Food and drinkRecipes

Pilaf from buckwheat: a recipe with a photo

We all know that pilaf is a specially cooked rice with meat. The dish is hearty and very tasty. But it turns out that the basis for this dish is different cereals. The article will tell you how to cook a delicious pilau from buckwheat.

A bit of history

Plov is a very ancient dish, the principles of preparation of which were formed in India and the Middle East. At the end of the 17th century, the envoys of the French royal court, returning from Turkey, enthusiastically told of a surprisingly tasty dish of rice and meat flavored with saffron and turmeric. But the French cooks could not cook real pilaf. Using traditional techniques of national cuisine, they created porridge with meat and sauce, which was given the name "mircoton". Only in the 19th century the original plov recipe came to Western Europe. Since then, this dish has become permanent on the daily and festive table of Europeans.

The classic dish is made from rice, beef, vegetables, seasoned with spices. But the old recipe has undergone many changes, the ingredients have changed, the technology has been improved. As a result, today we know about a thousand options for cooking this dish. For example, you can cook a delicious pilau with buckwheat. The recipe, photo dish is presented below.


What will the hostess need:

  • Groats buckwheat - 1 kilogram;
  • Pork ribs - 0.5 kg;
  • Pork pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • Large onion - 7 pieces;
  • Carrots large - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Vegetable oil (best sunflower refined) - 0.5 cup;
  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Fragrant ground pepper - 0.5 teaspoonful;
  • Seasoning for pilaf - 1 teaspoon.

As you can see, all products are available, they can be bought at any store and inexpensively. From this quantity of ingredients you will get a large bowl of plov. Guests just will be enough.

Preparation of products

We soak the meat in cold water for about an hour, dry it on a paper towel, cut into portions.

Carrots mine, clean and cut into large brusochkami (length of about 5 cm).

We go through the groats, my under running cold water, but do not soak.

Two heads of onions are cut into half-rings of medium thickness, and the remaining five are cut into large pieces.


How to cook real pilaf from buckwheat, and not just delicious porridge with meat? To do this, you need to follow a certain technology. So, we prepare a step-by-step authentic pilaf made from buckwheat with meat.

First we will heat the cauldron, pour out the sunflower oil into it, lay out large pieces of onions and fry them completely. That is, we will fry in oil until the onion becomes dark brown. After that, we take all the pieces to make the oil clean (it can be filtered).

Next, we send ribs to the cauldron, fry them over medium heat to a beautiful golden crust, put them on a plate. It was the turn of the loin part, which we also sent to the kazan and fried from all sides, and then we put it on the plate to the ribs.

We pour the onion into the bowl, bring it to a golden color, then put the carrots. Cook it until soft: on average, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the vegetables are ready, you need to return the meat to the cauldron, while laying it on a layer of onions and carrots.

Now in a separate bowl you need to warm the water well, since it can not be poured cold into the cauldron, so as not to lower the temperature of sunflower oil. In water, we dissolve salt and spices, gently pour out on meat with vegetables. In the middle we put the washed, but not peeled garlic (whole head just rinse under the tap and do not disassemble, cut the stems with a knife) and fall asleep with dry rump. At this point, pilaf from buckwheat can no longer be disturbed. Just close the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat slightly and wait 30-35 minutes. Through this time, you can remove the cauldron from the fire. The dish is ready!

Pilaf from buckwheat with chicken

Some gourmets prefer buckwheat pilau with chicken, and not with pork. Prepare it exactly as described above. But there are several subtleties that should be taken into account, so that the food turned out delicious:

  • For pilaf take a loin without pits and thighs, cut large;
  • Chicken fry very quickly on high heat, otherwise it will boil during the quenching process;
  • It is recommended to pre-soak the meat in salted water so that it is delicious;
  • Onion is not pre-fried, that is, only 2 bulbs are used during cooking. Chicken is a delicate dietary meat, and too much culinary loads spoil it.

As a result, you will get a very tasty and flavorful dish, the calorie content of which is much lower than in the previous version.

Pilaf with buckwheat and mushrooms

For a change, you can prepare lean pilaf from buckwheat, replacing the meat in the recipe with any mushrooms - oyster mushrooms, champignons, whites, buttermils, honey agarics, chanterelles, etc.

Mushrooms per kilogram of cereals will also need about 1-1.5 kilograms. They need to be washed, cleaned, cut large, small mushrooms left intact. Fry on high heat until cooked.

In the rest, cook as described above: fry the onions with carrots, put the prepared mushrooms on them, pour hot water with spices, cover the rump, add the garlic. Stew for about half an hour without mixing.

Little Secrets

According to this recipe, pilaf can be made from any cereal: barley, wheat, oatmeal, pearl barley. But the barley and wheat cereals must be pre-cooked until half cooked, and the pearl barley - until ready (it is cooked for several hours and just does not have time to "get" in the allotted 35 minutes).

When the pilaf from buckwheat is ready, you can put on top 100 grams of butter, cover and let it melt, but you can not stir the food!

Meat can be taken any: beef, poultry, lamb. Only with the rabbit it will not taste delicious, since the rabbit needs to be cooked in a special way.

This dish can be cooked in a multivark, but a real pilaf is cooked in a thick-walled cast-iron cauldron.

The bay leaves do not put in pilaf.

It is important to observe the principle of "stratification", that is, laying ingredients in layers: vegetables, meat (mushrooms), cereals.

Now you know how to cook real pilaf with buckwheat. The recipe of the dish is simple, even a beginner can cope with it, the main thing is to observe all the rules of cooking.

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