Health, Diseases and Conditions
Papillomas: causes and treatment. Remedies for papillomas
Lesions of the mucous membranes and skin, arising under the influence of the human papillomavirus (HPV), and are called - "papilloma." Causes and treatment, the symptoms and types of such neoplasms will be considered in the article.
The human papilloma virus, being in the blood of the carrier, can not manifest itself in any way until the person has strong immunity. With a weakening of the body's defenses, the virus activates at a certain area of the skin and disrupts the normal functioning of the epithelial cells. Papillomas are often confused with other formations (moles, warts). However, there are several distinctive features. Papilloma (see photo in the article) almost always has a characteristic shape of the fungus - it is a wide, rounded formation, located on the stem. However, papillomas can have a flat appearance. They have a dense or soft uneven granular surface resembling cauliflower. Dimensions of the formations oscillate in the region of 0.2-10 mm, but there are growths reaching 2 cm.
The color of the papillomas can have different, depending on the localization of the neoplasm. For example, the growths on the mucous membrane are colorless or have a white color.
Develop papilloma slowly. However, in certain situations (after the stress or during pregnancy), they very quickly increase in size and quantity.
Papillomas: types of tumors
Papilloma is a benign tumor that develops from the tissues of the flat epithelium. Today, science knows more than 100 kinds of papillomas, they all have different symptoms.
Skin formations
As a rule, such papillomas appear on the hands (the causes and treatment will be discussed below), but they can affect the entire body. They can exist for many years, then disappear without a trace. Basically, such papillomas develop in childhood and adolescence, but people of the older generation can face them.
Vulgar (simple) education
Such papillomas look like hard horny growths, similar to cones, their size is in the range from 1 to 20 mm. Neoplasms can occupy large areas of skin and merge into "islets" of the damaged dermis. They arise most often on the back of the palms, fingers, knees.
Plantar papilloma
Such growths can have several virus forms at once. Initially, a small cone develops, which eventually transforms into a typical papilloma with a rim. In some cases, there may appear vesicles - mosaic papillomas. Neoplasms on the soles are rather painful and cause considerable discomfort when walking.
Flat papillomas
The reason for their appearance may be several viruses. The formations have the appearance of thickened knobs of polygonal or round shape and have a natural skin color. Sprains can cause such unpleasant symptoms as itching, redness, inflammation of the skin.
Thin-like papillomas
Such formations, as a rule, develop in people of mature age (after 50 years). In the beginning, small yellowish cones arise, which gradually grow and turn into dense growths of 5-6 mm in length.
Genital warts
Education is localized on the genitals. This is the most dangerous type of tumor.
How are the papillomas transmitted?
The causes and treatment of neoplasms on the skin are very important questions. About what provokes the appearance of papillomas and how to get rid of them, everyone should know.
The development of benign neoplasms causes the human papillomavirus (HPV), which, entering the body, causes changes in tissues at the cellular level and causes their uncharacteristic growth. Papilloma, photos of which are presented in the article, arises for every tenth person. And this is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a signal about serious violations in the work of the body.
The main way of spreading the virus is sexual contact of an infected and healthy person. It is proved that in the presence of microdamages of the skin there is also a contact and everyday way of infection. In addition, the virus can enter the body of a newborn while passing through the birth canal of the mother.
The development of papillomas is activated as a result of the following factors:
Decreased immunity;
Severe stress, shock, depressive states;
Smoking, alcohol abuse;
Infectious diseases;
Gastrointestinal ailments;
Promiscuous sexual life;
Prolonged use of certain medications (eg, antibiotics);
Visits to places with high humidity and large concentrations of people (saunas, baths, beaches, swimming pools).
If a papilloma is found, it is recommended to contact a medical institution. The presence of HPV in the human body increases the risk of developing cancer. After careful examination of the patient, an experienced specialist will easily determine the type of papilloma. Oncogeneity of the virus is detected by DNA or PCR-diagnostics on HPV. This procedure will determine the variety and amount of the virus in the body.
If, on examination on the genitals, genital warts are not found , the doctor usually does not insist on treatment. But since papillomas are quite unattractive from an aesthetic point of view, there are available methods for their removal.
During the procedure, the papilloma is exposed to low-temperature liquid nitrogen, as a result of which the tissue of formation is destroyed. The active substance should be applied exactly, otherwise there is a risk of scars and scarring on the body.
The papilloma is destroyed in this case under the influence of high temperatures. After the procedure, a damaged area is formed on the skin, the wound heals after a few days.
Chemical degradation
In this case, special means are used from the papillomas, completely burning their tissues.
This method involves the use of radio waves of high frequency, under the influence of which the papillomas are removed. Feedback about this method of treatment indicates a rapid and accurate elimination of tumors. The only downside is the high cost of the procedure.
Laser destruction
The papilloma is exposed to a surgical laser beam, as a result, the formation is destroyed, and the damaged portion of the dermis heals quickly enough. Also medicinal preparations can be prescribed from papillomas :
Drugs that stop the reproduction of papillomavirus. One of them is the drug Inosiplex, which simultaneously activates the activity of its own immune cells.
Medicines "Viferon", "Genferon" have an antiviral effect and strengthen immunity.
To suppress the division of cells that are infected with the papilloma virus, use drugs such as "Podofillin" and "Condilin."
To enhance the production of interferon appoint funds "Immunomax", "Likopid", "Amiksin."
Traditional methods of treatment
How can I remove papillomas with alternative medicine ? Traditional treatment involves the use of the following recipes:
Leaves of melissa, plantain and horsetail, nettle, dandelion root in equal proportions, crush. Pour 3 glasses of cold water 3 tablespoons of raw materials, put on fire, boil for 10 minutes. The broth should be taken 2-3 times a day for 3 tablespoons.
Take potato sprouts, celandine grass, shoots of thuja (each of 100 g), mixed, put in a glass container, pour alcohol. Put the mixture in a dark place and press for 2 weeks. Papilloma lubricate thrice a day with the product. The course of treatment is 7-12 days.
Combine pure alcohol (100 ml), aspirin (3 g), iodine (2.5 g), boric acid (2 g). All thoroughly mix and lubricate the growths on the skin.
Cabbage leaf finely chopped, squeezed juice, moisten a piece of gauze and put them in a compress on the papilloma, leave for the whole night.
It is important to know!
To prevent undesirable consequences after removal of papillomas, it is recommended:
Do not glue the place of the build-up with a plaster;
Limit contact with water for several days;
Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
Do not apply decorative cosmetics on the skin;
Refuse to visit saunas and bathhouses for 2-3 months.
From this article, you learned more from such an undesirable phenomenon as papillomas. Causes and treatment, types and symptoms, traditional medicine methods and recommended actions after removal of tumors were considered by us. We hope that the information will be useful to you.
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