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Movies by Lars von Trier
This scandalously famous and outrageous director admitted that, working on the scripts of his films, he gets access to the parallel world, taking drugs and drinking a bottle of vodka a day. It is in the altered state that he works very fruitfully, and ideas do not leave his head.
True, he is trying to engage in negative habits, fearing that after that the artist will die in him, and he is not used to doing "crappy movies". But as soon as the director starts to shoot a new film, he starts drinking again, explaining that this is too important work, and alcohol removes all the worries and emotions. Today, our conversation will focus on the difficult for the audience viewer films Lars von Trier, who calls himself the best director in the world.
Dream of a genius movie
Born in 1956, the creator of mixed films from childhood rebelled against the system, he did not even graduate from the school, opposing her authoritarianism. Looking for himself, Lars mounts video materials in the association of amateur filmmakers, filmed them personally. The young man dreamed of creating a genius movie, focusing on Tarkovsky and Bergman, and get up with them on the same level.
Initially, the great popularity of Lars brings work on Danish television. In 1994, spectators literally stick to the screens, on which there is a fascinating series "Kingdom", which tells of strange paranormal phenomena.
Lars von Trier, whose filmography includes 35 director's and 13 actor's works, understands for himself that much more important than special film technology is a good storyline and excellent artists who sincerely convey the experiences of the characters. He becomes the leader of the movement Dogme 95, fighting for the abolition of unnatural beauty and hypocrisy in the cinema.
"Dancing in the Dark"
The musical drama, which earned him the deserved prize - "The Golden Palm Branch" - in 2000, was completely removed with the help of digital equipment, so that the viewer had the impression of a complete documentary of what was happening. In "Dancing in the Dark" was shot singer Bjork, who was the victim of the particular demanding director Lars von Trier. He tried to achieve maximum believability from the unprofessional actress and brought her to nervous breakdowns, as a result of which she repeatedly left the site with a scandal.
Bjork, whose game was appreciated by the jury of the Cannes festival, admitted that at the time of the murder of a person in the frame, she felt like a real criminal. The singer was not inspired by the experience of working with the director, and she ventured to stay away from the movie.
It should be noted that the heavy character of Lars von Trier is manifested during the filming. There are real legends about how the director brings actors to nervous exhaustion, and many even were going to sue him for episodes that he promised never to show to anyone, but included in his picture. All the actresses remember about the difficulties in working with a brilliant master.
Was not an exception and Nicole Kidman, who appeared in the experimental tape "Dogville". Lars von Trier hoped for a success, but the controversial tape was ignored in Cannes. The actress compared her presence on the set with a nightmare, not always realizing what was going on in the head of the demanding director. It is known about the terrible quarrels during the work on the tape, when Kidman fell into a rage, arguing for each episode.
It is not surprising that after such heated discussions of the relationship, the actress, like Bjork, refused to act in the future with Lars von Trier, although he suggested that she work together again. The film, which narrates about human duplicity and heartlessness, calls into question the Christian commandments. Cheerful Grace, looking for salvation from the mafia, suffers humiliation and abuse in Dogville, and then turns into a murderer who shoots everyone who has been bullied.
The best film, according to critics
The film lacks scenery and special effects, and the picture of Lars von Trier was a theatrical action, in which the streets are signed and the dog is painted. The director follows his concept, focusing the audience's attention on the bright play of the artists and emphasizing once again the title of an excellent psychologist. With a small budget, he told everything he wanted, and every detail was thought through to the smallest detail (which is the name of the street - Elm Street).
Showing the outer wretchedness and dirt, Lars hints at the inner world at first glance of the friendly and respectable 15 city dwellers turning into real bastards. Critics believe that the best creation of the venerable director is Dogville. Lars von Trier admitted that the plot of the tape was written in less than 2 weeks, being in a state of strong intoxication.
However, the director is sure that the best work in his career is "Antichrist", presented at the Cannes Film Festival in 2009. The film critics, who were present at the premiere, met the film with whistling and mocking comments, calling it a misogynistic and insulting one for the audience.
Often leading the actors to nervous breakdowns with their desire to control everything, and he himself was in deep depression rebellious Lars von Trier. "Antichrist", according to the director himself, pulled him out of the abyss, which he managed to immerse himself in, calling the tape his medicine. An outrageous Dane even rejoices when he hears unflattering comments about his brainchild, calling them "music for the ear". He harshly replies that he created a psychological thriller not for someone, but for himself.
Muse of the director
The film "Antichrist" by Lars von Trier argues that the whole trouble is from a woman. It is the true descendant of hell, tormenting all that is good and human that is in this world. In the tape dedicated to A. Tarkovsky, S. Gainsbourg plays, which has already been recognized as a truly heroic woman: she participates in three von Trier paintings, becoming his muse, while other actresses barely stood and one joint work.
In "Antichrist," Charlotte symbolized the devilish nature of a woman who is losing her child and going crazy with feelings of guilt. She leaves with her husband in a house, standing alone in the forest more often, in which really terrible things begin to happen.
The rebel Lars von Trier, whose filmography best describes his inner state, has been shooting 3 minutes a day since 1994, and the final footage will only be in 2024. The plot of the film is kept secret, and there are even secret orders about who will continue to work in the event of Lars's death. The audience only has to wait 8 years to find out what is the most enigmatic project in the whole world cinema.
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