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Mysteries about the ocean with answers. Riddle about the Pacific Ocean. Riddles about continents and oceans (3rd grade)

Acquaintance of children with the surrounding world through puzzles is an ancient tradition that not only expanded the horizons of children, but also contributed to the development of savvy. As people learned about the structure of the Earth, stars, planets, sides of the world and much more, puzzles appeared about them.

Today schoolchildren study riddles about continents and oceans (Grade 3) in the lessons of the subject "The World around".

Natural science in modern schools

School discipline "The World around" is taught from the first grade. If in the first year of education children learn such categories as living and inanimate nature, wild and cultivated plants, tree species, seasons and fauna, in the 2nd class they study the phenomena of nature, the symbols of their homeland, the life of cities and towns, The importance of preserving the environment.

No less attention is paid to the little ones themselves, so that they realize their place in the world around and responsibility for it. Some topics are devoted to their nutrition, sports and the importance of what should be protected and strengthened their health.

In the 3 rd grade they get more in-depth knowledge about the planet they live on and about who it inhabits. At this age, students can already read on the map, learn more about inanimate nature and its properties, for example, air, water, rocks and minerals. No less attention is paid to natural communities and their inhabitants.

To ensure that new information for children is better absorbed, teachers use the game form of instruction, part of which are riddles about the continents and oceans. Grade 3 is the age when children no longer simply memorize material, but they can talk about the subject of study.

In Russian folklore, there are many mysteries on geography, the structure of the Earth, the cosmos and numerous natural phenomena, for which the wise people have observed for many centuries. For example:

  • I went to many countries, sailed along the rivers, oceans, in the desert went bravely only on a sheet of paper (map).
  • Sushi is a small piece, but it is big, and very, and around it water (Island).
  • The kingdom of fish, whales, squid, sea stars, jellyfish, coral (Ocean).

Similar riddles about the continents and oceans are short, so that children of the 3rd class can understand and remember them. The approach to learning through the game helps the students to better understand the material and remember it.

The study of reservoirs on the globe

In the 3rd grade, in the lessons on the discipline "The World around", more detailed acquaintance of children with the globe is carried out. First of all, schoolchildren are asked to carefully see what colors predominate on it - it's blue and blue, which means the seas, rivers, lakes and oceans.

To make the guys remember how many oceans on the planet, they are given a riddle about the ocean for the third class, for example:

  • These super ponds are all on the globe we will find, because in the whole world there are few of them - only 4 (four oceans).

Even if the students do not immediately remember the names of the oceans, they will know their number on the planet. The study of the globe is one of the most favorite activities for children of primary school age. Such knowledge significantly broadens the child's horizons and allows us to assess the world around them on a global scale.

Different shades of blue on the globe give children information about the depth of the reservoirs, which will help to fix the riddles about the ocean:

  • Deeper and larger puddles on Earth can not be detected (Ocean).
  • Widely wide, deep in depth, day and night, the shore breaks, water does not drink from it, since it is very unpleasant, and bitter, and solon (Ocean).
  • To the right and to the left there is water everywhere, ships sail here, and here and there, but if you want to get drunk, my friend, every sip will be salty (Ocean).
  • It consists of the seas, you, my friend, answer quickly, it's not a glass of water, but a boundless ... (Ocean).

Similar puzzles about the ocean allow children to realize that these are the largest reservoirs in the world, their depth and breadth, the quality of their water and other qualities.

Pacific Ocean

All the water space that embraces the planet is called the World Ocean. Divided by continents, it forms 4 oceans, the largest of which is called Quiet or Great.

In the 3rd grade, students study all the world's reservoirs and their location. The Pacific Ocean is the largest on Earth, but it is not always calm and affectionate. This name was given to Magellan, who was lucky enough to swim in his waters in calm weather. In fact, its waves can form a huge tsunami and destroy entire cities.

Children learn that in the deepest and biggest ocean there is a bottomless Mariana Trench, rushing down more than 11 km.

For a better perception of a fairly complex new material, you can tell the students that there is a riddle about the Pacific Ocean and its waves, for example:

  • In the ocean we walk like blue hills. The ocean is our native home, and there are many miles in it, we go into a storm as a continuous wall, calm down into the calm (Waves).
  • A very formidable phenomenon with a small chance of escape, all the giant ramparts on the way will blow ... (Tsunami).
  • He is mighty and Great, there are many seas in him, he ... (Pacific Ocean).

Such a children's riddle about the Pacific Ocean (Grade 3) preserves in the memory of students a picture of a huge, formidable and beautiful water world. Through the game moments in the process of the lesson, the material is secured more than the reading of the paragraph in the textbook.


Our distant ancestors once believed that on a flat Earth there was only one ocean, named by them in honor of the most powerful hero of antiquity - Atlanta.

The Atlantic Ocean was formed about 40 million years ago, when a single continent of a huge size was divided into Africa, Europe, Antarctica, North and South America. It is the second honorary place in terms of size and depth after the Pacific Ocean, but on the 1st by the salinity of the water.

Pupils of the 3rd class are acquainted with the information about this world water body, which has a warm current Gulf Stream, which gives up to the atmosphere the same amount of heat as 1 million simultaneously working nuclear power plants.

The first crossed the Atlantic on Columbus caravels, which was extremely risky in those days, as the ships depended on the strength and direction of the wind. Lock the material will help the mystery about the ocean for children:

  • It's from the water of the desert, where the waves are like dunes, here, among the bottomless blue storms, hurricanes.

The main task of such school discipline as "The World around", in the 3rd class is to familiarize students with the structure of the planet, its flora and fauna, which is easy to do in a playful way, for example, giving them as a brain workout a riddle about the ocean or continents.

Indian Ocean

This world water body is in 3rd place in size and depth, but it has the primacy in water temperature, which even in the northern part heats up to +35 degrees. Children of the third grade will be interested to know that in the ancient times this ocean was called the Eastern Sea, but since in the Middle Ages the main trade routes along it were led from India, the name was given the same name.

No less interesting curious schoolchildren will be a mystery about the Indian Ocean, associated with the strange circular glow of its waters.

Circles under the water people have observed repeatedly, but surprising in them is that they are more like artificial lighting.

Similar puzzles exist in every ocean, for example, the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic or waves-killers in the Pacific Ocean. The information on interesting places of the planet helps to interest children of elementary grades with educational material and develop their curiosity to the world around them.

Arctic Ocean

If you take all the water from the Pacific Ocean and cover it with the Earth, then it will be completely immersed in it at 2700 m, so this world water reservoir is huge. About the Arctic Ocean this can not be said, since it is the smallest among its brethren.

Children will be interested to know that this is the coldest body of water that hides most of the year under the ice, and its inhabitants are polar bears, whales, walruses, jellyfish, small fish, plankton and some species of birds that know in which part of the water It does not freeze even in the harshest winters.

As there are puzzles about the Pacific Ocean, and about the Arctic did not forget the compilers of folk folklore:

  • The ocean in the north is cold, covered with ice, but shallow.
  • Small, in ice floes, not deep, but on the map it is high. Where the pole and frost, sheltered the sea of thunderstorms.

Such children's riddles about the ocean will create associations about the cold, ice-covered large water, whose name is the Arctic Ocean.

Mainland: North and South America

In addition to the blue shades, there are other colors on the globe - yellow, brown, green and white - this is land. Third graders get acquainted with all six continents that are on the planet, and if the people came up with riddles about the ocean with answers, then the continents, islands and even atolls also did not go unheeded:

  • The ring is like a island, and it's not easy to get there, I found that coral on the globe ... (Atoll).
  • He is small and big, surrounded by water (Island).

In the third grade, pupils are visually examined by each of the continents. They learn that in the western part of the hemisphere is the continent of America, consisting of two parts - the North and the South. Before studying this material, the children learned riddles about the ocean, and what it is. Therefore, they understand well when they are told that the American continent is washed by the Pacific, Atlantic, and in North America also by the Arctic Ocean.

In North America, one of the longest rivers in the world of Mississippi flows, and in the South - the Amazon. Among the interesting facts about this continent:

  • In the northern part is the Bay of Fundy, known for the largest, up to 17 meters, tides.
  • In South America, the highest waterfall on the planet - 979 meters.
  • There is also the most powerful waterfall - Iguazu.
  • Also, the southern part boasts the hottest place on earth - the Atacama Desert.

There are many similar places on the American continent, so this topic will be interesting to third-graders.

Africa and Australia

It is unlikely that the riddle of an ocean sounds more interesting to children than the story of a whole continent covered in mystery. Africa - a distant continent, located on two sides of the equator, is washed by the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

There is everything that can interest small travelers studying the globe:

  • The impenetrable jungle in which exotic flowers grow, predatory beasts and wild tribes live.
  • Spacious savannahs on which towering mighty baobabs and where elephants, giraffes and cheetahs live.
  • Hot deserts the size of the sea.
  • Here flows the Nile, which was the cradle of the great culture of Ancient Egypt.
  • The great volcano Kilimanjaro rises above everything.
  • In Africa there are deep-water lakes Victoria, Chad and Tanganyika.

150 years ago this continent was a supplier to the Old and New World slaves. Today, it is home to many countries, each with its own history and culture. Children will be interested in riddles about this continent, for example:

  • The deserted Sahara is hot with heat. But among the savannah - elephants and monkeys, lions, zebras and giraffes are walking in the hot ... (Africa).

Flora and fauna of the African continent are so diverse that separate books are devoted to them. Lessons on the discipline "The World around", dedicated to the continents, make it clear to the pupils of the lower grades how great the land is, rich and diverse.

The smallest continent is Australia, which is washed by the Pacific and Indian oceans. Many children know him, because only here live a kangaroo, which is mentioned in the puzzle:

  • Only in the country so remote kangaroos live smart. He will not leave his children, but with him he carries in his bag (Australia).

It is on this continent that there are animals that can not be found elsewhere - echidna, platypus, koala. The emblem of the country with the same name shows kangaroos and emus, but no less interesting is the flora of Australia. Here grow eucalyptus and bottle trees, which have adapted to the hot climate of the continent. In one, the leaves are always turned to the sun by the rib, so that it does not burn them and does not take away moisture, while in another the shape of the barrel in the form of a bottle collects water and consumes gradually in the dry season.


Although the mystery about the Pacific for children or atoll is interesting for schoolchildren, they will surely like the story of the continent, which is located in two parts of the world - Eurasia. It is the largest in size and washed by all the oceans, and folk folklore came up with such a riddle about it:

  • Part of the light and the mainland united forever with another part - Asia and it was called ... (Eurasia).

On this continent there is everything - and the highest mountains in the world, and wide, deep rivers, and vast plains, and dense forests, and salt seas, and hot desert, and deep lakes, so great it is. On it are the countries of Europe, Asia and the Russian Federation.

It is here that the highest mountain in the world, the Jomolungma, is known, known to many as Everest. Also on the territory of Russia is Lake Baikal, recognized as the deepest in the world and the largest lake, called the Caspian Sea.

Eurasia can boast the largest on the planet peninsula - the Arabian, which hosts countries such as Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman.

In the lands of this continent there are many minerals, precious metals, thousands of species of animals live in forests and on plains, and the rivers are full of fish. Pupils of grade 3 in the lesson realize that their homeland is part of Europe and Asia, where numerous peoples with their own language, culture, art and history live.


The last continent is the coldest and most inhospitable. It is located at the South Pole and is covered with ice, which reaches a thickness of 4 km. Even about him there are riddles, for example:

  • There are 2 opposite poles on our globe, and at the South we will find a continent covered with ice!
  • Here, amidst snow-white ice floes, an important penguin tramples. Here the cold is cold, and the penguin is here as a guide. He is ready to tell everyone how beautiful ... (Antarctica).

Although this mainland is located on the South Pole, in fact, the lowest temperatures on the planet, which sometimes reach -89 degrees. In some of its areas live penguins and grow mosses and lichens, but in general it is deserted.

The only temporary inhabitants of this permafrost are scientists from different countries who live in strong and warm scientific laboratories. These people study the ice, its condition, direction and strength of the winds and observe the penguins, the largest of which are called imperial.

Antarctica is washed by the Southern Ocean, as it was conventionally designated by oceanographers. It includes the waters of the southern part of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. In fact, such a world body of water is not officially recognized, so there are no riddles about it yet.

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