News and Society, Nature
Northern Caucasus: nature and its description. Features of the nature of the Caucasus
The Northern Caucasus is a huge territory that starts from the Lower Don. It occupies part of the Russian platform and ends with the Great Caucasian Range. Minerals, mineral waters, developed agriculture - beautiful and diverse North Caucasus. Nature, thanks to the seas and the expressive landscape, is unique. The abundance of light, heat, alternation of arid and humid areas provides a variety of flora and fauna.
The landscape of the North Caucasus
On the territory of the North Caucasus are the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Rostov Region and Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia and Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia. Majestic mountains, boundless steppes, semi-deserts, forests make this region so interesting for tourism.
The whole system of mountain ranges is the North Caucasus. Nature It varies with altitude above sea level. The landscape of the territory is divided into 3 zones:
- Mountain.
- Piedmont.
- Steppe (flat).
The northern boundaries of the area stretch between the Kuban and Terek rivers. There is a zone of steppes. To the south the piedmont area begins, which ends with multiple ridges.
The climate is affected by the abundance of mountains and the proximity of the seas - Black, Azov, Caspian. Thermal waters, which can be found in the North Caucasus, contain bromine, radium, iodine, potassium.
Mountains of the North Caucasus
From the icy northern regions to the hot southern regions, the nature of Russia lies . Caucasus - The highest mountains of the country. They were formed during the Alpine folding period.
The system of the Caucasian mountains is considered a young mountain structure, just like the Apennines, the Carpathians, the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Himalayas. Alpine folding is the last epoch of tectogenesis. It led to numerous mountain structures. Named so in honor of the Alps, where the process took the most typical manifestation.
The territory of the North Caucasus is represented by Mount Elbrus, Kazbek, the Rocky and Pasture Ridge, the Cross Pass. And this is only a small, the most famous part of the slopes and hills.
The highest peaks of the North Caucasus are Kazbek, whose high point is at the level of 5033 m. And the extinct volcano Elbrus - 5642 m.
Due to the difficult geological development, the territory and nature of the Caucasus Mountains So rich in gas and oil deposits. There is mining of minerals - mercury, copper, tungsten, polymetallic ores.
Features of the nature of the North Caucasus
The accumulation of mineral springs, different in chemical composition and temperature, can be found in this area. The extraordinary usefulness of water has led to the question of creating resort areas. Widely known for their sources and sanatoriums Essentuki, Mineral Waters, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk.
The nature of the North Caucasus is divided into moist and arid regions. The main source of rainfall is the Atlantic Ocean. This is why the foothill areas of the western part are sufficiently moistened. While the eastern region is prone to black (dusty) storms, dry winds, drought.
Features of the nature of the North Caucasus Consist in a variety of air masses. In all seasons, a cold dry stream of the Arctic can penetrate the territory, a wet one - the Atlantic, a tropical one - of the Mediterranean. Air masses, replacing each other, bear a variety of weather conditions.
On the territory of the North Caucasus there is also a local wind - fen. Cold mountain air, going down, gradually warms up. The land is already hot stream. So the wind is formed by the hair dryer.
Often, cold air masses penetrate the Caucasian ridge, they circle it from the east and west sides. Then a cyclone, destructive for heat-loving flora, reigns on the territory.
The North Caucasus is located on the very border of the temperate and subtropical belt. This gives the climate softness and warmth. Short winter, which lasts about two months, a long summer - up to 5.5 months. The abundance of sunlight in this area is due to the same distance from the equator and the pole. Therefore, the nature of the Caucasus is notable for its riot and brightness of colors.
In the mountains, a lot of precipitation falls. This is due to the fact that the air masses, lingering on the slopes and rising upwards, cool down, give off moisture. Therefore, the climate of the mountainous regions differs from the foothills and plains. Over the winter, a layer of snow accumulates up to 5 cm. On the northern slopes, the boundary of the eternal ice begins.
At an altitude of 4000 m, even in the hottest summer, there are practically no positive temperatures. In winter, it is possible to bring down avalanches from any sharp sound, unsuccessful movement.
Mountain rivers, rough and cold, originate during the melting of snow, glaciers. Therefore, floods are so intense in the spring and virtually dry out in the fall, when the temperature is low. The melting of the snow stops in winter, and the rough mountain streams become shallow.
The two largest rivers of the North Caucasus - Terek and Kuban - give the territory numerous tributaries. Thanks to them fertile chernozem soils are rich in harvest.
Gardens, vineyards, tea plantations, berries smoothly pass into the arid zone. These are the features of the nature of the Caucasus. The coldness of the mountains is replaced by the warmth of the plains and foothills, the chernozem passes into chestnut soils.
Mineral water
You should know that the peculiarities of the North Caucasus are a whole set of factors. These include the distance from the seas, oceans. The nature of the terrain, landscape. Distance from the equator and the pole. Direction of air masses, abundance of precipitation.
It so happened that the nature of the Caucasus Is diverse. There are fertile lands and arid areas. Mountain meadows and pine forests. Dry steppes and deep rivers. The richness of natural resources, the presence of mineral waters makes this region attractive for industry and tourism.
Description of the nature of the Caucasus It is remarkable that more than 70 healing springs can be found on its territory. It's cold, warm, hot mineral waters. They are different in composition, which helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases:
- gastrointestinal tract;
- Skin;
- Circulatory system;
- Nervous system.
The most famous hydrogen sulphide waters are in the city of Sochi. Iron sources are in Zheleznovodsk. Hydrogen sulfide, radon - in Pyatigorsk. Carbonate - in Kislovodsk, Essentuki.
The vegetative cover of the territory is as diverse as the wild nature of Russia. The Caucasus is divided into mountain, foothill, flat areas. Depending on this, the vegetation cover of the region also changes. It is caused by climatic conditions, soil, sediments.
Mountain meadows are lush alpine meadows, hayfields. The thickets of the rhododendron give color to the motley grass. There you can find juniper, creeping shrubbery, which are adapted to the sedentary lifestyle. They are replaced by broad-leaved forests, where oak, beech, chestnut, hornbeam grow.
Meadow-marsh vegetation alternates with arid semi-desert regions. They are filled with artificial plantations - poppies, irises, tulips, groves of white acacia and oak.
Chryoplodnye lands are represented by vast berries, vineyards. The nature of the Caucasus Is favorable for fruit trees, shrubs - pears, cherry plums, hawthorn, thorn, dogwood.
Steppes are inhabited by such animals as ground squirrel, jerboa, hare-hare, steppe ferret, fox, wolf. They are also rich in the wild nature of Russia. The Caucasus, its semi-desert regions, are favorable for a long-eared hedgehog, the gerbil and midday sand dunes, an earthen bunny and a fox-corsac. There are saigas (steppe antelopes). In the forests, roe deer, brown bear, bison.
The nature of the Caucasus is characterized by a large number of reptiles. Wet and warm climate - an excellent condition for their survival, reproduction. This steppe viper and boa constrictor, skid and lizard.
In the reed beds you can find a wild boar, a reed cat, jackals. There are waterfowl, as well as eagle, kite, kestrel, lark, bustard, harrier, crane.
Large deposits of oil and gas are rich in the nature of the Caucasus. The deposits of stone and brown coal, copper and manganese ores, asbestos, rock salt have industrial significance.
Soil research has shown that all metals necessary for the national economy can be found in the North Caucasus. These are deposits:
- Zinc;
- Copper;
- Chromium;
- Aluminum;
- Arsenic;
- Lead;
- gland.
Recently, the development of building stone has gained wide popularity. Especially appreciated is a strong tuff lava and roof slate. For the construction of buildings, local Neogene limestone is used. The North Caucasus is famous for its deposits of granite, marble, basalt. Deposits of gold and silver were discovered.
The main features of the nature of the North Caucasus are its diversity. The combination of glacial mountains with black-fruit lowlands, alpine meadows with semi-deserts. The plentiful precipitation of the western territory is transferred to the drylands of the eastern regions.
Cyclones, warm and cold air fronts form a feature of the North Caucasus. Streams from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea carry moisture. Dry air masses from Central Asia and Iran are hot-winded.
Clean, clear air, saturated with ultraviolet gives longevity to its multinational inhabitants. Warm, short winters, a high level of the agricultural sector attracts travelers. Healing sources, mineral deposits make this area tempting for the health and industry system.
A multi-leveled landscape, numerous rivers - the natural beauty of the region amazes with its magnificence. Historical and cultural attractions give an energy impulse to this fertile territory.
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