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Panamanian stoisome: proper care

Panamanian stoicism in nature lives in South America in fast-flowing rivers. She refers to the genus of the stool, in which there are about twenty amazing specimens. Some varieties of these fish have been successfully bred in aquariums for several years. This water inhabitant belongs to the family Chain catfish.


They have a beautiful form and active behavior. Transportation of the stool is rare, so people have been trained to plant them themselves. Panamanian stoerymma quickly gets used to life in the aquarium, even if it was moved from the natural habitat to the artificial one.

This fish-cleaner, perfectly scraping the contents of the walls and other objects of the aquarium. Of all, the first responds to feeding. In large aquariums can reach twenty centimeters without taking into account the caudal fin.

Appearance and differences of individuals

The body is elongated, low, and flattened from below with a long caudal peduncle. The head is elongated, on the snout small growth. The ends of the blades of the forelail caudal fin are elongate. Fins and body have a reddish yellow color. From the eye to the caudal fin, there is a dark brown band. The abdomen is silvery-white with yellow-brown spots. The females of this species are paler in color, before their spawning the abdomen becomes very elongated. The head of the female is narrower, the shape is wedge-shaped. An adult matured male on the cheeks formed dense setae, the female does not.


The catfish of the Panamanian master is a peaceful inhabitant of the aquarium. In the daytime they lie on driftwood, stones, soil, begin active behavior in the twilight. For one male there should be several females. You can keep them in a general aquarium with small fish. The aquarium should be at least 160 liters. The temperature is ideally kept within 24-28 degrees, stiffness 4-10. Acidity should not exceed 7.2. It is important to regularly change 25% of the water in the aquarium, so that the Panamanian stoic feels well. The content is not complex, but the fish require a strong current, which is created by special devices. Negatively tolerate a large number of infusorians.

What should be in the aquarium?

All for the aquarium can be purchased at specialized stores. Fish need plants, stone slabs, driftwood. Also, there must be a mechanical-biological filter to create a strong current.


Predominantly in the diet of these fish should include plant food. Live food and artificial in the form of tablets and cereal. Panamanian stonemas are demanding for cleanliness, therefore, the feeding of fish should be in moderation. As food decays, polluting the aquarium. Somiki is difficult to tolerate. With content sometimes there is the problem of aging. When they are in the aquarium with other inhabitants, especially with the ancitrus, the amount of food should be increased.


Sexual maturity in fish occurs about one and a half to two years. At this age, males are somewhat territorial and can attack females, but this does not harm them. If the aquarium conditions are uncomfortable for fish, then in males up to three years there may be a resorption of odontods. Because of inappropriate content, they may not grow, and their owners think that they have only females. To determine the sex as accurately as possible, you should consider the genital papule of ripened fish.

Individuals, ready to spawn, begin to clear the area where the masonry will be. This makes the male and does not let the female until the place, in his opinion, becomes clean enough. As a rule, they choose stone slabs, but they also often spawn on aquarium glasses, driftwood. Places for laying catfish are chosen with flowing, oxygenated water. More often vertical sections are chosen, but sometimes clutches are made and on a horizontal surface.

The laying of eggs occurs in portions, lasting from thirty minutes to several hours. It happens on different days, and you can see the eggs at different stages of development. For one spawn about 200 eggs that the male fertilizes. After this, the female leaves, and the male animal monitors the offspring. He sends fresh water to the eggs. Incubation time - up to seven days. After the gnawing of the larvae, the male ceases to take care of. This is how the Panamanian statue is displayed. Breeding is simple, but requires attention. If desired, with the help of a tube, you can put the larvae in a separate container. After two or three days they begin to feed: scalded leaves of nettle, dandelion, cabbage, plankton, shellfish.

If a male spawns with more than one female, then do not be afraid for his health. He can take care of caviar for weeks, but quite allows himself to go out and go down for food, but he does not cease to follow the females. At the slightest hints of encroachment on them on the offspring returns to the site to the masonry.

In order to house breeding and keeping this species of fish, you must prepare everything for the aquarium. Specialty stores will help you. And then you need to watch out so that the Panamanian stoerymo feels comfortable. Recently, these catfishes have become in demand, and they are often interested in aquarists. They attracted the attention of people with their peculiar character and unusual form. Fish do not leave indifferent even those who do not like catfishes.

This species is not the most demanding in care, but it is important to adhere to certain subtleties in the content so that the fish grow well and develop fully.

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