Arts & EntertainmentMusic

Playing the Guitar: What a Teach Tutor on the Guitar Select

Congratulations, dear reader! If you read this article, then the diagnosis is clear. You entered the society of people sick with a guitar. This, believe me, is one of the most exciting diseases, giving the best of complications - the expansion of cultural horizons and an exciting journey into the world of sounds. Moreover, you can, perhaps, soon yourself write songs no worse than the famous masters. And to perform these songs yourself. But first of all, you have to learn how to play the guitar. But how to choose the right guitar tutorial? There are so many of them. The purpose of this article is to review several popular textbooks on learning guitar. So, let's begin.

1. When searching on the Internet, beginners are looking for textbooks for their still low level and they often come across the self-instruction manual Volman B. The first steps of the guitarist . The small volume of the self-instruction manual at first attracts, but at more detailed analysis we saw very condensed information about the musical technique. Materials are all from the repertoire of classical guitar. Chords and accompaniment (and this is the first thing that novice guitarists want to master) is given little space. In general, as a basic for beginners book is not recommended. A lot of questions about the technique (for example, how to muffle strings and stuff) and the lack of analysis of the principles of accompaniment, obvious flaws.

2. Self-instruction game on a six-stringed guitar. Nikolaev A.G. The repertoire on which the training is conducted is classics and folk music, including romances. That for many fans of this genre and the author's song will be an obvious "plus". Moments of teaching the technique of the game are written out in great detail and soundly. Disagreements and alternative understanding in students should not appear. An attempt is made to learn how to select chords. Not bad, but if the book had in addition CD-ROM, it would be very good. But so, the technique of selecting chords is given. With minimal hearing and perseverance, one can master this aspect and play music. In general, a good textbook.

  3. Bakhmin A.A. And Molnar AA Came out "Tutorial game on a six-string acoustic and electric guitar with tables of chords." For beginners, it's pretty good. There are notes, there are tablature. Very well written out specific techniques in rock music. Tremolo, bends. All techniques are given the English name ("legato" is replaced by "pool-offs" and hammer-ons "," glissando "for" slide "). In the context of rock music is also good. Guitar tuning techniques are well described , attention is paid to non-standard structures. This is in rock music is often found.

4. Self-instruction guitar playing Manilov V. "Learn to Accompanate on the Guitar" does not have a genre specificity, but all the nuances of accompaniment in different styles are well revealed. Country, blues, rock, author's song and Soviet classics are literally all. The music theory is well-written and at the same time very accessible language. Principles of construction of chord parts, arrangements, change of basses in chords. All on top. It is Manilov V. "Learn to Accompanate on the Guitar", in our opinion deserves to be the best textbook for beginners. And due to the girth of all the nuances, we recommend a self-instruction manual for more experienced performers.

5. "Guitar for Dummies", Phillips M. and Chappel J. completes our review. A solid edition for beginners (with an overview of the best guitars and performers of modern times) teaches blues, classics and country. Not a bad, not a bad textbook. As precisely described techniques, as in Manilov, as there is humor. Very interesting are the methods of accompaniment in country styles. All at the highest level. But there is one "but". This is that all examples are English-speaking. Agree, who from Russian-speaking users is familiar with such incorrupt masterpieces as Kumbaya? But other than that, everything else is very much nothing. Recomended.

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