
Potatoes Irbitsky: variety description, photo, reviews, recommendations for growing, characteristics, yield

One of the promising varieties is the potato Irbit. Description of the variety, reviews and photos prove that this variety is one of the best achievements of breeders. He was recently brought to the State Register for the Western-Siberian and Volga-Vyatka regions. For a short period, he managed to prove himself well.


According to its characteristics, the potato of Irbitsky is characterized by high yield and fast maturation. The ripening period is only 70-90 days, which is important for regions with an unstable climate.

Bushes of plants of medium height, semidirected. Flowers are medium in size, with a bright color on the inside. The leaves of the potato are large, intermediate type, dark green in color. This variety is characterized by high yields, excellent commercial qualities. During a short period of vegetation, the roots can grow to quite impressive sizes. From one plant, an average of eight large tubers is obtained. They have a rounded shape, the peel is red with small eyes. Inside, the root is yellow. The weight of one tuber can reach two hundred grams.

Judging by the reviews, the photo, the description of the variety, the potato Irbitsky proved to be excellent in growing under unfavorable conditions.

Characteristics of the variety

The novelty of selection has the following characteristics:

  1. Excellent commodity indicators.
  2. Keeping. With long-term storage, up to 97% of root crops are retained.
  3. Resistance to pathogens of fungal and viral diseases.
  4. The yield of potatoes of Irbitsky with proper agrotechnics can reach 400 quintals per hectare.
  5. Is able to give a high yield in all weather conditions.

Preparation for planting

Before planting it is necessary to prepare potatoes.

  1. Seed the planting material. Tubers should be healthy, without damage.
  2. Calibration is carried out according to the size of the root crops.
  3. Large tubers are cut into several parts. Each should have two or three eyes.
  4. The tubers are germinated.
  5. Processing of potatoes with protective agents, fertilizers.

Before planting, a high yield gives a preliminary soaking of tubers in fertilizer solutions. For their preparation, take four hundred grams of nitrate and superphosphate and dissolve in 10 liters of water. The tubers are immersed in the solution for an hour. During this time, the potato absorbs useful elements and activates the growth and development of root crops and the aerial part. With this soaking, you can harvest a week ahead of time.

Peculiarities of growing

To get a high yield, you must observe the time of planting. Judging by the photos, reviews and description of the variety, the Irbitsky potatoes will give a good harvest if planted in the soil around mid-May (for the central strip of Russia). If you deviate from the norm of the terms, even for a week and a half the harvest will be worse.

Before planting root crops should be prepared soil and planting material. Three weeks before the landing, tubers are selected for planting. Do not use rotten, damaged potatoes. For planting use only clean, smooth, without stains and other damage root crops.

Then the selected material is placed in a bright room for germination and gardening. To make it more convenient, it is recommended to divide the tubers in size. Large specimens can be cut into two or more pieces, leaving two or three eyes on each part.

Necessarily the planting material is treated with special nutrient solutions and various protective preparations. They can be purchased at any dacha store. You can use a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Judging by the photos, reviews, descriptions of the variety, the Irbitsky potatoes grow best in well-fertilized soil. Therefore, before planting it is necessary to make organic and mineral fertilizer. After this, make grooves depth of about 15 centimeters, in which the roots are planted. At the same time the circuit is 60x35 cm.

As plants grow, they are weeded and watered. As soon as the aboveground part grows to a height of 15 centimeters, the first hilling of potatoes is carried out. This must be done in order to stimulate the development of root crops above the planting tuber. The second hilling of potatoes is carried out at a time when the plant begins to close the tops. In the formed grooves watered.

Care during the growing season

The main care for the plant is timely weeding and maintaining the soil in a loose state.

To obtain a high yield, it is recommended to carry out plant care according to the following scheme:

  1. The first loosening is carried out to a depth of up to ten centimeters. The second and subsequent - by five centimeters.
  2. The hilling is performed at a plant height of about 15 centimeters.
  3. It is recommended to combine water with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. In total, during the growing season, three additional fertilizing should be done. Nitrogen, complex and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied. When using nitrogen fertilizers separately, it is important to monitor their quantity. Here the rule is: it is better not to feed, than overfeed. Otherwise, the huge tops will grow to the detriment of the formation of root crops.

Many people are interested in how to water Irbit potatoes in order to get a high yield. This process does not differ from the irrigation of other varieties, except for the multiplicity - just a season the plant watered about three times (in hot, dry weather, the amount of irrigation increases).

Diseases, pests

The variety is unique in that it is practically not affected by known diseases. However, the potato Irbit pests can attack. To deal with them, apply a variety of insecticides, which can be purchased at any dacha store. In the rest the grade differs unpretentiousness and simplicity in leaving.


Despite its "young" age, the potato managed to win the hearts of truck farmers and farmers. This class is classed as "super elite". On one plant grows a fairly large number of tubers of various sizes, among which about eight potatoes have a large size. Such crops can be obtained in a fairly short period of vegetation.

According to the people who tried the variety, it can be seen that it gives stably large yields in all weather conditions. Even if other varieties are not pleased, this potato will please the truck farmers with a large, delicious harvest that can be stored until the next season.

Potato storage

The shelf-life of tubers depends on many factors. This is affected by the following:

  • Weather. If during the growing season it was too cold and rainy, then during storage there will be quite large losses.
  • The soil. Roots grown on sandy and chernozem soils are stored better than those obtained from loamy soil.
  • Fertilizers. With an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, the tubers do not lie for long. They are most quickly affected by disease. The same applies to root crops, which are not receiving potassium.
  • Late blight. This disease can get on the tubers, so the potatoes will be less stored.
  • Conditions. In order for the roots to retain their appearance until the next harvest, it is necessary to know how to store the Irbitsky potato and other varieties.

To ensure the right conditions, you need to dry the tubers after digging the crop. Before you put them away for storage, the harvest is necessarily sorted. All cut, damaged by the disease, small specimens are removed. Tubers are used for storage without visible damage. The shelf life depends on the size of the potatoes. For the average period, large potatoes are selected. For long-term storage medium specimens are used. All the rest is used immediately after the selection.

Preparing for storage

To keep the harvest as long as possible, you need to follow simple rules of preparation.

  1. After digging out the potatoes it is recommended to leave the tubers on the ground for an hour. This will dry the crop. It is inadvisable and dangerous to leave root crops longer, as sun rays can cause burns, which will negatively affect shelf life.
  2. After a sun bath, the potatoes must be placed under a canopy where wound healing and build-up of protective properties will occur. The most intensive healing process occurs at a temperature of about 18 degrees. At lower temperatures root crops heal wounds longer - about three weeks. At the optimum temperature, the healing period lasts about ten days.

After preparation, the potatoes are placed in a vault with a temperature of about 2-4 degrees. With this mode, all the processes inside the tuber process freeze. In this condition, the potatoes can be stored until the next crop is harvested.

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