Health, Preparations
Omez - instruction
Clinico-pharmacological category, which belongs to the drug "Omez" - antiulcer. As a rule, manufacturers produce the drug in the form of solid transparent gelatin capsules. On both sides of the capsules there is an inscription "OMEZ", and also the trademark of the manufacturer. The weight of one capsule is 20 milligrams. Capsules are in strips of 10 pieces in each and are packed in cardboard boxes.
The active substance of the drug is omeprazole. Under this name, the drug is registered in INN. In addition, some manufacturers produce the drug under this name. Excipients in the capsules are mannitol, lactose, purified talc, titanium dioxide, gelatin, sodium hydroxide, lauryl sulfate and hydrophosphate, sucrose.
Pharmacological action of the drug "Omez" instructions for use describes the following. This antiulcer medication has the ability to inhibit ATPase in the gastric cells and thereby helps block the final stage of the hydrochloric acid synthesis process. Thus, there is a decrease in the amount of stimulated secretion. In this case, the source of stimulus formation does not matter.
After taking omeprazole starts quickly (about an hour) to act, and its effect continues throughout the day.
The greatest effect of the drug "Omez", the instruction defines the period two hours after admission.
If the drug is prescribed for the treatment of duodenal ulcer, the active substance provides an intragastric pH-3 unit level for seventeen hours at a dose of 20 mg. Restoration of secretory activity occurs within three to five days.
Pharmacokinetic properties of the drug "Omez", the instruction describes as follows. Absorption of the main active substance omeprazole is characterized by the ability to absorb quickly enough from the digestive tract. Approximately in half an hour-hour the value of Cmax in the blood reaches a maximum value. Bioavailability of the drug "Omez" is about 30-40%.
The drug "Omeprazole" has the property of interacting well with plasma proteins. The binding index is up to 90%. In this case, this drug is almost completely metabolized in liver cells.
The half-life of the drug is equal to the time from half an hour to an hour, and the excretion is carried out mainly by the kidneys. It should be borne in mind that in the case of chronic renal failure, the rate of excretion of the components of the medicament decreases in proportion to the rate of decrease in the CC. Bioavailability of the drug is higher in elderly patients, and the rate of excretion of substances is lower. In patients with liver failure, the elimination half-life is three hours, and bioavailability reaches 100%.
The drug "Omez" instructions for use recommends taking without chewing, just capsule should be washed down with a small amount of water.
The dose of admission for appointment of patients with a duodenal ulcer is 1 capsule with a duration of 2-4 weeks (for a chronic type of disease). In resistant cases, an increase in the dose of up to 40 mg is possible - this is 2 capsules per day.
For treatment of stomach ulcers, as well as erosive-ulcerative esophagitis, the dose is 1-2 capsules per day, and the period of intake is 4-8 weeks. Duration of admission for lesions of the gastrointestinal tract is erosive-ulcerative - 4-8 weeks with a maximum daily dose of 20 mg.
In case of an overdose, symptoms such as visual impairment, dry mouth, nausea are observed. Very rarely observed arrhythmia, confusion and increased excitement.
In the treatment with the drug "Omez" contraindications are: it should not be prescribed to children, as well as women during pregnancy or breastfeeding of the child. Before use, carefully read the composition of the drug and exclude the possibility of side effects if hypersensitivity to its components.
The drug "Omez" is recommended to store at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. The drug is suitable for use under strict storage conditions for 3 years. The drug is sold exclusively on prescription.
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