Health, Alternative Medicine
Ordinary cherry: useful properties and contraindications
We can say that cherry is a berry of the off-season. It appears at the junction of spring and summer, one of the first to please us with a bright, juicy color and fresh vitamins. Cherry, unlike cherry, is almost always sweet, if, of course, ripe. For this it is loved, especially by children and women. For children, it is useful because it saturates the growing body with valuable trace elements and vitamins. Women, especially those who are breastfeeding and pregnant, in that they prevent anemia, serve to strengthen blood vessels, the heart and supply the fetus with the necessary substances for development. It is also useful for the prevention of other diseases, so let's find out what the cherry is: useful properties and contraindications, and also how to use it correctly.
Cherry: what's in it
The cherry can be yellow, pink, red or black and red. This berry is especially useful because of the presence in it of a large number of anthocyanins - substances responsible for combating tumor formations. Thanks to this, the sweet cherry was added to the world list of products that prevent the onset of oncology in the body. It should be noted that they are methods of prevention, that is, if there is a diagnosis of a glass of sweet cherry, unfortunately, the patient will not cure.
In addition, there is a large quantity of pectin in the cherry, an element that has a beneficial effect on digestion and is able to "start" a sluggish peristalsis of the intestine. Cherry, whose beneficial properties and contraindications we are considering, is more composed of easily digestible carbohydrates with sugar in the form of fructose and glucose. And this forces us to limit its consumption to certain categories of people. For example, because of its sweetness, sweet cherry with diabetes is prohibited.
Vitamins and minerals
Cherry - a storehouse of vitamins of groups A, PP, C, B. There are many phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron in it. But the most important element, which is abundant in it, is potassium, which strengthens and supports the heart muscle well. The cherry is saturated with the following microelements: silicon, fluorine, manganese, cobalt, copper, chromium, iodine. And how many kcal in cherries? Only 52 in 100 g, by the way, 2 times more than in a ripe cherry. However, this does not prevent it from being used for weight loss purposes. Excess weight is lost because of its ability to remove excess fluid from the body. Now let's take a closer look at how the sweet cherry is affected.
Useful properties and contraindications
Cherry is useful because:
- Cherry prevents the development of anemia and anemia (due to iron);
- Improves kidney and liver function;
- Regulates blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, helps with atherosclerosis and hypertension;
- Reduces blood clotting and the risk of thrombus formation;
- Helps with neuroses;
- Normalizes cholesterol, removes toxins from the body;
- As a whole, has a tonic, firming and stimulating effect on a person;
- A glass of sweet cherry a day will reduce the risk of heart disease and tumors.
It is not recommended for people with diabetes and acute forms of gastritis and ulcers. To cleanse the body and remove excess fluid once a week, you can arrange "cherry" days. Do not eat or drink anything, except fresh, ripe berries. In total during this time, you can consume 1.5 kg of fruit.
Now you know almost everything about the cherry fruit. Useful properties and contraindications to it are such that it can be eaten by almost everyone, though not forgetting about the measure. A glass a day is the optimal portion of these fruits.
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