LawState and Law

Passport issue and rumors

Rumors that the issue of the old passport will be stopped in connection with the entry into force of the new law on documents certifying the identity of a citizen outside the state is nothing but rumors.

The issuance of the old passport has been made for a long time, and it is not planned to cancel it. It is intended for those who do not often travel outside their homeland, and are considered an economical option. Its price is much lower than the analog of the electronic form. The difference is one thousand five hundred rubles. But the period of validity was still limited to five years, which is half that of the new document, and, of course, considerably complicates the use.

The second type is the "electronic" passport of the new generation. It was about the cessation of its spread that we were talking about. The issuance of a passport of this type will be suspended. To replace this specimen came an improved sample, supplemented by a three-dimensional photograph of the owner, applied to the holographic film.

The new document, like its predecessor of the electronic form, will be issued for a period of ten years, and to have a larger number of pages compared to the old copy, 46 instead of 38.

Issuance of the foreign passport of the previous version of the electronic model will be discontinued and due to the fact that the location of the information carrier, more precisely, the chip, has changed in the new one. Forms issued earlier will be valid until the end of the validity period. It is not necessary to change them to new ones, although it is not forbidden.

The collection and submission of documents for the registration of passports of both new and old formats are identical. An exception can only be called the size of the state fee and the quality of photos. For a new generation document, you will be required to take a three-dimensional photo in the FMS department. Changes to the period of issuance of the passport were also not made. Both can be obtained in the same period of time. The difference is only in the departments of the FMS: somewhere the document will be ready in three weeks, and in some only in forty days.

The next rumor, which excited the population about passports, appeared around the list of countries in which entry with old-style documents will be banned. By the way, there is absolutely no reason to worry about either the list or the excitement, all this is nothing but a panic that has no soil under it.

You can get a visa to any country with a new document or an old one. The only validity is the remaining validity of the passport. The timing of issuance of the passport is strictly regulated, and it is they who can influence the receipt of a visa. This should be closely monitored, intending to go on a trip abroad.

It is true, however, that in some cities of the country the departments of the FMS issue old-style passports only in emergency cases, which will need to be documented. The reason for refusal is the insufficient number of passport forms. Although, according to experts, it is believed that this deficit was created deliberately, to replenish the treasury by distributing more expensive copies of documents.

Do not trust rumors, rely on the laws and expert opinion! Travel with pleasure.

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