HealthHealthy Eating

Pine nuts. Than are useful and how are going to?

Cedar only refers to a family of pine species, but is another tree other than pine. There are several varieties of it: Lebanese, Himalayan, Atlas and Siberian. Their life together with the period of growth by different estimates can last 500 or even 800 years. Fruits appear after 60 years, and sometimes, under poor growing conditions, later. The buds mature for more than a year, from 14 to 15 months, each contains only 30 or 150 nuts. One tree can give up to 12 kilograms of nuts per year.

The hard way from the forest to the counter

Pine nuts. Than they are useful, many know, but about their high prices are perplexed. They are so expensive because the road from the tree to the packaging is long enough. First, the collection of nuts takes place, the occupation is not simple and time-consuming. They are collected in bags by hand, taken only within a radius of two kilometers from the carpool, and outside this zone - on their shoulders. At the processing plant, out of a kilogram of cones, an average of only 250 grams of seeds is obtained, that is, from a kilogram only a quarter goes for food. On the production of cedar oil, the nuts go together with the shell. Cake is used in agriculture.

Eat cedar nuts and forget the way to the pharmacy and the polyclinic

Positive qualities, such as are known for pine nuts, what they are useful for a person, their medicinal and nutritional composition, a large content of linoleic acid and other polyunsaturated acids in fat, people have been studying for a long time. They contain proteins easily digested by the body. They are rich in a large number of amino acids with predominance of arginine, a substance extremely important and useful for a growing organism. The presence in the diet of children, pregnant women and adolescents of pine nuts can not be replaced by anything, so it is a necessary supplement in nutrition.

This does not end their virtues. Pine nuts, than they are still useful: tocopherol, splitting fat by vitamins of group E and P. They provide full heredity, feeding during lactation, reduce predisposition to atherosclerosis.

Mineral substances, lecithin, amino acids are also included in their composition, not inferior to the amount of soy. They are rich in iodine, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. Deficient trace elements: manganese, cobalt, zinc and copper will enter the body of an adult in full if he eats 100 grams of nuts per day.

Then follows a complex of B vitamins, affecting human growth and development, minerals, phosphatide phosphorus. By the number of biologically active substances, cedar surpasses all other nuts. Pine nuts than are useful in addition to what has been said? They contain 18 amino acids, 75% of which are irreplaceable or conditionally replaceable for humans. They eliminate avitaminosis, which is caused by a lack of vitamins of group B.

Birds and animals have long known the healing properties of pine nuts. Not only birds, wolves at the time of changing teeth, they also gladly take a liking to them.

Cedar and folk medicine

A man has long known their benefits, using in tinctures and broths, at home cooking oil from them. What is useful for cedar oil? He is drunk with stomach ulcers (a teaspoon thrice a day), hypertension, neurosis, and he is treated with skin diseases. This is an indispensable tool in the treatment of burns of any degree. From his own practice: a burn from boiling fat, accidentally splashed on his hand, passed for three days, the pain was gone within half an hour.

Decoctions treat gout, arthritis, joint pain, peptic ulcer, purify the blood, use for various skin diseases. The immune system is strengthened, the potency in men increases. Infusion of the nuclei can be done like this: half a glass of water, insist for 24 hours, then mix everything with a mixer. Drink as yourself, and adding to tea, in porridge to children.

A very strong broth of the shell helps to get rid of the vegetation forever under the armpits and on the legs. It is enough to them to grease shaved places on a body, to wash off in half an hour. Tinctures from shells or kernels of nuts are taken for purification of blood, with arthritis, osteochondrosis.

Nuts should necessarily be given to children and adolescents, and also to their adult people.

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