
Not updated nod32

Since you are reading this material, then the question "why is not updated nod32 on my computer" - does not give you rest. The problem is that most users are not psychologically ready for the fact that viruses can appear on their computer that is protected by an antivirus. But in most cases known to any specialist, Kaspersky Anti-Virus or nod32 is not updated precisely for the simple reason that this action is blocked by a malicious software. In addition to directly blocking updates, this infection can be manifested by strong braking of the OS, all kinds of glitches during operation, the browser may stop working. In severe cases, the computer starts sending spam, or creates a huge number of connections to other PCs (DoS and DDoS attacks from "zombie" computers managed by a single center).

If your antivirus has failed before the attack, the computer is infected and now it is not updated nod32, Avast, or another antivirus program, do not worry, it's not the end of the world. And for those who immediately begin to prepare for reinstalling the OS, the advice - do not rush, it will always succeed.

First of all, you should check if the changes blocking access to the site on which the databases are located are located in the hosts file located at drive C: \ Operating system folder (usually a Windows folder but the name can be any other) \ System32 \ Drivers \ Etc. In this file there should be nothing other than line localhost.

If you remove all unnecessary files in this file, but it did not help, and you do not update nod32 as before, then you will have to use additional anti-virus utilities. There are a lot of them, but in this article we will only consider a couple.

The first option is Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, a useful program that quickly checks a computer and clears it from most known malicious visitors. In cases where nod32 is not updated, you can try to download KVRT, unless, of course, the same virus will not stop you from doing it. But even in such a difficult case there are friends who can go to the flash drive and rewrite this software such a roundabout way to your PC.

When the program is installed on the computer, you just need to click on the check button, the program will automatically scan your machine and prompt you to reboot if, of course, this is necessary. If after the work of this utility is still not updated nod32, will have to try the next option.

The second program is not such a famous and popular, but nevertheless very effective software product from the company Dr Web called CureIt. After you downloaded it, or you brought it to disk, flash drive or sent over the network, you should run it for execution. After the start, the program will require you to confirm the performance of yourself in a protected mode, just give it what it wants, as stated on the manufacturer's website - this will help the utility to work more efficiently. So, press "OK" two times, when the scanning window appears, we press the stop, click on the item "full scan" and after all these manipulations, again we wait for the launch.

That's all the love, after checking these two top-of-the-line programs, your computer with a high degree of probability will have to start in normal mode and start working, just like before. Ideally, the test is best done from under the Live-CD, but since very few people know what it is, I will not give such advice. If you are interested in what it is, - Live CD, then welcome to google.

The advantage of this method of checking is that in a heavily infected environment, when the computer is barely crawling, the test can be very long, and under the Live CD everything will happen much faster, because the OS will not start from the infected hard drive, but from the DVD Or CD-ROM, which, moreover, is also much more reliable.

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