only fifty-five years ago, the study of brain activity during sleep began, so we can conclude that scientists who study sleep and the activity of the body during sleep, everything is still ahead, and soon this riddle will be solved. In the meantime, we will have to rely on small discoveries in this field and use the interpretations of dreams of our ancestors.

Prophetic dreams

Do dreams come true? This is one of the questions that has troubled humanity since ancient times.

According to a poll that was conducted in 2013, 41% of people saw prophetic dreams, that is, those that came true in real life after a while.

Most scientists who study this issue are skeptical of the facts that some people have dreams come true. They say that a dream that supposedly came true is just a coincidence. A person is so excited by the dream that he is looking for coincidences and draws parallels with the events taking place around him.

There is an opinion, which is held by almost all scientists: a dream is just a visual representation of the work of our nervous system. If the dreams are calm and positive - the nervous system is in order, but if the dreams are dark, negative and repeated several times over a certain period of time - then something does not give the person peace of mind. It can be a quarrel with a loved one, a bad deed, an insult, etc. Either this is how the body signals about the disease. In any case, you need to contact a specialist (for example, a psychologist).

Dreams of death

Perhaps the most terrible dreams that everyone dreamed of - dreams of his death or the death of a loved one. Almost everyone asked himself the question: "What does a dream before death?" And from a scientific point of view there is an explanation. Death disturbs any person, even in the modern world, the attitude to it does not change: they are afraid of her, they do not talk about her, death is a grief. Every person faces death on a daily basis - bad news is broadcast on TV, radio, about the death of one or another person they write in social networks, in newspapers. This information, together with feelings about yourself and close people, is postponed somewhere in the subconscious, which in the dream gives out this information.

But, as was said above, this is from a scientific point of view. Below we will consider what our ancestors thought about such dreams, how they treated dreams about death. Are there scientists who believe that dreams of this nature come true?

It is worth noting that in the search engines are very frequent inquiries about what dreams are dreamed of death, before death. This question will also be considered below.

Dreams portending their own death

It is impossible to say with full certainty that he dreams of his own death: for each person this will be his dream. But all the same, something common with such dreams can be distinguished.

On April 4, 1865, the sixteenth US President, Abraham Lincoln, went to bed. Suddenly the silence of the White House was broken by female lamentation. Lincoln quickly got up and went to the sound of this crying. So he found himself in a huge hall, in the middle of which stood a coffin, an honor guard around the coffin. People in mourning attire said goodbye to the man who was lying in the coffin. When Abraham Lincoln approached one soldier from the guard of honor and asked about who died, the soldier replied that he was president. So, the US president, Abraham Lincoln, had a dream of his own death, about which, after waking up, he recorded in his diary. Ten days after this dream of death, Lincoln was killed in Washington during a performance in the theater.

Many famous people dreamed of prophetic dreams about the death of their loved ones or their own deaths. For example, Metropolitan Filaret of Moscow saw in a dream his deceased father, who named the date of his death, which eventually came true.

These examples can already show that he dreams of the death of himself.

Images in dreams, telling of his own death

There is also a list of images that can dream of their own death. These images are taken from dreams that people told. So:

- the main image is a deceased person. This image prophesies its own death, if it is a dream to take the deceased for a living: feed, wash, dance, pinch, tickle, bathe in a bath, pick up, count teeth, invite to eat, etc. That is, it means that soon between those who dreamed, and between those who are no longer living in the world, an equal relationship will be established. And since the dead can not come to life, then the one who dreamed such a dream will die. If the deceased person simply dreams, is silent or talks, but does not interact any more - nothing bad foreshadows this dream.

- The image associated with white color, warns of death, if you try on with a subsequent purchase of white shoes, see a white owl, a white flying pigeon, dress all white, talk to someone who is dressed in white clothes, while the person Not visible face.

- Images associated with black: a black horse, a black rabbit killed by you.

- Images associated with the cemetery: eat something from the grave, measure yourself and the coffin, lie down in the coffin, throw money into the grave, buy wreaths and put them around yourself, pay at the funeral home, hammer the lid of the coffin with nails, fall on the grave, Buy a peep and carry in a cemetery - in a dream these are bad signs.

- Images associated with the church: put yourself candles for the peace, see yourself on the icon, drop the icons, drink holy water from the hands of the saints, talk to God, refuse it, see that someone puts candles for your health, you buy a lamp Oil, pour lamp oil, sing along the song at the funeral service, etc ..

- Different images predicting their own death: burying in the ground or clay, taking all things out of their house, hanging the mirrors with a black cloth, buying or building a house with windows and doors clogged, parting with everyone, shaking the earth off clothes, seeing yourself in the One shoe, see a black crow, a spider on its body, cut a black cloth, water the earth with blood, iron its human bones, paint lips with dead, etc.

In fact, there are a lot of such images, and dream books are constantly supplemented with new information, but it is impossible to verify how much such information is true.

A dream of one's own death - is it so terrible?

However, one's own death in a dream by many sources is treated as a positive event, so do not be in a hurry to die. Most likely, in your life there has come a turning point in which you can safely start life with a clean slate, change something, meet the right people, find love and live a long and happy life.

Seeing your funeral in a dream means that you are ready to bury all the bad and old and begin to live in a new way.

To participate in your own funeral means that you will receive respect from others, your ideas will be recognized by other people.

To be killed in a dream means not too happy events, but not death: divorce, parting, intrigues of competitors, danger.

Dreams that portend the death of a loved one

Also, one can not accurately answer the question of what dreams are about the death of loved ones. Dreams are dreamed and treated differently. Everything depends on the person, his emotional state, character, etc. "What dreams for the death of loved ones?" - this question is also not so rare in the search engines. Anyone wants to get an answer to him and try to prevent the loss of a loved one.

The most famous dream that warns about the death of a loved one is a dream with teeth. By the way, often this is what dreams about the death of a relative. So, if you see in a dream that a tooth with blood has fallen out, a blood relative will die, if a tooth without blood - a close person dies, but not by blood, or a distant relative.

A dream about a bird is also very famous: if a bird dreams, knocks on glass, smashes it or flies into the room, breaks out and flies away - to the death of a loved one or a relative.

Another thing that dreams about the death of a loved one or a relative: sand, which is very hard to walk, the setting sun, an empty bed, the person you call, and he does not turn around and leaves (sails away).

Signs accompanying death dreams

It must be remembered that the warning of death comes not only in dreams, but in life. It is worth paying attention to such signs: the fall of the icon, the cracked engagement ring, the cracked mirror or dishes, the sunflower rotting in the middle, the cracking of walls, the cracked furnace - to the death of the mistress, the mice chew their clothes, the night dog howling if the dog does not eat the food left After the patient - the patient will soon die.

Things that should not be done: plowing up the old cemetery - to the death of the eldest son, planting a Christmas tree in front of the house - to death in this house, planting a willow - the one who planted this willow will die, when from this willow it will be possible to make a shovel. To enter the new house first - the first entering into the new house will die early (therefore start up the cat). Pull the pillow on the table.

Will take a lot, a huge number of them got to us from grandparents, whether they believe in them or not is everyone's business.

Dreams warning of the death of her husband

This is what dreams about the death of her husband:

- Cover your head with a white or black scarf;

- to lose shoes and not find;

- Torn nail;

- to look for a lost horse in a dream;

- Loose a ring in a dream;

- an eclipse of the sun in a dream to see;

- Cut the oak in a dream;

- to see a burning gate in a dream.

But when a husband dies in a dream, this does not mean that he will soon die in real life. Most likely, you are at a quarrel with him, it worries you and you need to make up, or you are hiding something from him. In any case, it will be necessary to seriously talk and "open up" to him.

The fact that she dreams of her husband's death, there is very little information in various sources, this article contains the main dreams, which were told by women who later lost their husbands.


The advice that can be given in this article is not to be afraid of dreams, do not focus on their interpretation, try to perceive dreams as your imagination, inner experiences, and if someone has died in a dream - that does not mean that he will die tomorrow actually. This means that you do not want to remain without him in this world and worry about him. Dreamed that they died themselves? Relax and enjoy life - you will live happily ever after with your beloved and loving people.

If all the same is interesting, to what this dream dreams - look into the dream book. What a dream to death is an interesting question, but not so much as to get stuck and study it, spending your free time. It is better to devote this time to your family and friends, and it is not important that when and what I dreamed, live here and now!

Dreams - signals about illnesses

By the way, if you suddenly began to dream of the dead, blood, coffins, funerals - do not rush to climb into the search engine with the question that dreams of death, do not prepare to die, but go to the hospital. Some scientists believe that often dreams carry vital information in terms of health, a person needs to interpret it correctly. With the help of such dreams, the body can warn about diseases that are just beginning to emerge. Examples of such dreams, about which people told, are hundreds.


For each person their symbols and signs, their dreams before they die. If you are concerned about your teeth, gums, then most likely in a dream will drop falling teeth, blood. The pigeon will not necessarily dream of dying, for someone this bird is a symbol of the soul and dreams when a new person appears soon, and dreams about a wedding and a wedding dress are happy for many. Therefore, it is impossible to find the answer to the question about what is dreaming about death, which is suitable for you.

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