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Red capsicum - an indispensable seasoning

Many dishes can not be cooked ideally without such seasoning as red capsicum. This spice is also known under a different name - "chili". For centuries it was valued almost in gold, and now it is available to any person. Some of the world's cuisine, for example Mexican and Indian, almost never do without it. This plant of the Nightshade family was originally cultivated only in South America. Today, this pepper is grown on an industrial scale in tropical countries, but some varieties are successfully cultivated in Russia. Many grow this pepper at home on the windowsill. This plant with branching stems, covered with elliptical leaves, rarely exceeds the height of 60 cm. It blooms with white flowers (sometimes with purple spots). Fruit is a berry with a pericarp of a proboscis or globular shape.


Many gardeners grow red peppers on their plots. What is the name of this or that variety of this plant, very few people know, but in the world there is a certain classification, according to which one can determine its variety.

"Habanero" - one of the sharpest peppers. Its fruits are roundish and wrinkled. "Cayenne" - has small pods. "Bird's eye" is an acute-angled thin pepper. "Jalapeno" - has an elongated fruit of medium size. "Serrano" - is distinguished by small peppercorns resembling a bullet in shape. "Poblano" - has large fruits of medium severity. "Anaheim" - differs from other varieties with long, large fruits and a rather mild taste.


Hot chili peppers have a very burning taste, which is given to it by alkaloid capsaicin. Its content in different grades of this culture varies greatly. So, for example, in cayenne pepper its concentration is so high that the juice causes chemical burns of the skin and mucous membrane. Chili contains a lot of vitamin C. The pods have carotene, vitamin B6, fatty and essential oils, sugars, minerals (iron, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium). When using this product, it should be remembered that in immature fruits of nutrients is much less than in fully ripened. Red capsicum can not be called the lowest calorie product, since 100 g contains 40 kcal, but in practice few people eat it in large quantities.

Beneficial features

In addition to its nutritional value, paprika also has medicinal properties. Its use in medicine is due to the presence of burning capsaicin. It makes tinctures, extracts, ointments, which have a warming and local irritating effect. Pepper has an immunostimulating property. Capsaicin favors the production of endorphins, which increases stress resistance and relieves fatigue. This substance is capable of absorbing a substance such as the P-neuropeptide, which conducts pain impulses along the nerve endings. Due to this, preparations made from red capsicum have analgesic effect. These drugs are used in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, muscle and joint pain. They have an expectorant and antipyretic effect for colds. Pepper stimulates the work of the digestive tract, increases appetite, speeds up the metabolism. It also has anthelmintic properties.

Application in cosmetology

Recently, it has become very popular to use red capsicum for cosmetic procedures. Its tinctures and extracts are used to improve the skin's blood supply, stimulate hair growth and strengthen the nails. The warming and irritating properties of this pepper are used to fight cellulite. Many cosmetic companies produce effective creams, which contain extracts from the fruits of this plant.


Red capsicum is not recommended for people with a stomach ulcer or gastritis, as it often causes an aggravation of these diseases. It is also not recommended to use this product (especially in large quantities) for those who have high blood pressure. It often happens that a sharp red pepper leads to a burn of the mucosa of the esophagus. In this case, it is recommended to use milk, boiled potatoes or rice without spices.

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