Beauty, Hair
Mustard hair mask: tip and recommendation
To have long and healthy hair is the dream of many girls and women. But this dream is not so unrealizable. Regular use of house masks based on mustard will help the fair sex to make the hair strong, soft and shiny. In addition, a mustard hair mask , a tip about which can only be positive, contributes to their growth. Everything is explained by the fact that this spicy seasoning improves blood circulation and, consequently, hair follicles get better nutrition.
Some rules for using home hair masks
How often should a mustard hair mask be used? The recall and recommendations of women using the means based on mustard, say that it all depends on the degree of damage to the hair and the condition of the scalp. If the hair is healthy, the application of masks every seven days will help them to become silky and smooth.
It is advisable to use the mask immediately after you have made it. It is allowed to store in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Before use, warm up the mask to a comfortable temperature using a water bath.
If you put a mask on pre-washed hair, then do a light massage with your fingertips. This will increase the flow of blood and along with it nutrients to the roots of the hair. If you apply the mask to unwashed hair, then massage is not recommended. After all, by doing this you will rub the dust and leftovers for styling in the skin. Keep the product on your hair exactly the specified time (more on the timing later), then rinse with plain water without using a shampoo.
It is important to note that mustard in a jar or in a mask tube is not suitable - it is a food product, where oils, flavorings, preservatives are added. In cosmetology, dry mustard powder is used.
Mustard mask against hair loss
Recipe number 1. Mix two tablespoons. L. Dry mustard powder with two st. L. Water (90 ° C), add one whipped yolk, two tsp. Castor oil and two tsp. Sahara. Apply mask on hair, rinse with water after five minutes.
Recipe number 2. Mix two tablespoons. L. Freshly brewed green tea, one tbsp. L. Powder of mustard and yolk of one egg. Apply the mixture on the hair and wrap the head with a film or put on a shower cap. Leave the mask on for 12 minutes. Then rinse (you can use a shampoo).
Recipe number 3. Mix three tablespoons. L. Finely chopped nettle leaves and mother-and-stepmother, pour a liter of boiling water and insist for 25-30 minutes. Then strain and add the squeezed juice from 3 large fleshy cabbage leaves. In this infusion, add the mustard powder to a consistency of not too thick sour cream. Apply mask to hair, massage and rinse after 5-7 minutes.
Mustard hair mask: tip and advice on its use (if the hair is dry)
The mustard seed from which the oil is squeezed contains a wide range of useful vitamins and nutrients, including protein, calcium, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vitamins A and E. Mustard oil helps keep the hair follicles healthy and strong , Stimulates hair growth and moisturizes them. Mustard mask for dry hair should be made on the basis of oil. Apply mustard oil on the roots and massage gently. Then cover with a food film or a shower cap. If you have dry hair, then treat them with a hair dryer for 12 minutes to ensure better penetration of oil into the hair. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and rinse with cold water.
Mustard hair mask, reviews of which speak of its high efficiency, is especially useful for the care of oily scalp. Already after a couple of weeks of regular use of funds based on mustard, you will see that your hair has become thicker and started to grow faster.
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