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Pine buds when to collect for treatment? Therapeutic properties of pine buds

Almost throughout the territory of our country there is a coniferous pine or forest tree. Its medicinal properties were discovered several centuries ago. To this day, the needles, stems, buds and buds of plants are widely used both in traditional and in folk medicine. But to prepare a medicine at home, it is necessary to collect and apply the raw materials correctly. In this article, we will talk about such a plant product as pine buds: when to collect them, how to store and use them for medicinal purposes.

Pine kidneys in folk and traditional medicine

Pine kidneys have a long list of medicinal properties, therefore such raw materials are used both in traditional medicine and in folk prescriptions of medicines.

Extraction of pine buds in Ancient Egypt used for embalming, in Greece used for colds and made ointments for wound healing, and in Russia with the help of plants struggled with problems of the oral cavity.

You can buy pine buds in a dried pure form, they also add them to various herbal preparations. Most often, the kidneys are used to treat colds, respiratory problems (SARS, sore throats, laryngitis, bronchitis and others).

Apply pre-dried plant in the form of broths, tinctures, inhalations, rinses.

But not all the kidneys are useful - over-ripe or, on the contrary, unripe, they do not have great healing power. You need to be able to properly prepare them. When to collect pine buds for treatment? We will describe this below.

Therapeutic composition and properties

The composition of the pine buds include essential oils, resins, phytoncides, starch, vitamins C, B, K, carotene, tannins, mineral salts.

Due to this, pine buds have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound-healing, diuretic properties.

Such composition is only young ripe cones collected in a certain period. When to collect pine buds for a medicine? It depends on the climate and weather conditions.

Contraindications to the reception of pine buds

Kidney buds - a drug that involves a reasonable (by indications) reception and strict compliance with the prescribed dosage. In addition, under certain conditions, it is contraindicated to take medicines based on pine. So, it is not recommended to use such medications for people with kidney disease, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, suffering from thrombosis. You can not use such drugs for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for children.

Overpopped, in time assembled pine cones do not have the necessary medicinal composition and can even provoke side effects when used: nausea, digestive disorders, allergic rashes. When do you need to collect pine buds? As soon as the snow comes down and the spring sun will fill the plant with juices and resins. This period is optimal for the collection of such raw materials.

When can you collect pine buds?

Dry buds of pine can be purchased in dried form in a pharmacy regardless of the season. But freshly picked spring buds have even more healing properties. They contain many resins and ether - the main active components necessary for the manufacture of the drug.

Collect raw materials in early spring or late winter (February - April). Here it is not so much to rely on the time of the year, how closely to watch how the pine buds swell. When the time comes to collect, they become tarry, but still remain closed. In order to determine whether the raw material is suitable for collection, it is necessary to wait for the moment when the active growth of the kidneys begins, their swelling. The color of shoots in this period is light brown, sometimes orange. On the fracture buds are green, resinous, have a pronounced coniferous aroma.

But you do not need to delay the collection - you can miss the moment of the best harvest. If the kidney dissolves - it is already unfit for medicinal purposes. You need a tightly closed kidney flake.

How correctly to collect?

How and when to collect pine buds? To treat such a plant, it is necessary to properly harvest the raw material. Cut with scissors several pieces in the crown, leaving a small stalk. It is recommended to collect pine buds in household gloves, since it is difficult to wash off resin.

Then the kidneys must be dried. To do this, unfold in a dry ventilated and darkened place on a cotton cloth with a uniform thin layer of pine buds. When to collect ready-made dry raw materials? The duration of drying depends on the weather conditions - in a warm climate, the kidneys will dry for 10 days. Correctly dried buds on the fault will become dry, earthy in color.

Dry pine buds in special drying or under direct sunlight can not be, since most of the useful substances will be destroyed, the resin will dry out, and the kidneys will open up. In this case, the raw material will become unsuitable for the preparation of medicinal products.

Keep pine buds recommended in linen bags no longer than two years.

Recipes of broths

Decoction of pine buds used for oral administration for colds and problems with the excretory system, used as inhalations and rinses. We offer a few simple and effective recipes:

  1. In order to prepare a simple decoction of pine buds, you need a tablespoon of dry raw material to boil in a glass of water. Strain and bring to the original volume of boiled water. You need to use such a remedy on a tablespoon three times a day. In the same way, they prepare a decoction for inhalation, only increase the volume of water to one and a half liters, and dry kidneys in this case will need 60 g.
  2. With colds and sore throat will help decoction of the kidneys of pine with honey. It is prepared in the same way as a regular broth. Only after the filtered liquid has cooled, add honey to taste. In a hot broth, honey can not be added, since most of the nutrients at high temperature are destroyed, thus, the therapeutic value of the agent is significantly reduced.
  3. Popular in folk medicine is a recipe for broth from pine buds on milk. Prepare such a miracle remedy is simple: you just boil the young pine buds (when you need to collect the raw materials indicated above) in 0.5 liter of milk, and then strain.

Alcohol tincture

For the preparation of alcohol tincture you will need half a liter of quality vodka, a handful of pine buds (fresh or dry), lemon and honey to taste (200-300 g). The process of manufacturing such a tool is quite long - pine buds need to brew. The best in advance to take care of the prevention of colds in winter and prepare an alcohol tincture on the eve of cold weather.

In order to make such a tool at home, you need to pour half of pine cones with vodka, and the other half with boiled water, with the addition of juice of one lemon and honey. Infuse for two weeks in a dark place. Then strain both compounds and mix. Pour into containers (preferably glass) with hermetically sealed lid and leave in the refrigerator for another month.

When it is necessary to collect pine buds for cooking tinctures? You will need all the same young spring buds. Then such a medicine will not only be useful - it increases immunity, fights against viruses, has an expectorant effect, but will also please with pleasant taste qualities. You can use tincture in pure form 3-5 times a day on a tablespoon or can be added to warm (not hot) teas and compotes.

The recipe for jam

The medicine from pine buds is not only useful, but also very tasty! Jam from such raw materials turns out thick and fragrant, and a large amount of useful substances in such a product will help prevent human infection with respiratory infections and significantly reduce the course of treatment for an already detected disease. In addition, the reception of pine buds in this form is not contraindicated even to children and pregnant women, but in moderation.

When to collect pine buds for jam? There is an opinion that suitable for this use are overreached, already open kidneys. In fact, this is a delusion. Only young spring juicy shoots are suitable for jam.

There is a large number of various recipes for preparing jam from pine buds. We offer this method:

  1. Half a kilogram of kidneys rinse under running water several times, then place in enameled dishes.
  2. Pour two glasses of cold water, put on a plate and bring to a boil.
  3. Boil on low heat for half an hour (almost to the full boil-off of water).
  4. Prepare the syrup. To do this, pour a kilogram of sugar on a frying pan and pour 500 ml of water. Boil, stirring constantly, on low heat until the sugar dissolves completely.
  5. In sugar syrup, mix pine buds and boil for 10 minutes.
  6. It remains to pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Pine kidney bath

A fragrant conifer bath - the procedure is very pleasant and useful. Essential oils pine cones relax, relieve muscle tension, accelerate metabolism, contribute to the fight against colds and headaches.

How to prepare a decoction for a bath? To do this, put in a large pot (5 liters) 500 g of pine buds, if desired, you can add pine needles, cones and young shoots of the plant. Fill all with cold water and boil for half an hour. It takes 12 hours to insist such a healing composition. Then pour the broth into a warm bath. Take a hot bath for 15-20 minutes.

In our material, we talked about the time at which pine buds are collected, how useful they are, and shared proven recipes of folk medicine. They can be used for both prevention and treatment of diseases. The main thing is to observe in all measure and not overdo it with the reception of the kidneys of a pine - an overdose can lead to unpleasant and dangerous conditions. And it is better before using herbal medicines cooked at home, consult a phyto-therapist or a doctor in charge.

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