
Growing Strawberries in a Greenhouse - Nuances and Features

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse makes it possible not only to get an earlier crop, but also to plant the plant for further transplantation into the open ground. To grow strawberries for distillation use small containers in order to make it more convenient to transplant it. If you need to get an early harvest, strawberries are grown in the ground. Both stationary heated structures and film shelters can be used.

Growing strawberries in the greenhouse in our countries has not yet become widespread, while in neighboring countries, for example, in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, this type of business is quite common and brings good profits. To get a quick payback, you need to maximize the opportunities of greenhouses.

Growing strawberries in the greenhouse has its own characteristics and one of them is the need for artificial lengthening of daylight. Most varieties of strawberries react to its length, and the more it is, the faster the harvest will appear.

To understand the dependence of the strawberry on the length of daylight, one can give an example if the day is 16 hours, then the strawberry blooms on day 10 and the fruiting begins at 35, and if the day falls to 8 hours, the flowering will come 4 days later and it will begin to bear fruit For 10-13 days later.

How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse

As a planting material, we usually use mustache-rosettes, which were formed in the previous season. The more quality the planting material, the more chances to get a friendly and abundant harvest.

Growing strawberries in the greenhouse is in several stages. On the first - the mustache is rooted in the open ground, it is usually done in July-August, and then in October-November the roots are transplanted into a greenhouse, which is heated in addition. If you use portable film greenhouses, then the beds with strawberries are covered in November-December and you can get the harvest only in May. If there is heating in the tunnel tunnel, the harvest can be obtained much earlier, at the end of March or beginning of April.

Any strawberry in the greenhouse feels well and develops well, but in our time many greenhouse varieties have been created. The most common of them are: Cambridge, Will, Sayvette, Voice, Gorella, Zenga Precos, Red Gauntle, Vigee, Glima, Zenga Lentess, Red Capulet and others.

To permanently obtain your own planting stock, you need to have a maternal plantation. It must be periodically watered and fertilized. To calculate the size of the maternal plantation, it is necessary to take into account the fact that one plant is able to give 8-10 saplings. The best quality planting material is obtained from biennial plants. The maternal plantation needs to be updated periodically.

To get the seedlings, you need to root the mustache on the mother plantation, after they get stronger, they are planted in the nursery, planting is carried out 15x15 cm. Also, you can land in boxes that are brought into the greenhouse with the onset of cold weather.

Soil in the greenhouse should be fertilized, for this use humus and peat. Also, before planting seedlings, which is carried out from November to December according to the scheme of 25x30, mineral fertilizers are introduced .

Strawberry likes regular watering, but it does not need to direct water to flowering plants. Recently, when growing strawberries began to use a film that does not allow berries to touch the ground and prevents the growth of weeds.

The disadvantage of greenhouses is the need for artificial pollination, in the presence of large plantations in hothouses, beehives are placed with bees. It is also necessary to arrange additional lighting, so that the light day is not less than 8-10 hours. It is necessary to constantly adjust the humidity and not allow it to be too high.

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