Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Non-carbohydrate diet is a 'killer' efficiency

The most famous and popular in Russia diet is the so-called "Kremlevka." This system has a lot of supporters and many opponents. Among the first, of course, those who managed to lose a few pounds without much difficulty. But the position "against" is firmly occupied by doctors, nutritionists. They have already baptized low-carb diets the shortest way to death. Note, it is not a question of relatively harmless hypoglycemia - a constant companion of low-carb diets. Experts with good reason believe that a diet high in protein and fat causes a serious blow to the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Suffice it to recall how a non-carbohydrate diet is made to understand that such food is suitable only for very healthy people, and for a short time. But the authors of "Kremlevki" assure us that you can get 70-80 grams of carbohydrates per day for the rest of your life. Why then does the carbohydrate diet reviews from the slimming ones have the most favorable? It is very easy to explain - this diet really gives a quick and noticeable result. At the same time, there is no sense of hunger - the protein is digested for a long time and gives a feeling of satiety. In the absence of carbohydrates, excess fluid from the body goes away quite quickly, and this, again, centimeters and kilograms.

A carbohydrate diet presupposes a caloric restriction of the diet. Directly this is not said, but comparing the energy value of proteins and carbohydrates, it is easy to calculate.

Let's leave aside arguments and turn to the experience of people for whom such a diet is a way of life. The concepts of carbohydrate diet, bodybuilding and fitness in the concept of the philistine are inextricably linked. It is mistakenly believed that the basis of the diet of athletes who are engaged in strength training, are proteins. Say, that's why they have a minimal fat layer and relief, volumetric musculature.

This statement is true exactly half, because the diet of bodybuilders consists of proteins by 40%, but carbohydrates in it are fully 50%, the fat accounts for only 10%.

The carbohydrate diet is part of the pre-competition preparation, which the athletes themselves call drying. The duration of this period, as a rule, is not more than a month. All the rest of the time, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet of athletes ranges from 200 to 450 grams. Note that the restriction on the amount of fats is preserved. Therefore, replace rice and buckwheat with cakes and chocolate will not work. Although, I will tell you a secret, even champions in bodybuilding and fitness allow themselves goodies, although not often.

Undoubtedly, for an average person who does not exercise intensively, 450 grams of carbohydrates will be superfluous. But according to dieticians, they should not be less than 150 grams per day. It is this amount of "fuel" that supports active metabolism. Doctors even have a saying "fats burn in a carbohydrate furnace." In the case of a skew towards the proteins, a mechanism that slows the metabolism is included.

Of course, carbohydrates are a double-edged sword. After all, they are responsible for the formation in the body of insulin, a hormone that transforms sugar into fat. This is the basis for the common misconception that carbohydrates get fatter. But after all carbohydrates to carbohydrates are different, and not all of them are equally bad. Dangerous to the figure, only those products that quickly raise the level of sugar in the blood. They provoke the release of insulin, which entails blocking the production of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats, and turns off the mechanism of utilization of excess nutrients. Moreover, with an increase in the amount of insulin, the appetite also grows. A real vicious circle is formed - the more simple carbohydrates, the stronger the need for them.
Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index give the opposite effect, and it is in them that our body draws energy for active life.

Perhaps a carbohydrate diet has a right to exist, but only with reasonable use. Like all other "artificial" food systems, "Kremlevka" requires medical supervision. So think again. Maybe it would be wiser to change the basics of nutrition and exercise?

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