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Murad Aji: the forgotten past of the Turks-Kipchaks

Modern science can not boast of a large number of scientists who go against known historical dates and facts. One of them - Murad Adji - not only dared to take such a step, but also became popular in this field. His hypothesis of the migration of the Türkic Kipchaks caused a wide resonance in the scientific environment of historians and ordinary readers. Thus, he earned friends and envious people. Who is Murad Aji?

Biography and creative life

Murad Adji is the pseudonym of Adzhiev Murad Eskenderovich, Kumyk writer and historian. He was born in Moscow on December 9, 1944. Graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University in 1969. Then, as a result of competitive selection, I got a job at the Financial and Economic Institute at the Department of Geography. In addition to the main, he has the profession of a scientific journalist and TV presenter.

In 1989 he left the department to work in the magazine "Around the World". He was engaged in photography and writing essays on small nations, which determined his future path as a writer. Murad began to investigate the history of the Kumyks. A series of essays formed the basis of the book "We are from the Polovetsky family," which was published in 1992 and led to the writer's dismissal from the editorial office. At the moment is a free writer.

For all his creative career, he has written about 400 articles and 30 popular science books, including works for young people and children, published both in Russian and English. One of the special books for Murad Aji is "Siberia: XX Century", which is on the list of banned books of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Hypothesis about the origin of the Türks

According to the author, in the I millennium BC. Began the Great Migration of Nations, which lasted about 10 centuries. The source was Central Asia (or Ancient Altai). Northern India, Indochina, the Middle and Middle East, as well as Europe, were settled by the Turks, which led to their wide geographical and cultural spread in the Middle Ages.

Murad Adji believes that the Türks have distinctive features that represent them as a whole: patterns and ornamentation on products, alphabet, writing and belief in the one god Tengri. According to the author, it was the name of the creator, which had a religious character, that became a term that united the Turkic-speaking peoples as a single whole. Over time, contacts of other peoples with the Turks led to the creation or renewal of Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. According to this hypothesis, the ancient Turkic language was a means of communication between representatives of these religions and was sacred.

History of the Turks

From the hypothesis it becomes clear that for the writer under the pseudonym Murad Aji the history of the Turks is the main theme of the works, for it is she who runs through the entire creative path of the author. The first study was presented in the report on the example of ethnogenesis of the Kumyk people at the symposium "Law and Ethnos" in an international format. In the work the author spoke in detail about the territory of residence, the social, state and cultural structure of the ancient Turks.

According to the author's hypothesis, Desht-i-Kipchak occupied the territory from Lake Baikal and to the Atlantic, including modern Russia, and was the predecessor of Rus, and the Turkic-speaking peoples (the Balkars, Kumyks, Karachais, etc.) descendants of those ancient Turks. His theory with the geography and chronology of the migration author spelled out in the books "We are from the clan Polovetsky" and "Wormwood Polovtsian field."

The next book, "The Mystery of St. George, or Tengri's Gift: From the Spiritual Heritage of the Turks" tells about the formation of Christianity on the basis of Tengrianism, a religion practiced by the Kipchaks (ancient Turks). The theme of the Great Migration continues in a number of other works of Murad Adji. A special place is occupied by the book "The Breath of Armageddon" - the history of Caucasian Albania and wars that began in the 16th century and take place in the modern world.

About the Kazakhs

Research of the author in the search for roots of the Kumyk people led him to Kazakhstan. What does Murad Aji write about the Kazakhs? The writer believes that this people are descendants of the Türkic Kipchaks, who were forced to forget about the past and gave a new name. This means that Kazakhstan is Desht-i-Kipchak - a country that had a highly developed civilization. It was the Kipchaks who invented the method of melting ore and creating tools such as a plow, a tent, a brick, and an oven. These inventions improved the life of the Kipchaks (Turks) and led to their resettlement to India, North Africa, the Near and Middle East, and then to Europe.

Until the 16th century, the population of these countries spoke the ancient Türkic language and professed Tengrianism. According to Murad Aji, Roman, Byzantine, Chinese and Persian civilizations became dependent on the Turks and paid tribute to the Kipchaks. The state of Desht-i-Kipchak lasted until the 17th century, until Peter the Great conquered the free lands of the Cossacks.

Selected works of Murad Aji

Murad Adji, whose books evoke ambiguous reviews from both historians and ordinary readers, believes that dismissal from the editorial office of the magazine led to the birth of a free writer and allowed him to delve into the studies of the Türks-Kipchaks. His ideas he spelled out in the following works:

  • "Wormwood of Polovets field";
  • "The Mystery of St. George, or Gifted Tengri";
  • "Europe, the Turks, the Great Steppe";
  • The Kipchaks;
  • "Türks and the world: a hidden history."

Historians and readers find in these works a lot of contradictions with known dates and facts, but Murad explains this discrepancy by the fact that there was a conspiracy against the Turks between the Greeks and the Romans, so the historical documents were falsified.

Murad Aji: reviews of books

Murad Aji's books aroused great interest both in Russia and in Turkic-speaking countries. It can not be said that the reviews are positive, since historians consider his works to be pseudoscientific, lacking in logic and a serious scientific basis. But, despite the attacks of historians, Murad Aji's works in some Russian universities are included in the lists of recommended literature, and scientists of various specialties mention his works in his scientific research papers.

Although the hypothesis of the resettlement of the Turks was not widespread, Aji is considered one of the significant people who influenced the history of the Altai. In addition, the Baku Slavic University recognized the book "Wormwood of the Polovtsian Field" as the best work on Turkic history, literature and language.

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