Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Nakidnye klyuchi: advantages and diversity of such tools
Almost every man, even if he does not live in a private house, but in an ordinary apartment, must have carrots and spanners. You never know what can happen in the household. This is especially true when there is a transport or often have to deal with technology. When you know that you have a set of spanners, you do not have to worry about how to make urgent repairs if necessary or replace the oldest worn out part. However, sometimes when buying such a tool there are difficulties with the choice. Therefore, we will consider how it happens, and also what is worth paying attention to.
Nakidnye clues: what is their advantage?
Have you ever unscrewed an old rusty bolt? If you use for this ordinary gorse key, which in its form resembles the letter U, you can easily spoil the edges of the fasteners, and then you have to suffer with pliers and chisel. Such situations often happen, if the size of the tool used is somewhat larger than necessary. In such cases, especially when fasteners have good access from all sides, it is much better to use folding keys. Their working profile allows you to tightly cover the part, completely repeating its outlines, and do not worry about the integrity of the faces. This ability allows the master to make great efforts, so it is easy to unscrew or twist bolts or nuts with such a tool.
Folding wrenches: features and main types
As a rule, this type of tool is made two-sided. Handles of such keys are both straight and curved. Use them in accordance with the parameters of the nut, otherwise there is a risk of erasing the teeth, which leads to damage to the tool. Folding keys are good for everyone, except for one drawback: the mandatory availability of free access to fasteners. This is their only weakness. If the horn tool can still be used somehow from the side, then with the cover this number will not work. Still, the latter are much more convenient to work with, so it is very popular with both home masters and professionals. The profile of the spanner heads can contain either six (TORX profile) or twelve faces.
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